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Velma Campbell collection

  • VC
  • Collection
  • [191-?]-[1994?]

This collection includes photographs taken in the Melfort region. Subjects include: a threshing crew, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Downie, the town of Melfort, and Mrs. Clagett's funeral coffin. The originals date from the 1910's to the 1950's.

Campbell, Velma

Ruth Marshall Collection

  • RML
  • Collection
  • [1940?] - [1950?]

The Collection contains black and white photographs from Ruth Marshall's private collection. All of the photographs are of Melfort businesses and streets including the water tower, train station, and Sask-Tel building.

Melfort General Photo collection

  • MGP
  • Collection
  • [189-?]-2003

This collection contain about 2000 photographs, negatives and slides of Melfort and District.

James Chatterton Clark Collection

  • JCC
  • Collection
  • 1908-1997, predominant 1908-1962

The collection contains James Chatterton Clark's black and white photographs and a photocopy of one of his photographs. The original dates range from 1908 to 1962. Historically important images in the fonds include a photograph of thirty-six Melfort pioneers and a photograph of Mr. Babington (Melfort Moon Owner), Mr. and Mrs. Clemens (Melfort Post Office and Rothwell S.D #318 )Mr. Mouncy (Livery Stables), and Mr. Clark (first school teacher at Rothwell S.D #318 ). Other images include: the Melfort Band, the Melfort Collegiate, and a Y.M.C.C. Carnival.

Clark, James Chatterton

Ines Claggett collection

  • IC
  • Collection
  • [ca. 1930] - [195-]

The collection contains two scanned copies of black and white photographs owned by Ines Claggett, as well as five original black and white photographs. All photographs were originally taken between [ca. 1930] and [195-]. The photographs depict group portraits of the "Southside Circle" women's group of the Melfort United Church, young students and teachers and the Salvation Army Building, a curling team, and the former Melfort golf club house - which was originally run by Mr. and Mrs. Dick Harms.

Claggett, Ines (née Harms)

Glen Etling collection

  • 991-027
  • Collection
  • [ca. 1910]

This is one black and white photograph from Glen Etling's personal collection. The photograph depicts six International Harvester tractors on 100 block Main Street.

Glen Etling

Gilbert Austin collection

  • 2001-88
  • Collection
  • [191-?] [192-?]

The collection contains two photographs. They were taken between the 1910's and 1920's. They include an image of a work bee planting a crop for Mrs. Brice after her husband's death and an image of two people standing with a tractor.

Austin, Gilbert

City of Melfort collection

  • COM
  • Collection
  • 1902-1986, predominant 1980

The collection contains 32 black and white photographs and 64 color photographs dating from 1902 to 1986. All of the photographs were taken in Melfort, Saskatchewan and surrounding areas. They include photographs of local business, locations, and citizens. As well, there are a large number of images from the ceremony that was held in 1980 in celebration of Melfort's transition from town to city.

City of Melfort

Christie Anne Bjorgan collection

  • 2002-039
  • Collection
  • [ca. 1943] and [ca. 1950]

The collection contains two black and white photographs. One depicts Private Wesley John Flett in 1943 in military dress. The other depicts John William Flett with a team of two horses and a caboose.

Bjorgan, Christie Anne (née Flett)

Albert Carlson fonds

  • AC
  • Collection
  • 1905 - [ca. 1955], predominant [ca. 1930 - 1940]

The collection contains 24 photographic reproductions of original photographs of members of the John Carlson family, local farming activities, and farm equipment. Several depict views of Melfort in early states of development. Historically significant images include that of a Mr. and Mrs. Bagshaw at "Melfort House" in the U.K.

Carlson, Albert

Ada Bedard collection

  • 996-014
  • Collection
  • 1962

The collection contains one black and white photograph of a large group of people standing outside the "Old Time Curling Club" in Melfort Saskatchewan. The photograph was taken in 1962, and was part of Ada and Joby Bedard's personal collection.

Bedard, Ada (Née Elliot)