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Cosmo Drama Club fonds

  • MJ-176
  • Fondo
  • 1991-2007

This fonds reflects the activities of the Cosmo Drama Club. It is comprised of three series: general business records, scrapbooks, and skits and workshops. It includes financial records, such as receipts and account balances, meeting minutes, memorabilia, skit scripts and an audiocassette of a workshop.

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Beverley fonds

  • SCM-RG-0005
  • Fondo
  • 2000

The fonds consists of records of the Beverley Community Club as well as the Beverley School District Number 1172.

Kiwanis Club of Swift Current fonds

  • SCM-RG-0010
  • Fondo
  • 1921

The fonds, related to the Kiwanis Club of Swift Current, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described.

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Saint George's Society fonds

  • SCM-RG-0068
  • Fondo
  • 1980 - 2000

The fonds, related to the Saint George's Society, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:

1 box of photo albums
-Photo Album (scrapbook) (green in colour with Union Jack on front cover) – various newspaper clippings, invitations, photographs (101 in total), letters and telegrams; 1980-1983.
-Photo Album (red/brown in colour) - various newspaper clippings, invitations, photographs (174 in total), letters and telegrams; 1984-1987.
-Photo Album (red in colour) - various newspaper clippings, invitations, photographs (147 in total), letters and telegrams; 1987-1990.
-Photo Album (white in colour) - various newspaper clippings, invitations, photographs (158 in total; negatives and extra prints in separate envelopes), letters and telegrams; 1990-1994.
-Photo Album (white in colour) - various newspaper clippings, invitations, photographs (143 in total; negatives and extra prints in separate envelopes), letters and telegrams; 1994-1999.

1 box of textual records
-Folder # 1 – Meeting Minutes; 1980.
-Folder # 2 – Meeting Minutes; 1981.
-Folder # 3 – Meeting Minutes; 1982.
-Folder # 4 – Meeting Minutes; 1983.
-Folder # 5 – Meeting Minutes; 1984.
-Folder # 6 – Financial Records (statements, Treasurer’s Reports, receipts); 1980-1991.
-Folder # 7 – Miscellaneous records (correspondence, permits, receipts, reports, action plans, etc.); 1980-1992.
-Folder # 8 – Reports; 1980-1995.
-Folder # 9 – ‘Dickens Evening’; 1986.
-Folder # 10 – Membership; 1980-1981.
-Folder # 11 – Meeting Minutes; 1984-2000.
-Folder # 12 – Various records: Questionnaire (1988); Card and Letters of Thanks Received; Executive Meeting Minutes (1985-1986); Presidents and Executive Reports (1985-1986); St. George’s Society Newsletter (April, 1994); Membership Lists; Correspondence (1986); Miscellaneous; Various Reports (1986-1987); Constitution; Saskatchewan Multicultural Council Information (1986-1988).
-St. George’s Society: Correspondence, President; 1980-1983.
-Greetings (includes 40 loose colour photographs)

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St. David’s Society fonds

  • MJ-172
  • Fondo
  • 1914-1915

This fonds contains one minute book from the St. David’s Society. It contains minutes for the club’s minutes from 1914-1915.

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Jean Pearson fonds

  • SCM-RG-0046
  • Fondo
  • 1932 - 2007

The fonds, related to the University Women's Club of Swift Current, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:

Folder #1: contains information pertaining to the Dorothy Goddard Scholarship, including winners from 1946 to 2005; agreement acknowledging the University Women’s Club (UWC) as the trustees for the Scholarship Fund; application information; the history of the Dorothy Goddard Scholarship

Folder #2: University Women’s Club - Swift Current constitution, July 2003

Folder #3: documents pertaining to the transfers of the University Women’s Club minutes to the Saskatchewan Archives Board, 2007

Folder #4: correspondence, re: painting purchased by the UWC; brief to the law reform commission, re: “Tentative Proposals for Reform of the Matrimonial Property Act”, by Swift Current Council of Women, 1985.

Volume #1: black scrapbook fastened with two rings, contains newspaper clippings and photographs (#1 - #17, see list below) from the inception of the Club in 1931, clipping on club activities and members until ca.1970, program for the 50th Anniversary of the UWC in Saskatoon, 1969

Volume #2: blue scrapbook containing photographs (#18 - #44, see list below) and newspaper clippings pertaining to the club from 1970 to 1984; executive and committee list and programs for 1973-74, 1977-81; Constitution, 1975; program form the CFUW (Canadian Federation of University Women) Saskatchewan Spring Conference on International Women’s Year, 1975; handwritten write up on the history of the club, 1975; correspondence, 1980; copy of an invitation to join the club from 1981; constitution, no date

Volume #3: blue scrapbook containing photographs (#45 - #60, see below) and newspaper clippings pertaining to the club from 1983 to 1990; executive and committee list and programs for 1983-90; program for the CFUW (Canadian Federation of University Women) Triennial, 1985; copy of the CFUW newsletter, “cfuw nuws”, 1985; membership list, 1987-89; correspondence, 1990

Volume #4: white binder labeled “Swift Current University Women’s Club (SCUWC)/Archives 1990 – 2005”, containing information pertaining to the SCUWC, including past presidents, annual highlights and projects, a paper entitled “Swift Current University Women’s Club 1930 – 1988/A Mirror of Change: by Dianne Miller; photographs (#61 - #80, see list below); paper entitled “Swift Current University Women’s Club Celebrating 60th Anniversary”; copies of newspaper clippings pertaining to the club ca. 1990s; correspondence, 1991; membership lists and program lists, 1991-2005; documents entitled “Swift Current University Women’s Club and the Environment” and “Swift Current University Women’s Club” (history of the organization); certificate from the Canadian Federation of University Women, 2001;

Volume #5: pale green book labeled “Sept 1956 – 2003/Swift Current University Women's Club Programs and Membership Lists”, containing various annual programs, executive and committee members, and membership lists from 1956 – 2003; write ups on the SCUCW history

Photograph list:
Volume 1:

1. UWC tea, 1932, no names

2. UWC tea, ca. 1947, no names

3. UWC gathering, ca. 1946, individuals are as follows: back row - Diana Cooper, ?, ?, ?, Mrs. W.A. Beatty, Mrs. (Marie?) Rooney, front row – Belle Reid, Helen Jones, A. McDonoghan (Mrs. A. Smith), Mrs. L.B. Thomson, N. Southon, Mary Ellen Blackenship (2 copies)

4. UWC, 1953, individuals are as follows: back row – Mrs. P. (Marie?) Rooney, Diana Cooper, Jean MacNab, Agnes Thorson, Mrs. Mudiman, Margaret Ross, front row – Dorothy Goddard, Hattie Peters, Joan Shirriff, Therese Le Claire

5. UWC of SC with visitors from Malta, Montana, individuals in the photo include Agnes Thorson and Joan Shirriff; visitors from Malta are Helen Pierce, Hattie Peters, Jean Thompson and Phoebe Mathie (photo taken at Irene Irwin’s house)

6. UWC of SC and visitors from Malta, Montana having lunch at the S.S. Café

7. Six (6) UWC members leaving town in May 1966, re: Bernice Beres, Gloria Jacobs, Agnes Thorson, Mary-Jane Hourigan

8. UWC members Mrs. J.P. Rooney and Agnes Thorson (who is leaving town)

9. UWC members Mrs. J.P. Rooney and Agnes Thorson, holding a picture given to her by the club on the occasion of her leaving town

10. UWC members, 1966

11. two members of the UWC by a pottery kiln purchased by the club ca. 1959 for adult education classes, the man in the photo is the hired instructor, Terry Prysiazniuk

12 - #15. Individuals engaged in a pottery class

16. Helen Pierce and Ada Rooney

17. Two women and one man by a pottery kiln

Volume 2:

18: UWC members, individuals are as follows: front row – Sandy Roberts, Dixie Green, Dorothy Irwin, Phoebe Bunnell, Ada Rooney, Donna Anderson, Helen Pierce, Jeanne Sirs, scholarship award winners Hazel Johnson, Corry Werkhoven, and Maureen Lamb, middle row – Irene Irwin, Laura Thompson, Mary Ellen Stewart, Joan Peterson, Betty Ann Honsey, Muriel Nimegeers, Maureen Tynan, Marion Doidge, Betty Menzies, Terry LeClaire, back row – Lillian McBean, Marian Oberg, Diana MacMillan, Colleen McBean, Gina McNabb, Sandra Hill, Leola Moore, Eileen Wilson, Liz Dowdeswell, Jean Read, Jean McClure, Diana Cooper, Mary Vance.

