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Saskatchewan Older Boys' Parliament fonds

  • FE 06
  • Fonds
  • 1923–1964

The fonds consists of publications and other records relating to the Older Boys' Parliament, which would later be known as the Saskatchewan Youth Parliament (after 1972). Contents include: photographs (1945-1948), newspaper clippings and proclamations; records and legislation (1923-1964); and copies of "The Parliamentarian" (1961-1964), the journal of Saskatchewan Tuxis and Older Boys' Parliament.

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Humboldt 4-H Multiple Club fonds

  • A-2007.8
  • Fonds
  • 1965 to present

This fonds contains six albums titled Memory Books 1965-1992 that contain newspaper clippings, letters, photographs and commentary of the group's activities. This fonds also contains a book titled History of Saskatchewan 4-H 1917-1977 and examples various activity booklets pertaining to light horses, interior design and ecology

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Herbert Wesley Toombs fonds

  • PR 09
  • Fonds
  • ca.1875–1934

The fonds consists of papers, publications and other collected items by and relating to the Rev. Toombs and his work, as a United Church minister.

Contents include: sermons (ca.1905-1934); clippings, letters and copies of articles relating to famous paintings (1922); various undated lectures; collected writings and documents relating to Church Union; a copy of his 1917 publication on Mormonism and related correspondence (ca.1914-1920); copies of church-related publications; and a “Pastor’s Pocket Record” notebook (ca.1920-1926), listing salary, sermons, members, baptisms, marriages and funerals from Drinkwater, Briercrest, Keeler and Marquis. There are also letters regarding Rev. Toombs’ career and his various papers.

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Prairie Church History collection

  • FG 11
  • Collection
  • 1873–1962

The collection consists of a range of documents relating to Congregational, Methodist, Presbyterian churches and related activities in Saskatchewan and elsewhere in the prairies.

Contents include histories, articles, addresses and other papers on: Congregationalism, Methodism, Presbyterianism in Saskatchewan; missionary work and communities in Prince Albert, Carrot River, Canora, and Norway House; Sunday Schools; C.G.I.T. and Y.W.C.A. groups; ministerial associations; Doukhobors; Ukranians; the Greek Orthodox Church; and Anglican Missions.

Authors include: Rev. W.P. McHaffie (Conference Historian and Archivist to Saskatchewan Methodist Conference); John MacLean (Chief Archivist, Wesley College Library, Winnipeg); Rev. Frederick Passmore; Rev. George Daniel; Rev. W.M. Moore; Rev. E.H. Oliver; Rev. J.R. McDonald; Rev. George Arthur; Allan Bowerman, J.L. Stewart; Alfred Carter; R.H. Hamilton; John L. Nichol; Lydia Gruchy; M. Stechinshin (Yorkton); John Roberts Kovalevitch; Rev. A.J. Hunter; Rev. P.C. Crath; E. Eustace and Maxim Berezynski; Dr. A.E. Archer (Lamont, Alberta); A. Bereka; Mrs. C.H. Monro (Ethelbert, Manitoba); Rev. John Gregorash; Rev. Theo Bay; Rev. J.A. Louseley.

Biographies collection

  • FG 20
  • Collection
  • ca.1903–2001

The collection consists of primarily textual materials relating to various ministers and other lay people associated with the United Church, in Saskatchewan. Contents include obituaries, newspaper articles, pamphlets, programs, publications, and various other documents containing biographical information. Some are accompanied by portraits.

Regina Presbytery fonds

  • FD 14
  • Fonds
  • ca.1922

The fonds consists of textual materials generated by the Presbytery, its secretaries, committees and related bodies, in fulfillment of their responsibilities, as outlined in the Manual of the United Church of Canada.

Contents include: minutes; correspondence; a presbytery survey (1969); statistics for 1960; Regina United Church Ministerial Association minutes (1926-1966), correspondence and clippings; and a record of “Resolutions of Regina Presbytery on Temperance” (1922). There are also files relating to the Home for Native Girls that was operated in Regina in the 1960s and 1970s.

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Rosetown Presbytery fonds

  • FD 15
  • Fonds
  • 1945–1949

The fonds consists of textual materials generated by the Presbytery, its secretaries, committees and related bodies, in fulfillment of their responsibilities, as outlined in the Manual of the United Church of Canada.

Contents include: minutes; correspondence; newsletters; statistics (1960); records of the Communications Committee (1969-1980); a document “Sketch History of Rosetown Presbytery, Part 1” (Oct. 1975), by Rev. M. John Moor; and some minutes, correspondence, and other material from the United Church Men / A.O.T.S.

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Church Histories collection

  • FG 19
  • Collection
  • ca.1925–1986

The collection consists primarily of documents relating to the histories of various local churches in Saskatchewan. Contents include written historical narratives (sketches) and notes, newspaper articles, pamphlets, and publications. Among these are volumes 1 and 2 of the local history book "Early History of Saskatchewan Churches (Grass Roots)", compiled and edited by Meredith B. Banting, ca.1975.

Doug McGillivray collection

  • MJ-127
  • Collection
  • 1904-1993

This is Doug McGillivray’s “Memory Lane” sports collection. It is a compilation of newspaper and magazine clippings of sporting events from 1904-1993. The sporting events include: horse racing, golf, collegiate sports, boxing, wrestling, soccer, ladies and men’s softball, Western Hockey Association (W.H.A.) hockey, track and field, basketball, old-timer hockey and National Hockey League (N.H.L.) hockey. The clippings are mounted on coloured bristol board.

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