Affichage de 2 résultats

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Saskatoon Seniors Continued Learning

  • MG 278
  • Pièce
  • 1982-2022

This fonds contains administrative records from the Association; these occasionally include correspondence and clippings; more frequently they include financial reports. Materials related to classes and course offerings as well as special events hosted by the SSCL are also included, as are clippings about and publications by the group.

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Margaret "Pearl" Hanning fonds

  • MG 749
  • Pièce
  • ca.1890s-1982 (inclusive); 1935-1982 (predominant)

This fonds contains materials collected and created by Margaret “Pearl” Hanning throughout her life. Predominant are publications by R.W. Robins*, a British collector and author she had a correspondence with. Some correspondence, poems, and pamphlets were found tucked inside these publications. Also are some artifacts relating to the British monarchy and her retirement. Other documents pertaining to her life are also present such as photographs, school work, and her burial certificate.

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