19 - #20: Ada Rooney

21. Identical to #18

22. Sandra Roberts and Agnes Thoreson reminiscing with charter member Ada Rooney on her 90th birthday

23. Sandra Hill at the 50th Anniversary of the SC UWC

24. Marion Doidge, Ada Rooney, Bea Harding, Agnes Thorson, Anna Smith and Ann Rigney at the 50th Anniversary of the SC UWC

25 - #30. Displays at the 50th Anniversary of the SC UWC

31. Carol Boyd Lunn, Provincial Director Connie Tate, Jean Pearson, Sandra Hinks, Sandra Hill and Helen Girodat at the 50th Anniversary of the SC UWC

32. Marion Doidge, Ruth Robinson, and Helen G. at the 50th Anniversary of the SC UWC

33. Cake at the 50th Anniversary of the SC UWC

34. Sandra Hill and Connie Tate at a luncheon

35. Jean Pearson, Carol Lunn, Ada Rooney, Marion Doidge, Maureen Tynan, Dolly Kennedy (Western Vice President), Norma Hain, Sandra Hill, Arlene Peltier, Jeanne Craddock, and Fran Clark at a luncheon

36. Ann Rignog, Anna Ruth Houston, Agnes Thorson, Bea Harding, Jeanne Craddock, Fran Clarke, Arlene Peltier, Dolly Kennedy, Fran Clarke and Jean Read at a luncheon

37. decoration at the 50th Anniversary of the SC UWC

38. Bea Harding, Norma Hain, Anna Smith, Agnes Thoreson, Marion Doidge, Carol Lunn, Connie Tate, Ada Rooney at the 50th Anniversary of the SC UWC

39. members of the SC UWC, unidentified

40. Connie Tate, Sandra Hill, Dolly Kennedy at the 50th Anniversary of the SC UWC

41. Maxine Penner and Marion Oldberg

42. Sandra Hill and Marion Oldberg

43 - #44. SC UWC members at Spring Salad Party, 1983, individuals are as follows: back row – Zoria Shumay, Sandra Hill, Laurie Jackson, Linda Ashley, Terry LeClaire, Carol Boychuk, Lilianne Chilson, Mary Ann Chuike, Elva Raymond, Lynn Gosslink, middle row – Joy Motion, Arlene Peltier, Kim Knowlton, Jenn Read, Brenna Stoldhandske, Denise McKechnie, front row – Norma Hain, Jean Pearson, Jackie Schaitel, Sheila McLeod and Libby Jame

Volume 3.

45 - #46. SC UWC members at Spring Salad Supper, 1984, individuals are as follows: back row – Sheila McLeod, Maryann McLaughlin, Eileen Wilson, Marion Doidge, Kim Knowlton, Shirley Brennan, Terry LeClaire, Sandra Hill, Fran Clark, Darlene Miller, front row – Zoria Shumay, Jean Pearson, Jackie Schaitel, Libby Jame, Brenna Stolhandske, Elva Raymond.

47. SC UWC members at Spring Salad Supper, 1985, individuals are as follows: Lynn Gosselink, Marion Doidge, Elva Raymond, Denise McKechnie, Ling Tan, Kim Knowlton, Libby Jame, Jackie Schaitel, Darlene Miller, Eileen Wilson, Maryann McLaughlin, Terry LeClaire, Anna Smith, Jean Pearson, Sandra Hill, Brenna Stolhandske

48 - #53. Photos taken by Lynn Gosselink when she attended the CFUW Triennial in Calgary, 1985

54. SC UWC members at Spring Salad Party, 1986, individuals are as follows: back row - Marion Doidge, Jackie Schaitel, Sandra Hill, Elva Raymond, front row – Diana Ciona, Phoebe Bunnell, Pat Brososky

55. SC UWC members at Spring Salad Party, 1986, individuals are as follows: Joan Foster, Shirley Brennan, Jean Pearson, Tamra Button, Anna Smith, Lynn Gosselink, Ling Tan, Jean Read, Terry LeClaire

56. SC UWC members at Spring Salad Party, 1986, individuals are not identified

57. SC UWC members, 1987-88, back row – Lynn Gosselink, Brenna Stolhandske, Phoebe Bunnell, front row – Glenda Budz, Anna Smith, Elva Raymond, Joan Foster, Dorlas Bratvold

58 - #60. SC UWC members, 1987-88, back row – Dorlas Bratvold, Marilyn Berreth, Jean Pearson, Elva Raymond, Joan Foster, Sandra Hill, Lynn Gosselink, , middle row – Jackie Schaitel, Anna Smith, Brenna Stolhandske, Glenda Budz, front for – Phoebe Bunnell, Cynthia Lord, __

Volume 4.

61. Dorma Guedo, Phoebe Bunnell and Dianne Miller at the 60th Anniversary of the SC UWC, 1990

62. Phoebe Bunnell and Dorma Guedo at the 60th Anniversary of the SC UWC, 1990

63. Terry LeClaire and other members at the 60th Anniversary of the SC UWC, 1990

64. Dorlas Bratvold and Elva Raymond at the 60th Anniversary of the SC UWC, 1990

65. Dianne Miller at the 60th Anniversary of the SC UWC, 1990

66. Dorma Guedo and Brenna Stolhandske at the 60th Anniversary of the SC UWC, 1990

67 - #70. Members at the 60th Anniversary of the SC UWC, 1990

71. Cake at the 60th Anniversary of the SC UWC, 1990

72. SC UWC members Doreen Roberts, Lillian Baba, Beryl Robinson and Terry Toews in 1999

73. SC UWC members, Sharon Veer, Brenna Stolhandske, Sandra Hill and Donna Hanel in 1999

74. SC UWC members Sandra Hill, Donna Hanel, Elva Raymond and Dorlas Bratvold in 1999

75. SC UW members Sharon Veer, Phoebe Bunnell, Doreen Roberts, Dorlas Bratvold, in 2000

76. SC UW members Beryl Robinson, Elva Raymond, Michelle Koop and Bula Ghosh, in 2000

77. SC UW member Jean Read, in 2000

78. SC UW members Viviane Dunn, Brenna Stolhandske, Sharon Veer, in 2000

79 and #80. SC UW members Dorlas Bratvold, Sandra Hill, Gayleen Turner, in 2000

Series 9: Programs and Membership lists, 1956 to 2003.

Kiwanis Club of Prairie Pioneers fonds

  • SCM-RG-0057
  • Fondo
  • 1965 - 2011

The fonds, related to the Kiwanis Club of Prairie Pioneers, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
Box 1.
Envelope 1:
Seven volumes of Kiwanis Club songbooks, ca. 1965 - 1978 ; 6 copies of the program for the Charter Night of the Kiwanis Club of Prairie Pioneers (KCoPP), 1979; KCoPP newsletter, May 1990 to November 1991; KCoPP Club Roster, 1990 – 1991, 1991 – 1992; program for Installation of Officers, 1992; minutes and correspondence, July 1979 – May 1981

Volume 1:
-correspondence and minutes of the KCoPP regular meetings, August 31, 1994 – July 1998 (1995 to 1997 is missing); newsletter of the KCoPP, November 1991, October 1994 – September 1998 (not complete); newsletter of the Kiwanis Club of Columbia Missouri, Golden K Nuggets, January 1996 – June 1997

Discrete objects (plaques):
Saskatchewan Abilities Council, Ability Bowl Fifteen, 2003; Saskatchewan Abilities Council, Ability Bowl Sixteen, 2004; Wheatland Mall Irish Stew Contest, for the Heart and Stroke Foundation, 1990; Wheatland Mall Irish Stew Contest, for the Heart and Stroke Foundation, 1991; Kidney Foundation of Canada Community Award, 1997; framed certificate, Affirmation of Friendship between the Prairie Pioneers Kiwanis Club of Swift Current and the Golden-K Kiwanis Club of Columbia, Missouri

Box 2.
Volume 1:
-scrapbook containing printed material, correspondence, photographs, annual reports, newspaper clipping, etc. pertaining to the KCoPP, 1979 – 1983 (Dark Blue book labeled "My Kiwanis Year")

