This fonds contains material relating to the research work, students, faculty and administration of the College of Arts and Sciences, and its departments. These records generally contain correspondence, minutes, reports, and memoranda; they may also contain material relating to associated national or international organizations, research articles, and addresses.
University of Saskatchewan. College of Arts and Science. Dean's Office
This fonds consists primarily of lecture notes of classes in mathematics presented at the University of Toronto and Göttingen University in the late 1920s and early 1930s. The notes are from classes taught by J. Chapelon, U. Wegner, C. Krieger, R. Courant, I.R. Pounder, H. Weyl, W. Weber, Landau, and Prandtl and cover a variety of subjects, including differential geometry, function theory, complex variables, and trigonometry. The fonds also includes notes and materials related to the Faculty Club including obituaries for a number of University of Saskatchewan faculty. There are also calendars from the University of New Brunswick.
The Agnes (Frejd) Richards fonds consists of 34 cm of textual records. This includes 16 textbooks brought from Ontario to assist Mrs. Richards in her classroom. The textbooks cover a variety of subjects, such as poetry, composition, history, nature study, and arithmetic.