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Duncan Archibald MacLean fonds

  • PR 18
  • Fonds
  • 1930–1954

The fonds consists of transcriptions of 19 volumes of diaries written by Rev. MacLean, dating from July 1, 1930, through September 14, 1954. Diary entries are generally brief accounts of daily activities, weather and related events, mostly in Saskatchewan (Wilcox, Raymore) and Manitoba (Arden, Deloraine, Winnipeg). Contents were transcribed by Margaret MacLean, from the original diaries.

Also included is an introduction to the transcribed diaries, by Margaret MacLean, and letters providing background to Rev. D.A. MacLean, his diaries, and the transcription project itself (1991-1992).

MacLean, Duncan Archibald

Frederick A. Clare fonds

  • PR 12
  • Fonds
  • 1933–1946

The fonds consists of 4 small notebooks created and used by Rev. Frederick A. Clare, during his time as an ordained minister: a diary (1937); a notebook (1940-1942); pocket record book (1933-1946), with information about church officers, communion services, members, baptisms, marriages, and burials for various Saskatchewan locations; and a notebook recording translations of 421 English words into Cree and/or Salteaux, as well as financial accounts information and additional notes.

Clare, Frederick Alexander

Prince Albert Presbytery fonds

  • FD 12
  • Fonds
  • 1925–2000

The fonds consists of textual materials generated by the Presbytery, its secretaries, committees and related bodies, in fulfillment of their responsibilities, as outlined in the Manual of the United Church of Canada.

Contents include: minutes; correspondence; statistics; historical notes outlining the history of the Presbyterian Church in the Prince Albert area, 1866-1920; and the “Historical Records of the Presbytery of Prince Albert” (1920), Written by J. Sheridan Bole, of the Historical Committee. The collection also includes “A Diary of Arthur Whiteside” (1880-1882) – a typed copy of the diary of a Methodist clergyman who established the Wesley Church and worked there are a missionary – presented to Wesley United Church, in 1954.

United Church of Canada Prince Albert Presbytery

Thomas M. Beveridge fonds

  • PR 20
  • Fonds
  • 1947–1959

The fonds consists of records created by Rev. Beveridge, from his time as an ordained minister in Saskatchewan. Contents include his diary (1947-1959), with a Superintendent's Record Manual (1947), a Settlement Certificate (1959); Call form (1959), and a list of Pastoral Charges he served.

Beveridge, Thomas McLeish