  1. First President Oliver Olson and his wife Buelah, 1979-1980
  2. Second President Dan Pavelick receiving the gavel from outgoing President Oliver Olson, Lt. Gov. Gerry Bobbitt in the foreground.
  3. Third President Ralph Thistlethwaite with his wife Donnie, with Bertha and Dan Pavelick
  4. Bertha and Dan Pavelick, taken at Installation Night
  5. Bertha and Dan Pavelick, 1980 – 1981
  6. Executive and Directors, Ralph Thistlethwaite, Dan Pavelick, Cliff Gatzke and Joe Wharington
  7. Beulah and Oliver Olsen and Bertha and Dan Pavelick, by a car with a “Kiwanis Club Of Prairie Pioneers” sign, for a parade
  8. Beulah Olsen and Bertha Pavelick, by a car with a “Kiwanis Club Of Prairie Pioneers”, sign for a parade
  9. three unidentified individuals by a KCoPP parade float
  10. Hoffman Powley and Ralph Thistlethwaite, by a KCoPP parade float
  11. Joe Dickie, Jim Culham, Joe Frost and Cliff Gatzke, Joe F. and Cliff are “Keepers of the Gate and Toll and Head Counters”, 1980 – 1981
  12. Past President Oliver Olson and Incoming President Ralph Thistlethwaite, 1981 – 1982
  13. Ralph Thistlethwaite giving a presentation called 'Facts And Fiction'
  14. KCoPP members around a table, Howard Wiley, Alex Dienert, Hoffman Powley, Ed Melhoff, Joe Dickie, Willis Whitby, Bill Whitell, Cec Jackson, Joe Wharington, Peter Jenzen and Cliff Gatzke
  15. Clyde Hay at a podium
  16. Cecil Smith
  17. Reg Shaw at a podium
  18. Ivy (Ivan) Horner at a podium, 1980 – 1981
  19. Bob Steinborn at a podium, 1980 – 1981
  20. John Hettel at a podium, 1980 – 1981
  21. Reg Crisp at a podium, 1980 – 1981
    22–23. Oliver Olson at a podium
  22. Oliver Olson seated and Willis Whitby at a podium
    25-26. Dan Pavelick at a podium, 1980 – 1981
    27-28. Hoffman Powley at a podium
  23. Joe Wharrington at a podium, 1980 – 1981
    30-31. Presentation of Memorial Plaque to Dan Pavelick by designer and donor Ivy Horner
  24. KCoPP Executive, 1981 - 1982
    33-39. KCoPP members on a tour of the Matador Co-op Farm, tour given by Lorne Dietrick
  25. Incoming President Ed Melhoff receives gavel from past President Ralph Thistlethwaite
  26. Ed Melhoff installed as President by Lt. Gov. Wilf Churchman
  27. Members of KCoPP presenting a prize of an electric mixer.
  28. The KCoPP had a talk about Jamaica and made a donation to the Hurricane Gilbert relief effort in 1988.
  29. KCoPP member presenting something.
  30. KCoPP at Four Season Habitat Project with hosts Arnold and Ruby Zable of Simmie.
  31. Arnold Zable providing entertainment at the KCoPP event at Four Season Habitat Project, April 10, 1989.
  32. KCoPP Past President Larry Church greeting current KCoPP President Wanda Eddingfield at Four Season Habitat Project event, April 10, 1989.
  33. KCoPP Past Lieutentant Governor Frank Smith installing Directors Peder Myhr, Hewitt Murch, Leonard Sabine, Art Copeland, and Earl Dewar at KCoPP event at Four Season Habitat Project, April 10, 1989.
  34. KCoPP members presenting an award at KCoPP event at Four Season Habitat Project, April 10, 1989.
  35. KCoPP members at KCoPP event at Four Season Habitat Project, April 10, 1989.
  36. KCoPP members Bob Steinborn, Dan Pavelick, Lawrence Schatkoski, and Joe Dickie selling Irish Stew in the Wheatland Mall.
    52.KCoPP members John Hette, Jack Bloye, Ed Melhoff, Earl Dewar, and Leonard Sabine selling Irish Stew in the Wheatland Mall.
  37. People eating the Irish Stew they purchased from KCoPP in Wheatland Mall.
  38. Signage including local service clubs including ACT, Kinsmen, Royal Canadian Legion, Elks, Freemasons, Knights of Columbus, Rotary, Lions, Kiwanis, and Kiwanis Club of Prairie Pioneers.
  39. Nine children holding envelopes.
  40. The "Money Changers"of KCoPP, Alex Diemert, Adam Schafer, Ray Miller, and John Deg, 1989-1990.
  41. The 1990-1991 Directors of KCoPP, Lawrence Schatkoski, Alex Diemert, Neil Oryall, and Peder Myhr, and in front, Gladys Eddingfield and Larry Church.
  42. KCoPP Past President Wanda Eddingfield handing the gavel to President John Hettel.
  43. KCoPP Past President Wanda Eddingfield and President John Hettel making the transition between them.
  44. Ed Melhoff presenting KCoPP Past President Wanda Eddingfield the Past President`s Pin.
  45. A number of KCoPP members and their spouses. Ed Melhoff and Dan Pavelick are preparing speeches.
  46. Dan Pavelick is welcoming spouses to the KCoPP meeting.
  47. A Barbershop Quartet made up of John Remple, Erland Sundby, Leo Wengel, and George Benn is in place to perform at the KCoPP meeting.
  48. KCoPP Lieutenant Governor Jerry MacLennon greets Vice-President Norman Beach, John Hettel and Hewitt Murch are also in the picture.
  49. Head table at KCoPP event with Stu McBean, Lillian McBean, Eileen Maclennon, Lt. Gov. Jerry Maclennon, and Past President Wanda Eddingfield.
  50. Head table at KCoPP event with Past President Wanda Eddingfield, President John Hettel, Gladys Eddingfield, Larry Church, Eileen Church, Treasurer Hewitt Murch, Betty Murch, and John Deg.
  51. KCoPP Past President Wanda Eddingfield presenting a donation to Ron DePauw of the local Judo club.
  52. KCoPP member Gene Berg presenting a donation to Anne Wiebe of the Southwest Crisis Centre.

Volume 2:
Blue album with gold trim, contains correspondence, "Suggested Program Outline", photographs, all from 1980.

  1. KCoPP President Harry Stewart walking from the buffet line at a luncheon.
  2. KCoPP President Harry Stewart walking with a plate of food.
  3. KCoPP First President Oliver Olson speaking at the luncheon.
  4. R. Crusp, Geo. Taylor, Ray Loisicar, and Joe Wharington.
  5. Head table at KCoPP luncheon.
  6. Bagpipers announcing head table guests at KCoPP luncheon.
  7. KCoPP President Al Scott making a presentation at the luncheon.
  8. Head table guests at KCoPP luncheon.

Volume 3:
Black binder with gold trim, contains photographs of KCoPP members and events.

