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16 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales

Moose Jaw Elks Club fonds

  • MJ-120
  • Fondo
  • 1910-2007

The Elks Club fonds consists of 11 series: Scrapbooks and Clippings, Financial Records, Legal Documents, Meetings and Conferences, Publications, Correspondence, Membership, Events, Rules and Regulations, History of the Lodge and Lodge Renovations. This fonds also contains some material from the Elks Club auxiliary group, The Order of the Royal Purple.

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Women's Christian Temperance Union (Moose Jaw) fonds

  • MJ-073
  • Fondo
  • 1905, 1915, 1976-1992

This fonds consists of bulletins, newsletters, convention programs and reports, correspondence, publicity and press reports from Saskatchewan and other provincial unions, guidelines for the superintendents of the various departments of the W.C.T.U., biographical histories of prominent women of the W.C.T.U., information on the Canadian Loyal Temperance Legion and published material on the negative effects of alcohol, tobacco and drugs.

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Cosmo Drama Club fonds

  • MJ-176
  • Fondo
  • 1991-2007

This fonds reflects the activities of the Cosmo Drama Club. It is comprised of three series: general business records, scrapbooks, and skits and workshops. It includes financial records, such as receipts and account balances, meeting minutes, memorabilia, skit scripts and an audiocassette of a workshop.

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Robert Baker Allan fonds

  • MJ-124
  • Fondo
  • [ca. 2004]

This fonds contains a completed copy of Allan’s master’s thesis entitled A Populist in Municipal and Provincial Politics: John Wesley Corman as well as some of his research used for writing the thesis. The research papers include copies of newspapers, articles, photographs and an audiocassette pertaining to John Wesley Corman. The research papers are heavily annotated.

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Philip H. West fonds

  • MJ-007
  • Fondo
  • 1944-1957

This fonds contains one series consisting of several scrapbooks kept by Philip H. West from 1944 to 1957. They contain invitations and letters to Mr. and Mrs. West, newspaper clippings concerning the couple, relatives or friends. Also included are diplomas and certificates presented to Mr. and Mrs. West, programs of events, various pictures, greeting cards and postcards, brochures of tourist sites, water colour paintings done by Philip West and memorabilia of the Royal Family of the United Kingdom.

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128th Battalion fonds

  • MJ-138
  • Fondo
  • 1916, 1922

This fonds consists of mementos of the 128th Battalion. It includes a programme of their performed music, a Christmas card, menus from their travels and a reunion programme.

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A. E. Peacock fonds

  • MJ-163
  • Fondo
  • 1896, 1921-1981

This fonds contains two series: Honours Conferred and Memorabilia. This includes documents pertaining to awards and honours received by A. E. Peacock as well as event programs, family history, clippings, letters, drawings, speeches, school notebooks and photographs kept by the family.

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St. David’s Society fonds

  • MJ-172
  • Fondo
  • 1914-1915

This fonds contains one minute book from the St. David’s Society. It contains minutes for the club’s minutes from 1914-1915.

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Heritage Moose Jaw fonds

  • MJ-188
  • Fondo
  • 1978-2000

This fonds reflects the activity of Heritage Moose Jaw. It includes one scrapbook of heritage buildings in Moose Jaw and material about the Moose Jaw Cemetery. The organization received a grant to help restore some of the tombstones in the cemetery and they collected information about the individuals buried there.

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J.H. Brubaker fonds

  • MJ-005
  • Fondo
  • 1920

This fonds contains one series of a daily journal that J. H. Brubaker kept in 1920. Notes were made on the weather, loans, payments due, and day to day tasks.

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A. W. Irwin fonds

  • MJ-170
  • Fondo
  • 1910-1911

This fonds contains one ledger belonging to A. W. Irwin. This ledger contains the accounts of his insurance and real estate business from 1910-1911. It includes his client lists and account information. Irwin sold various kinds of insurance, such as life and fire insurance, as well as real estate. He also offered mortgages and loans. The ledger also includes the personal account of Irwin.

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Richard Dowson fonds

  • MJ-182
  • Fondo
  • 2012-2013

This fonds reflects the historical research and writing conducted by Richard Dowson. Dowson has completed extensive research on Moose Jaw during WWII. It includes writings on George William ‘Bill’ Ward, a member of the Royal Canadian Air Force, and the history of Moose Jaw residents in relation to the sinking of the Line Athenia. It also includes the history of the Moose Jaw Dam-buster Airmen, Sergeant-Pilot Kenneth Brown and Pilot Officer Robert Alexander Urquhart.

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Moose Jaw Presbytery (Presbyterian) fonds

  • FA 38
  • Fondo
  • 1913–1925 (Creation)

The fonds consists of minutes (1913-1925) from Moose Jaw Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church in Canada.

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Moose Jaw St. Andrew's Pastoral Charge fonds

  • FL 438
  • Fondo
  • ca.1897–2008

The fonds consists of textual and graphic materials generated by Moose Jaw St. Andrew’s Pastoral Charge and United (formerly Presbyterian) Church, as well as their church boards, committees and related bodies, local units of women’s, men’s and other groups.

Contents include: minutes of official boards and Trustees, Stewards, Session, Council, congregational, committees, Choir and Sunday School meetings; communion and historic rolls; a cradle roll; newsletters, annual reports; records of local Ladies Aid Societies, Women’s Missionary Society (W.M.S.), Woman’s Association (W.A.) and United Church Women (U.C.W.) groups, men’s groups (Men’s Club and A.O.T.S.) and youth groups, as well as other social clubs; property and building files; various financial records and correspondence; clippings, scrapbooks and files relating to church groups, history and events, such as the ordination of Lydia Gruchy; and registers of baptisms, marriages, and burials held.

Photographs in the collection include prints, postcards, and negatives, showing the church building, its site and features (e.g. stained-glass window), associated individuals and events (e.g. anniversaries).

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