  1. Members of KCoPP, including Al Wharinton, Howard Wiley, Peter Janzen, Joe Frot, George Tayler, and Ivy Horner.
  2. First President of KCoPP, Oliver Olson, President from 1979-1980, giving a speech.
  3. Dan Pavelick, first vice-president from 1979-1980, and second President, presiding from 1980-1981, giving a speech.
  4. People at a KCoPP event. (2)
  5. People at a KCoPP event. (2)
  6. Initiation of Stuart McBean as KCoPP President for 1987-1988.
  7. George Benn speaking at a podium at a KCoPP event in 1987-1988. (2)
  8. KCoPP Past President Wanda Eddingfield 1989-1990.(3)
  9. KCoPP Past President Wanda Eddingfield and Lieutenant Governor Jerry MacLennan.
  10. 1990-1991 KCoPP Lieutenant Governor Jerry MacLennan with Stuart McBean and John Hettel.
  11. KCoPP Past President Wanda Eddingfield giving a speech. (2)
  12. KCoPP President John Hettel giving a speech.
  13. KCoPP Lt. Gov. Jerry MacLennan shaking hands with Hewitt Murch. John Hettel is in the lower corner, 1990-1991.
  14. KCoPP Past President Wanda Eddingfield and Lieutenant Governor Jerry MacLennan.
  15. KCoPP members Gene Berg, Ed Melhoff, Lawerence Schatkoski, and John Hettel in 1990-1991.
  16. KCoPP members eating at a table.
  17. KCoPP members eating at a table.
  18. KCoPP Past President Wanda Eddingfield and Lieutenant Governor Jerry MacLennan presenting something to President John Hettel.
  19. KCoPP Past President Wanda Eddingfield and Lieutenant Governor Jerry MacLennan presenting something to President John Hettel.
  20. KCoPP Directors 1990-1991: Lawerence Schatkoski, A. Diemer, N. Oryall, Peder Myhr, Earl Dewar.
  21. KCoPP members lined up.
  22. KCoPP members lined up.
  23. KCoPP 1990-1991 Past President Wanda Eddingfield and President John Hettel.
  24. KCoPP members in a hall.
  25. KCoPP members at the head table at an event.
  26. KCoPP members in a hall.
  27. KCoPP members talking at an event.
  28. KCoPP members at a podium.
  29. Rhythmic gymnasts performing for KCoPP, Easter 1991.
  30. Rhythmic gymnasts performing for KCoPP, Easter 1991.
  31. Rhythmic gymnasts performing for KCoPP, Easter 1991.
  32. Rhythmic gymnasts performing for KCoPP, Easter 1991.
  33. Rhythmic gymnasts performing for KCoPP, Easter 1991.
  34. Rhythmic gymnasts performing for KCoPP, Easter 1991.
  35. KCoPP Past President Wanda Eddingfield presenting something to someone.
  36. Barbershop Quartet performing for KCoPP, Easter 1991.
  37. Dick Hopley with an ostrich egg painted by J. Robertson. (2)
  38. Ostrich egg painted by J. Robertson.
  39. KCoPP member Gene Berg presenting donation to Anne Wiebe of the Swift Current Crisis Centre.
  40. KCoPP Past President Wanda Eddingfield presenting donation to Ron Depauw of the Swift Current Judo Club.
  41. People at the Irish Stew event at the Wheatland Mall.
  42. People eating Irish Stew at tables at the Wheatland Mall.
  43. Distribution of bowls at the Irish Stew competition at Wheatland Mall in 1991.
  44. People at the KCoPP booth at the Irish Stew competition at Wheatland Mall in 1991.
  45. George Benn at the Irish Stew competition at Wheatland Mall in 1991.
  46. Bun distribution at the Irish Stew competition at Wheatland Mall in 1991.
  47. ACT booth at Irish Stew competition at Wheatland Mall in 1991.
  48. Booth at Irish Stew competition at Wheatland mall in 1991.
  49. Lions and ACT booths at Irish Stew competition at Wheatland Mall in 1991.
  50. People eating at Irish Stew competition at Wheatland Mall in 1991.
  51. Distributing bowls at Irish Stew competition at Wheatland Mall in 1991.
  52. Lions Club booth at Irish Stew competition at Wheatland Mall in 1991.
  53. KCoPP booth at Irish Stew competition at Wheatland Mall in 1991.
  54. ACT booth at Irish Stew competition at Wheatland Mall in 1991.
  55. KCoPP 1990-1991 Past President John Hettel.
  56. Installation of 1990-1991 KCoPP Past President John Hettel by Lieutenant Governor John Kuc.
  57. KCoPP members Wanda Eddingfield and Larry Church.
  58. KCoPP Past President John Hettel.
  59. 1991 KCoPP Lt. Gov John Kuc and Secretary Stuart McBean.
  60. KCoPP member George Benn and his guest.
  61. KCoPP 1991 President Norman Beach.
  62. KCoPP Members Stuart McBean and Wanda Eddingfield, and Lillian McBean at the head table at an event.
  63. Stuart McBean, John Hettel, Neil Oryall, Larry Church, and Ron Philip at KCoPP event.
  64. 1991 Lt. Gov. John Kuc and KCoPP President Norman Beach, and Philis Beach.
  65. KCoPP 1991-1992 Directors Ross Wells, Dick Hopley, Herb Lynnes, and Lt. Gov. John Kuc.
  66. KCoPP 1992-1993 Past President Norman Beach and Lt. Gov. Wanda Eddingfield.
  67. KCoPP 1992-1993 President Peder Myhr.
  68. KCoPP 1992-1993 Past President Norman Beach.
  69. KCoPP 1992-1993 Past President Norman Beach.
  70. Doc's Town machine wheel from KCoPP trip to Doc's Town.
  71. Doc's Town dishes on a table from KCoPP trip to Doc's Town.
  72. Doc's Town machine wheel from KCoPP trip to Doc's Town.
  73. Large hoop from KCoPP trip to Doc's Town.
  74. People entering Doc's Town blacksmith from KCoPP trip to Doc's Town.
  75. People in Doc's Town church from KCoPP trip to Doc's Town.
  76. Sign at Doc's Town blacksmith from KCoPP trip to Doc's Town.
  77. People in Doc's Town church from KCoPP trip to Doc's Town.
  78. Doc's Town church from KCoPP trip to Doc's Town.
  79. People on the ramp to the McLatchie Farm house at Doc's Town from KCoPP trip to Doc's Town.
  80. People in Doc's Town church from KCoPP trip to Doc's Town.
  81. Sign from McLatchie Farm house at Doc's Town from KCoPP trip to Doc's Town.
  82. People at Doc's Town from KCoPP trip to Doc's Town.
  83. People eating at the 1992 KCoPP Christmas party.
  84. People eating at the 1992 KCoPP Christmas party.
  85. People eating at the 1992 KCoPP Christmas party.
  86. People eating at the 1992 KCoPP Christmas party.
  87. People at the buffet at the 1992. KCoPP Christmas party.
  88. People eating at the 1992 KCoPP Christmas party.
  89. People eating at the 1992 KCoPP Christmas party.
  90. People eating at the 1992 KCoPP Christmas party.
  91. KCoPP making a donation to the Salvation Army.
  92. KCoPP making a donation to the Salvation Army.
  93. KCoPP and Salvation Army members eating at the 1992 KCoPP Christmas Party.
  94. KCoPP making a donation to the Salvation Army.
  95. Family Reunion Group of McCord singing for KCoPP.
  96. KCoPP members at a podium.
  97. Family Reunion Group of McCord singing for KCoPP.
  98. A Barbershop quartet there to perform for KCoPP.
  99. The Eagles' Hall ladies being acknowledged for the food they make for KCoPP.
  100. The Eagles' Hall ladies being acknowledged for the food they make for KCoPP.
  101. KCoPP President Peder Myhr presenting a check acknowledging the Eagles' Hall ladies for the food they make for KCoPP.
  102. KCoPP ringing bells at a Salvation Army kettle.
  103. Odds and Ends Orchestra performing for KCoPP Father's Day 1993.
  104. Odds and Ends Orchestra performing for KCoPP Father`s Day 1993.
  105. Odds and Ends Orchestra performing for KCoPP Father`s Day 1993.
  106. Odds and Ends Orchestra performing for KCoPP Father`s Day 1993.
  107. Song leaders Marguerite White and Betty Murch with KCoPP Vice President, Lawrence Schatkoski at Father`s Day 1993.
  108. Man in a belt with a hubcap buckle labelled 'Pete Perrin 1993'
  109. KCoPP members that supervised the Doc's Town Heritage House during the 1993 fair, John Deg, Clair Brunsdon, Al Brunsdon, and Jim White.
  110. Odds and Ends Orchestra performing for KCoPP Father`s Day 1993.
  111. Odds and Ends Orchestra performing for KCoPP Father`s Day 1993.
  112. Odds and Ends Orchestra performing for KCoPP Father`s Day 1993.
  113. Odds and Ends Orchestra performing for KCoPP Father`s Day 1993.
  114. 1993 KCoPP President Lawrence Schatkoski.
  115. KCoPP Past President Peder Myhr passing the gavel to 1993 President Lawrence Schatkoski.
  116. 1993 KCoPP Past President Peder Myhr.
  117. 1993 KCoPP Past President Peder Myhr.
  118. 1993 KCoPP member.
  119. 1993 KCoPP member Norman Beach. (3)
  120. KCoPP bus tour to Maple Creek Museum and Fort Walsh in 1993.
  121. Eagle ladies, caterers for KCoPP, are entertaining the club. They include Kathy Wanner, Jean Demaer, Wes Howes, Betty Pribyl, Maureen, Hoogveen, and Barb Froese.
  122. Marguerite White with the bus that took KCoPP to Fort Walsh.
  123. 1993 KCoPP President Lawrence Schatkoski selling tickets for a raffle of a microwave at the Wheatland Mall.
  124. “Eagles Christmas Bunnies”
  125. The winner of the 1993 KCoPP Microwave raffle.
  126. KCoPP member Fred Homann operating a Salvation Army kettle.
  127. Presenting a cheque to the Salvation Army at the 1993 KCoPP Christmas Party.
  128. Shaking hands at the 1993 KCoPP Christmas party.
  129. Making a draw at the podium at the 1993 KCoPP Christmas party.
  130. A brass ensemble performing at the 1993 KCoPP Christmas party.
  131. Head table at the 1993 KCoPP Christmas party.
  132. Presenting a cheque at the 1993 CKoPP Christmas party.
  133. Head table at the 1993 KCoPP Christmas party.
  134. Eagles ladies, the caterers of the 1993 KCoPP Christmas party.
  135. KCoPP members Hewitt Murch and John Hettel selling Christmas trees at Wheatland Mall.
  136. President Lawrence Schatkoski giving KCoPP member Jim White an appropriate sendoff.
  137. Trees at the KCoPP Christmas tree booth at Wheatland Mall.
  138. KCoPP President Lawrence Schatkoski at a podium at the head table at a Valentine event.
  139. Jack Bloye, KCoPP Youth Services Charman and Co-founder of the Fairview Builders’ Club.
  140. Janelle Belter, the Charter President of the Fairview Builders’ Club formed in the Fall of 1993.
  141. Jack Bloye, Wanda Eddingfield, Janelle Belter, and Fairview Principal Diane Yee.
  142. KCoPP Lieutenant Governor Wanda Eddingfield, Co-Founder of the Fairview Builders’ Club presents membership pins.
  143. KCoPP members making Irish Stew at the Wheatland Mall.
  144. KCoPP Irish Stew booth at Wheatland Mall.
  145. People eating KCoPP Irish Stew at the Wheatland Mall.
  146. KCoPP members at their Irish Stew booth at Wheatland Mall.
  147. KCoPP member Herb Lyness giving the 'Toast to ladies' at the Valentine event in 1994.
  148. Four men performing at the KCoPP Valentine event in 1994.
  149. KCoPP member selling apples in Wheatland Mall.
  150. Gordon Budd and Bev Knight in costumes and singing at KCoPP Mother’s Day event in 1994.
  151. New KCoPP member Elmer with sponsor Stu McBean and Frank Smith.
  152. KCoPP President Lawrence Schatkoski welcoming new member Elmer.
  153. New KCoPP member Gordon being welcomed by President Lawrence Schatkoski.
  154. New KCoPP member Gordon with sponsor Jack Bloye and Frank Smith.
  155. KCoPP member Ed Melhoff responding to the toast at the Father’s Day event.
  156. Grunerud gives a tribute to fathers at KCoPP Father’s Day event 1994.
  157. Sharen Veer performing at KCoPP 1994 Father’s Day event.
  158. A woman giving a toast at the 1994 KCoPP Father’s Day event.
  159. Man in an office.
  160. KCoPP member at a podium.
  161. KCoPP Past President Lawrence Schatkoski receives Past President pin.
  162. KCoPP member becoming some sort of officer.
  163. Lt. Gov Ralph Liepold speaking at KCoPP officer installation event.
  164. KCoPP member Hewitt Murch shaking hands with someone.
  165. Award presented to KCoPP member.
  166. KCoPP members at an event.
  167. KCoPP members at an event.
  168. KCoPP members shaking hands at an event.
  169. Kiwanis and Rotary signs attached to the Eagles hall sign.
  170. People dancing at KCoPP dance event.
  171. Elmer and Marge DJ at KCoPP dance event.
  172. People dancing at KCoPP dance event.
  173. A quartet of men singing at the 1994 KCoPP Christmas party.
  174. Many people on stage at the 1994 KCoPP Christmas party.
  175. Entertainment at the celebration of Jim Nisbet’s 100th birthday, February 8, 1995.
  176. Winners of the KCoPP stereo raffle, January 1995.
  177. KCoPP member Jim Nisbet and his wife Mildred receive congratulations for turning 100 from Lt. Gov. Dale Clark.
  178. KCoPP member receiving a plaque from President Rick Hopley at his 100th birthday, February 8, 1995.
  179. KCoPP members Jim and Mildred Nisbet, Craig and Mrs. Lamont at Jim Nisbet’s 100th birthday, February 8, 1995.
  180. Jim and Mildred Nisbet on Jim’s 100th birthday, February 8, 1995.
  181. Women on stage with large cake quilt at KCoPP member Jim Nisbet’s 100th birthday, February 8, 1995.
  182. Cake quilt with 100 candles at KCoPP member Jim Nisbet’s 100th birthday, February 8, 1995.
  183. The crowd at KCoPP member Jim Nisbet’s 100th birthday, February 9, 1995.
  184. Installation of KCoPP members, September 21, 1995.
  185. KCoPP member John Regier speaking.
  186. New KCoPP officers lined up behind the head table.
  187. Speech at KCoPP installation of officers.
  188. KCoPP member Hugh Caswell presents something to Mrs. Palmer, September 27, 1995
  189. KCoPP member Hugh Caswell presents something to Mildred Nisbet.
  190. KCoPP member Hugh Caswell presents something to Mrs. Mickelson.

Volume 4:
Green album with gold design on cover, labeled "History/Kiwanis Club Prairie Pioneers", contains the history of KCoPP through the 1980s and 1990s. Includes membership lists, notes, certificates, newspaper clippings, photos of members, and photos from various events.

  1. Moose Jaw’s Cliff Henderson presents a Kiwanis road sign to KCoPP President Oliver Olson, 1979
  2. Lt. Gov. Merle Bush shaking hands with KCoPP President Oliver Olson, 1979
  3. KCoPP President Oliver Olson is inducted by Gov. Geo Bush, 1979
  4. KCoPP President Oliver Olson, Lt. Gov. Frank Smith, and Gov. Geo Bush, 1979
  5. Beulah Olson presents KCoPP President Oliver Olson with the President’s button, 1979
  6. Gov. Geo Bush presents the charter to KCoPP President Oliver Olson, 1979
  7. Lt. Gov. Bush installs Dan Pavelick and Reg Shaw as KCoPP President and First Vice President in 1980.
  8. KCoPP members Dan Pavelick, Geo Taylor, and Ian Hay.
  9. KCoPP President Dan Pavelick at a podium.
  10. KCoPP members Joe Frost, Lloyd Andrew, Ralph Thistlethwaite, Don Munro, and Earl Dewar.
  11. KCoPP members passing a gavel and shaking hands.
  12. The KCoPP board of directors for 1985-1986.
  13. KCoPP member Wanda Eddingfield presenting a pin to Norman Beach.
  14. KCoPP member Wanda Eddingfield shaking hands with someone.
    280.5. KCoPP Past President Norman Beach presenting the gavel to 1992-1993 President Peder Myhr.
  15. KCoPP Past President Peder Myhr presenting the gavel to 1993-1994 President Lawrence Schatkoski.
  16. 1993-1994 KCoPP President Lawrence Schatkoski is installed by Lieutenant Governor Ralph Liepold.
  17. 1995 KCoPP new member Vic Dombrowsky.
  18. 1995 KCoPP new member Clint Houston.
  19. 1995 KCoPP new member Norman Reid.
  20. 1995 KCoPP new member Doug Lamb.
  21. 1995 KCoPP new member Chris Rude.
  22. 1995 KCoPP new member Jack Wallace.
  23. KCoPP officers for 1995-1996.
  24. 1996-1997 KCoPP Officers.
  25. 1996-1997 KCoPP Directors.
  26. 1996 KCoPP new member Wilmer Senft.
  27. 1996 KCoPP new member Norman Rya.
  28. 1996 KCoPP new member Harold Benjamin
  29. 1996 KCoPP new member Barrie Burke.
  30. 1996 KCoPP new member Leonard Dash.
  31. 1996 KCoPP new member Bob Maalerud.
  32. 1996 KCoPP new member Wenzel Pauk.
  33. 1996 KCoPP new member Wally Senft.
  34. KCoPP Past President Hewitt Murch passing the gavel to new President Stan Wilkins.
  35. 1997 KCoPP new member Chris Olesen.
  36. 1997 KCoPP new member Ray Bunnell.
  37. Lt. Gov John Wiebe speaking at KCoPP Valentine dinner, February 11, 1998, with Elmer and Edith Meyer.
  38. 1997 KCoPP new member Norm McConnachie.
  39. 1997 KCoPP new member Les King.

Volume 5.
Orange binder with an image on the cover, contains photographs, newspaper clippings, and letters regarding the KCoPP from 1991-1996

  1. Installation of KCoPP 1991-1992 President Norman Beach by Lt. Gov. John Kuc.
  2. Installation of KCoPP 1991-1992 Secretary Stuart McBean by Lt. Gov. John Kuc.
  3. Installation of KCoPP 1991-1992 First Vice President Peder Myhr, and Second Vice President Lawrence Schatkoski by Lt. Gov. John Kuc.
  4. KCoPP member John Deg receives 7 year perfect attendance award from Larry Church.
  5. KCoPP Past President John Hettel presents the gavel to new President Norman Beach.
  6. KCoPP Board of Directors Ross Wells, Dick Hopley and Herb Lyness with Lieutenant Governor John Kuc.
  7. KCoPP member Larry Church presents 2 year perfect attendance pins to members Jim Nisbet, Jack Bloye, Roy Harden, Alex Diemert, Len Sabine, and Ross Wells.
  8. KCoPP member Larry Church presents 3 year perfect attendance pins to members Gene Berg, Lawrence Schatoski, and Dan Pavelick.
  9. KCoPP member Larry Church presents 9 year perfect attendance pins to members Hoffman Powley, and Jack Hamer.
  10. KCoPP President Norman Beach with new member Calvin Curley.
  11. KCoPP President Norman Beach with new member Elvy Mickelson.
  12. KCoPP President Norman Beach with new members Elvy Mickelson and Frank Warder.
  13. Past Lieutenant Governor Frank Smith speaking to the KCoPP membership after the new members were installed.
  14. Kiwanis inter-club meeting at Cypress Hills.
  15. Kiwanis inter-club meeting at Cypress Hills.
  16. KCoPP members outside their bus at the Kiwanis inter-club meeting at Cypress Hills.
  17. Signage listing the various local service clubs, including KCoPP, Elks, Freemasons, Knights of Columbus, Rotary, Lions, and Kiwanis.
  18. Phyllis Beach and Hazel Steinborn performing at the KCoPP Father’s Day event.
  19. Wives of KCoPP members at the Father’s Day event.
  20. Wives of KCoPP members at the Father’s Day event.
  21. New KCoPP President Peder Myhr trying his new gavel.
  22. KCoPP First Vice President Lawrence Schatkoski.
  23. KCoPP Second Vice President Dick Hopley with Lt. Gov. Wanda Eddingfield.
  24. KCoPP Treasurer Hewitt Murch.
  25. KCoPP 1992-1993 directors: Ross Wells, Al Brunsdon, Herb Lynnes, Russel Short, Lt. Gov. Wanda Eddingfield, and missing from the photo Jack Bloye and Ron Philp.
  26. Gene Berg presenting KCoPP 1-year Perfect Attendance awards: Pete Perrin, Larry Church, Norman Beach, Bob Gunerud, Frank Warder, and missing from the photo, Al Baumann, Joe Dickie, and Adam Schafer.
  27. Gene Berg presenting KCoPP 2-year Perfect Attendance awards: Ross Wells, Lloyd Thistlewaite, Alex Diemert, Carl Carlberg, Peder Myhr, and missing from the photo Jack Bloye, Jim Nisbet, and Len Sabine.
  28. Gene Berg presenting KCoPP 3-year Perfect Attendance awards: Neil Oryall, and missing from the photo, John Hettel.
  29. Gene Berg presenting KCoPP 4-year Perfect Attendance awards: Russel Short, and missing from the
  30. Gene Berg presenting KCoPP 5-year Perfect Attendance awards: Wanda Eddingfield, and missing from the photo Vern Tisdale.
  31. Gene Berg presenting KCoPP 8-year Perfect Attendance award to John Deg.
  32. Lawrence Schatkoski receiving a Certificate of Appreciation on behalf of KCoPP from Rae Smith, the "Coordinator residential campaign cancer Sty".
  33. Members of the 1992-1993 KCoPP Citizenship Committee, Ralph Thistlethwaite and John Hamer.
  34. 1992-1993 KCoPP Fundraising Committee, Dan Pavelick, Lawrence Schatkoski, Al Brunsdon, Rob Anderson, and Art Copeland.
  35. 1992-1993 KCoPP Bulletin Committee, Herb Lynnes, Earl Dewar, Al Baumann, Stan Wilkins, and Larry Church.
  36. 1992-1993 KCoPP History and Publicity Committee, Norm Beach, Pete Perrin, Jim White, and Gene Berg.
  37. 1992-1993 KCoPP Budget Committee, Hewitt Murch and Stu McBean.
  38. 1992-1993 KCoPP Major Emphasis Committee, Frank Warder, Wanda Eddingfield, and Jack Bloye.
  39. 1992-1993 KCoPP Telephone Committee, Jim Nisbet, John Hettel, and Joe Dickie.
  40. 1992-1993 KCoPP Interclub Committee, Norm Beach, Pete Perrin, Dan Pavelick.
  41. 1992-1993 KCoPP Draw Committee, Alex Diemert, John Hettel, Fred Homann, Ross Wells, and missing from photo, Cliff Gatzke.
  42. 1992-1993 KCoPP Membership Committee, Bob Steinborn, Norm Beach, and Ed Melhoff.
  43. 1992-1993 KCoPP Program Committee, Lloyd Thistlethwaite, Ron Philp, Herb Lynnes, Ray Miller, Dick Hopley, Bob Gunerud, Leonard Sabine, Niel Oryall, and Stan Wilkins.
  44. 1992-1993 KCoPP Attendance Committee, Berger Johnson, Calvin Curley, Russel Short, Oliver Horvey, and Elvey Mickelson.
  45. 1992-1993 KCoPP Spiritual Aims Committee, Carl Carlberg, Berger Johnson, Ed Melhoff, and missing from the photo, Reg Crisp.
  46. KCoPP members selling tickets at the Home and Garden Show in 1993.
  47. 1992-1993 KCoPP Community Services Committee, Adam Schafer, Vern Tisdale, John Deg, and Roy Harden.
  48. 1992-1993 KCoPP Special Events Committee, Gene Berg, Pete Palmer, and Jack Dey.
  49. 1992-1993 KCoPP Bursary Committee, Peder Myhr, Dick Hopley, and Herb Lynnes.
  50. 1992-1993 KCoPP Memorial Committee, Jack Bloye, Norm Beach, and Ross Wells.
  51. 1993-1994 Kiwanis Lt. Gov. Ralph Liepold.
  52. Ray Wiskar presenting KCoPP President Peder Myhr with the cheque from the Christmas tree sales.
  53. KCoPP President Peder Myhr ringing bells for a Salvation Army kettle.
  54. 1992 new KCoPP member Fred Homann.
  55. 1992 new KCoPP member Oliver Horvey.
  56. 1992 new KCoPP member Rob Anderson.
  57. 1993-1994 KCoPP Executive: Jack Bloye, Stu McBean, Herb Lynnes, Stan Wilkins, Lawrence Schatkoski, Calvin Curley, Jim White, Hewitt Murch, and missing from photo Ron Philp.
  58. 1993-1994 KCoPP History and Publicity Committee, Rob Anderson, Stan Wilkins, Jim White, and Peder Myhr.
  59. 1993-1994 KCoPP Song Leaders, Bob Grunerud, Norm Beach, and Geo Benn.
  60. 1993-1994 KCoPP Interclub Committee, Pete Perrin, Russ Short, and Len Sabine.
  61. 1993-1994 KCoPP Program Committee, Ron Philp, Jack Day, Dan Pavelick, Cal Curley, Lloyd Thistlethwaite, Bob Grunerud, Jack Bloye, Gene Berg, and Ross Wells.
  62. 1993-1994 KCoPP Community Services Committee, Carl Carlberg, Herb Lynnes, Peder Myhr.
  63. 1993-1994 KCoPP Visitation Committee, Alex Diemert, Len Sabine, Bob Steinborn.
  64. 1993-1994 KCoPP Draw Committee, Adam Schafer, Fred Homann, and Joe Dickie.
  65. 1993-1994 KCoPP Special Events Committee, Dan Pavelick, Norm Beach, Elmer Meyer, and Pete Palmer.
  66. 1993-1994 KCoPP Attendance Committee, Roy Harden, Frank Warder, Russ Short, and Oliver Horvey.
  67. 1993-1994 KCoPP Telephone Committee, Neil Oryall, John Hettel, and Joe Dickie.
  68. 1993-1994 KCoPP Membership Committee, Vern Tisdale, Earl Dewar, and Ed Melhoff.
  69. 1993-1994 KCoPP Spiritual Aims Committee, Reg Shaw, Birger Johnson, and Gene Berg.
  70. 1993-1994 KCoPP Youth Services Committee, Stan Wilkins, Wanda Eddingfield, Dick Hopley, and Jack Bloye.
  71. 1993-1994 KCoPP Budget Committee, Frank Warder, Hewitt Murch, and Stu McBean.
  72. 1993-1994 KCoPP Citizenship Committee, Ralph Thistlethwaite, and Dick Hopley.
  73. 1993-1994 KCoPP Bulletin Committee, Herb Lyness, Dick Hopley, Larry Church, and Al Baumann.
  74. 1993-1994 KCoPP Fundraising Committee, Ray Miller, John Deg, Al Brunsdon, and Art Copeland.
  75. 1993-1994 New KCoPP members.
  76. KCoPP members with the Builders’ Club at Fairview School.
  77. KCoPP members selling Christmas trees in 1994.
  78. KCoPP members with the Builders’ Club at Fairview School.
  79. KCoPP members selling Christmas Trees in 1994.
  80. 1995 KCoPP new member.
  81. 1995 KCoPP new member.
  82. 1995 KCoPP new member.
  83. 1995 KCoPP new member.
  84. 1995 KCoPP new member.
  85. 1995 KCoPP new member.
  86. 1995 KCoPP new member.
  87. 1995 KCoPP new member.
  88. 1995 KCoPP new member.
  89. 1995 KCoPP new member.
  90. 1995 KCoPP new member.
  91. Dan Pavelick speaking at a KCoPP event.
  92. KCoPP members Wanda Eddingfield, Jack Bloye, and Lawrence Schatkoski at the Charter Night of the Fairview School Builders’ Club.
  93. Levern Horvey and family performing music for KCoPP.
  94. Lawrence Schatkoski and others at KCoPP Valentine event.
  95. Gene Berg presenting KCoPP Christmas donation to Salvation Army in 1993.
  96. Levern Horvey and family performing music for KCoPP.
  97. Induction of new KCoPP members Bill White, Norman Senft, and Clint Huston in 1995.
  98. KCoPP members at 1995 Irish Stew event at Wheatland Mall.
  99. People eating at 1995 KCoPP Irish Stew event at Wheatland Mall.
  100. KCoPP members selling tickets at 1995 Irish Stew event at Wheatland Mall.
  101. Dr. Ray Salmon came to talk to the KCoPP about Schizophrenia, shown here with Hewitt Murch.
  102. KCoPP members Doug Danroth and John Deg selling tickets for the 1995 raffle.
  103. KCoPP members Doug Danroth and Neil Oryall selling tickets for the 1995 raffle.
  104. Winners of 1995 KCoPP raffle, Clark Moen and Jim Cross.
  105. People eating at 1996 KCoPP Irish Stew event at Wheatland Mall.
  106. KCoPP members at 1996 Irish Stew event at Wheatland Mall.
  107. People eating at 1996 KCoPP Irish Stew event at Wheatland Mall.
  108. KCoPP members including Norman Beach at 1996 Irish Stew event at Wheatland Mall.
  109. People eating at 1996 KCoPP Irish Stew event at Wheatland Mall.
  110. KCoPP members at 1996 KCoPP Irish Stew event at Wheatland Mall.
  111. People eating at 1996 KCoPP Irish Stew event at Wheatland Mall.
  112. KCoPP members at 1996 Irish Stew event at Wheatland Mall.
  113. People eating at 1996 KCoPP Irish Stew event at Wheatland Mall.
  114. KCoPP donated planters to Prairie Pioneer Lodge. Pictured are Ellen Wiens, Eunice Morck, Carl Carlberg, Elmer Meyer, Katie Anderson, Norman Senft, Peder Myhr, and John Deg.
  115. Kid performing music at KCoPP Mother’s Day event in 1996.
  116. Kid performing music at KCoPP Mother’s Day event in 1996.
  117. Kid performing music at KCoPP Mother’s Day event in 1996.
  118. Kid performing music at KCoPP Mother’s Day event in 1996.
  119. New KCoPP members being inducted.
  120. New KCoPP members being inducted.
  121. KCoPP members Carl Carlberg Elmer Meyer, Norman Senft, Peder Myhr, and John Deg with the new planters for the Prairie Pioneer Lodge.
  122. KCoPP member Norman Senft presenting a cheque to the Alzheimer organization in 1996.
  123. KCoPP member John Deg presenting a cheque to the Swift Current Band Parents Auxiliary for the spring tour.
  124. A speaker at a KCoPP lunch in July, 1996.
  125. KCoPP is welcoming the Kiwanis Club of Columbia, Golden K.
  126. Group photo at KCoPP lunch in July, 1996.
  127. Group photo at KCoPP lunch in July, 1996.
  128. KCoPP President Dick Hopley at KCoPP meeting with KCoCGK in 1996.
  129. Singing quartet at KCoPP meeting with KCoCGK in 1996.
  130. KCoPP member Peder Myhr at KCoPP meeting with KCoCGK in 1996.
  131. Old Time Fiddlers performing at KCoPP meeting with KCoCGK in 1996.
  132. Barbecue committee of Kiwanis members from KCoPP and KCoCGK in 1996.
  133. Kiwanis member at KCoPP meeting with KCoCGK in 1996.
  134. Kiwanis members from KCoPP and KCoCGK in 1996.
  135. Sign from KCoPP meeting with KCoCGK in 1996.
  136. Presentation at KCoPP meeting with KCoCGK in 1996.
  137. Presentation at KCoPP meeting with KCoCGK in 1996.
  138. Presentation at KCoPP meeting with KCoCGK in 1996.
  139. Presentation at KCoPP meeting with KCoCGK in 1996.
  140. KCoPP presenting something to KCoCGK member in 1996.
  141. KCoPP presenting something to KCoCGK member in 1996.
  142. KCoPP presenting something to KCoCGK member in 1996.
  143. KCoPP presenting something to KCoCGK member in 1996.
  144. KCoPP member Pete Perrin reciting Shooting of Dan McGrew at KCoPP barbeque with KCoCGK.
  145. Gladys Bell, Ann Jorgenson, and Olaf Lynnes performing music at KCoPP barbeque with KCoCGK.
  146. Group of Kiwanis members and their wives from the visiting KCoCGK of Columbia, Missouri, July 10, 1996.
  147. KCoPP presenting something to KCoCGK member in 1996.
  148. KCoPP presenting something to KCoCGK member in 1996.
  149. Kiwanis Lieutenant Governor Doug Thomas speaking at KCoPP meeting.
  150. KCoPP gavel being passed from Past President Dick Hopley to New President Hewitt Murch.
  151. The planters that KCoPP donated to Prairie Pioneer Lodge.
  152. KCoPP officers for 1996-1997.
  153. KCoPP member John Deg presenting a cheque to Elaine Murchie of the Red Cross in November 1996.

Box 3.

Volume 1 – Minutes, Agendas, Correspondence, and Newsletters of the KCoPP in 1980.
Envelope 1 – Committee Reports and Attendance Records for KCoPP from 1979-1981.
Folder 1 – KCoPP Minutes and Newsletters from 1979.
Envelope 2 – Committee Reports and Minutes from KCoPP from 1982-1983.
Volume 2 – KCoPP Bulletins from June 1979 – November 1989.
Volume 3 – KCoPP Bulletins from 1992-1998.
Envelope 3 – Committee Reports and Minutes from KCoPP from 1983-1986.
Volume 4 – KCoPP Official Monthly and Semi-Annual Reports from October 1983 – September 1999.
Volume 5 – KCoPP Official Monthly Minutes from October 1983 – August 1998.
Volume 6 – KCoPP Official Minutes for regular meetings from 1997-1998.
Volume 7 – KCoPP Official Minutes for meetings of the board of directors from 1998-1999.
Volume 8 – KCoPP Official Minutes for regular meetings from 1998-1999.
Volume 9 – KCoPP Official Minutes and financial statements for meetings of the board of directors from 1999-2000.
Volume 10 – KCoPP Official Minutes and financial statements for meetings of the board of directors from 2000-2001.
Volume 11 – KCoPP Official Minutes for regular meetings from 1999-2000.
Volume 12 – KCoPP Official Minutes and financial statements for meetings of the board of directors from 2001-2002.
Volume 13 – KCoPP Official Minutes for regular meetings from 2000-2001.
Volume 14 – KCoPP Minutes, Correspondence, Photographs, Newsletters, and Financial Statements from 1998-2002.

  1. KCoPP President Don Wilmot presenting Teacher Assistant Award to Nanette Estabrooks in April, 2002.
  2. KCoPP members at rededication of the cairn erected in 1957 by the Malta and Swift Current Kiwanis clubs in 2001.
  3. KCoPP members at rededication of the cairn erected in 1957 by the Malta and Swift Current Kiwanis clubs 2001.
  4. Rededication of the cairn erected in 1957 by the Malta and Swift Current Kiwanis clubs in 2001.
  5. Cake at the rededication of the cairn erected in 1957 by the Malta and Swift Current Kiwanis clubs in 2001.
  6. KCoPP presenting a cheque to the Salvation Army in 2001.
  7. KCoPP presenting free gas prize to Bill Boutin in June 2001.
  8. KCoPP Board of Directors for 2001-2002.
  9. KCoPP Presentation to the Care Centre in June 2001.
  10. KCoPP member Norm Rya presenting a cheque to raffle winner Lorna Switzer.
  11. KCoPP member Norm Rya presenting a prize to raffle winner Lorne Urbanoski.

Volume 15 – KCoPP Official Minutes for regular meetings from 2001-2002.
Volume 16 – KCoPP Official Minutes, financial statements, and correspondence from the Kiwanis District Office for 2002-2003.
Volume 17 – KCoPP Official Minutes and financial statements for meetings of the board of directors from 2001-2002.
Volume 18 – Reports from the KCoPP “Membership and Visitation” committee for 2002-2003.
Volume 19 – KCoPP Official Minutes for regular meetings from 2002-2003.
Volume 20 – KCoPP Official Minutes for regular meetings from 2003-2004.
Volume 21 – KCoPP Official Minutes and financial statements for meetings of the board of directors from 2003-2004.
Volume 22 – KCoPP Official Minutes and financial statements for meetings of the board of directors from 2004-2005.
Volume 23 – KCoPP Official Minutes and financial statements for meetings of the board of directors from 2005-2007.
Folder 2 – KCoPP Bulletins and newspaper clippings.
Envelope 4 – KCoPP Bulletins from 2002-2007.
Envelope 5 – KCoPP Bulletins from 2002-2007.
Envelope 6 – KCoPP Bulletins from 2002-2007.
Volume 24 – A binder simply being used to contain stray empty folders and envelopes.
Discrete Item 1 – A Certificate of Friendship given to KCoPP by KCoCGK in Columbia, Missouri.
Envelope 7 – KCoPP rosters starting in 1979.
Envelope 8 – KCoPP bulletins from 1987-2006.
Folder 3 – KCoPP bulletins from 2007-2008.
Volume 25 – Records of KCoPP membership.
Volume 26 – Records of KCoPP members since 1979.
Volume 27 – KCoPP bylaw draft and correspondence record.
Volume 28 – KCoPP Correspondence, bylaws, and membership rosters from 1979-1999.
Volume 29 – KCoPP roster for 1991-1992.
Folder 4 – KCoPP Bulletins for 1999-2000.
Envelope 9 – Assorted Documents.

Accrual – December 2010, Ralph Thistlethwaite.

Box 4.
-plaque, from the Kidney Foundation of Canada, 2004
-certificate, from Royal Canadian Legion
-Installation of Officers, 1979 – 1999
-Club Roster, 1979 – 2000
-handwritten nominating committee notes, 1991 – 1992
-miscellaneous notes in envelope entitled 'Kiwanis Loose Papers'
-book, "The Kiwanis Club of Prairie Pioneers", 1992
-funeral cards for Al Brundson, Wilmer Senft, Ralph Thistlethwaite, Peter Perrin, Carl Carlberg, Olive Horvey
-program for 2010 Banquets
-newsletters, "The Pioneer", January to December 2010

Accrual - September 2011, Harold Benjamin

-financial information, September 2010 to September 2011
-program for event commemorating 90 years of the Kiwanis Club in Swift Current, September 15 2011. contains a complete list of all major Kiwanis projects, as well as projects to which the KC gave financial or volunteer support
-funeral program for Lloyd Thistlethwaite, 2011
-program for Mother's Day Banquet, May 4 2011
-program for Installation Banquet, September 29 2010
-program for Valentine's Day Banquet, February 15 2011, 3 copies
-2008/2009 roster of members and officers
-2007/2008 roster of members and officers
-2006/2007 roster of members and officers
-1992/1993 roster of members and officers
-"The Pioneer" newsletter, November 2010 to August 2011
-photo of the board of directors for 2010 - 2011
-2009/2010 roster of members and officers
-funeral program for Earl Dewar, 2010
-three photos (see below)
-list of Kiwanis Club service projects, 1981 - 1982


  1. photo of KCoPP members presenting a specially built wheel chair to the Palliser Regional Care Centre (Ralph Thistlewaite, Hoffman Powley, Jack Hamer and Palliser Administrator Keith Dalby)
  2. three men, one woman, unidentified members of the Kiwanis Club
  3. five unidentified members of the Kiwanis Club

Accrual - February 2012

-"The Pioneer" newsletter, from June 2004 to January 2008
-financial statements, July 2004 - September 2007
-agendas and minutes, January 7 to September 12 2007

Sin título

Swift Current Royal Purple Lodge Number 93 fonds

  • SCM-RG-0002
  • Fondo
  • 1946 - 2014

The fonds, related to the Swift Current Royal Purple Lodge Number 93, was created by the source during its existence. Records include 25th anniversary records, administrative files, celebration tea, club history, memberships, meeting minutes, miscellaneous records, newspaper clippings, and reports.

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Kulture Club fonds

  • SCM-RG-0058
  • Fondo
  • 7 August 2001

The fonds, related to the Kulture Club, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:

-notepad, 1946-53, (contains book list, attendance, ledger);
-notepad, 1953 - 1959, (contains membership list, financial statement, book list, minutes);
-notepad, 1960 - 1966, (contains minutes, attendance, membership);
-notepad, 1967-86, (contains membership, minutes; newspaper clippings from February 13, 1995, re: history of club);
-10 photocopies of invitation, re. 40th Anniversary, 1986;
-5 color photo negative strips, (17 images);
-57 photographs (see below)

  1. December 1985, top: Anges Munro, Lillian McBean, Lois Ailsley, Helen McIntosh, bottom: Marie Nodge, Jean McLeod, Belle Armbruster, Millie Quest, Tillie Jaeger
  2. June 1979, Mae Dyer, Gladys Whyte, Margaret Bymoen, Minnie Bradbrooke, Jean McLeod, Marie Warren, Belle Armbruster, Tillie Jaeger, Irene McIvor, Helen McIntosh, Agnes Munro, Millie Quest
  3. Three ladies, June 1986, Agnes Munro, Janet Rowlatte, Jean MacLeod, at the home of Marie Warren
  4. December 1972, Christmas Party, Mae Dyer, Dorothy MacMillan, Margaret Bymoen, Agnes Munro, Helen McIntosh, Mrs. McKerrall, Millie Quest, Jean McDaid, Noreen McKerrall
  5. Nine members of the book club, May 1978
  6. Ten members of the book club, January 1978
  7. Book club reunion, June 1981, "The Basic Black Dress", Marie Warren, Irene McIvor, Jean McLeod, Tillie Jaeger, Esther Lewis, Agnes Munro, Lois Ailsley
  8. Book club 40th anniversary, Irene McIvor, Jean McLeod, Tillie Jaeger, Esther Lewis, Agnes Munro, Lois Ailsley
    9-10. 8 book club members, December 1976
  9. 9 book club members, ca. 1980s, inc. Marie Nodge and Lillian McBean
  10. June 1979, Mae Dyer, Gladys Whyte, Margaret Bymoen, Minnie Bradbrooke, Jean McLeod, Marie Warren, Belle Armbruster, Tillie Jaeger, Irene McIvor, Helen McIntosh, Agnes Munro, Millie Quest
    13 - 16. 1982, Esther Lewis, Millie Quest, Tillie Jaeger, Agnes Munro, Belle Armbruster, Irene McIvor, Marie Nodge, Jean McLeod, Helen McIntosh, Margaret Bymoen
    17 - 27. July 1995, Minnie Bradbrooke, Marie Nodge, Millie Quest, Agnes Munro, Ada Kalot, Lilliam McBean, Tillie Jaeger, Irene McIvor, Margaret Bymoen, Lois Ailsley, Belle Armbruster
  11. Christmas 1994, Ada Kolot, Tillie Jaeger, Millie Quest
  12. Christmas 1994, Tillie Jaeger and Jean MacLeod
  13. Christmas 1994, Jean MacLeod, Tillie Jaeger, Margaret Bymoen
  14. Christmas 1994, Margaret Korven, Jean MacLeod, Tillie Jaeger
  15. Christmas 1994, Belle Armbruster, Tillie Jaeger, Millie Quest
  16. June 1986, Marie Warren, Janet Rowlatt, Millie Quest, Lois Ailsley
  17. Nine members of the book club around a table
  18. Twelve members of the book club on a lawn
  19. June 1986, Irene McIvor, Marie Warren, Tillie Jaeger
  20. June 1986, Lois Ailsley, Lillian McBean, Esther Lewis
  21. Nine book club members, December 1969
  22. Ten book club members
  23. June 1986, Gladys Whyte and Minnie Bradbrooke
  24. Mae Dyer, Margaret Bymoen, Helen McIntosh, Agnes Munro, Gladys Whyte, Lois Ailsley, Jean McDaid, Jean McLeod
    42-43. December 1976, Mae Dyer, Agnes Munro, Helen McIntosh, Jean McLeod, Jean McDaid, Lois Ailsley, Gladys Whyte, Millie Quest
  25. December 1985, Agnes Munro, Lillian McBean, Lios Ailsley, Helen McIntosh, Millie Quest, Tillie Jaeger, Marie Nodge, Margaret Bymoen, Jean McLeod
  26. June 1986, Jean McDaid, Minnie Bradbrooke, Agnes Munro - 40th Anniversary Party
    46-47. June 1986, book club members at a golf club
  27. 1982, Millie Quest, Jean McDaid, Helen McIntosh, Lois Ailsley, Agnes Munro, Marie Nodge, Cathi Kennedy, Belle Armbruster, Esther Lewis
  28. June 1986, members of the book club at Opa's restaurant
  29. February 1985, Agnes Munro, Mare Nodge, Helen McIntosh, Jean McLeod, Tillie Jaeger, Millie Quest, Lillian McBean
  30. Book club reunion, June 1986
  31. June 1986, members of the book club at Opa's restaurant, Minnie Bradbrooke, Jean McDaid, Gladys Whyte
  32. Members of the book club, c. 1970s
  33. January 1985, Lillian McBean, Millie Quest, Tillie Jaeger, Jean McLeod, Helen McIntosh, Marie Nodge, Agnes Munro
  34. 1994, Anges Munro
  35. 1994, Belle Armbruster
  36. Irene McIvor, Belle Armbruster, Margaret Bymoen, Minnie Bradbrooke, Mae Dyer, Agnes Munro, Marie Warren, Mille Quest, Gladys Whyte

Sin título

Swift Current Rotary Club fonds

  • SCM-RG-0022
  • Fondo
  • 23 July 2010

The fonds, related to the Swift Current Rotary Club, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described.

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Marg Tisdale fonds

  • SCM-RG-0060
  • Fondo
  • 17 August 2011

The fonds, related to the Swift Current Lioness Club, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:

-two photographs of past presidents and five pages of handwritten notes relating to the Swift Current Lioness Club

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Ken Shields fonds

  • SCM-RG-0055
  • Fondo
  • 1951 - 1958

The fonds, related to the Swift Current Square Dance Club and the Inner Wheel Club - Swift Current, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:

Envelope 1
-Association of Inner Wheel Clubs (founded 1934) Magazine [September, 1957 (No. 47); March, 1958 (No. 51)]
-Constitution of Inner Wheel Club of Swift Current; 1951
-Sample Constitution (from another club)
-Minutes of Executive Meeting; April 22, 1958.
-Programme: Carol Festival of the Inner Wheel Club; December 13-14, 1954
-Christmas Cards received from other Inner Wheel Clubs in other countries (England, Scotland, Australia and Kenya); 1957

Envelope 2
-Meeting minutes of Square Dance Club; January 25, 1951
-Various financial (transaction) documents (receipts); 1951-1953
-Square Dance Club ‘membership cards’ (two with names, two blank)
-Square Dance Club Membership List; January/February, 1951) (no personal information, just list of names)
-Correspondence; 1952

Sin título

Moose Jaw Town and Country Singles Club fonds

  • MJ-136
  • Fondo
  • 1977-2014

This fonds contains four series: Officers’ Manuals and Minutes, Financial Reports, Dances, and Membership. It is comprised of manuals created by the organization for the use of its officers, which include the constitution, financial records, meeting minutes, information about other members of the Association of Minus One Clubs of Saskatchewan, dance schedules and band bookings, and membership information. The fonds also contains regular, executive, and annual meeting minutes and reports.

Sin título

Mary Belle Lautsch fonds

  • SCM-RG-0011
  • Fondo
  • ? - 2002-04-24

The fonds, related to the Beta Sigma Phi, Swift Current Chapter and Ted Michie, was accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described.

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