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Agriculture - Graduates - 1947

Individual photographs of graduates grouped. Names: Bowren, K.E.; Jowsey, J.R.; Gislason, C.; Ward, B.J.; Lehman, Carr, R.L.; Gillespie, Fredeen, M.; Caton, A.T.; Skelly, C.J.; Wilde, D.H.; Galgan, M.W.; Keyes, C.H.; McDonald, B.K.; Colquhounm, C.M.; Kristjanson, J.; Buchanan, L.C.; Sumner, A.K.; Martin, R.G.; Mallough, E.D.; Payne, F.E.

Awards - Engineering, Pharmacy, Law, Commerce

Four images of award presentations during Convocation held in Physical Education gymnasium. Union Jack flags prominent in background. Image 1: I.Matheson Fraser, dean of Engineering, presenting R.F. Critchley with the Association of Professional Engineers Prize. Image 2: F.C. Cronkite, dean of Law, presenting Edwin W. Willes with the Brown Prize in Law. Image 3: Wesley C. MacAulay, dean of Pharmacy, presents Corrine Elizabeth Cram with the Martin Scholarship in Pharmacy. Cram was also awarded the Governor General’s Gold Medal that same year. Image 4: Thomas.H. McLeod, dean of Commerce, presents William George Pringle with the University Prize in Commerce.

College of Agriculture - Graduates - 1928

Individual photographs of College of Agriculture graduates and faculty grouped. Names: C.R. Parsons, J.D. Caskey, W.M. Olsen, A.P. Lowe, Robert James Speers, S.J. Richards, G.A. Morrow, P.E. Drabble, E.R. English, E. Exton; Ross, W.B.; Wright, A.R.; Porter, R.G.; Millar, G.J.; Cheesman, C.D.; Maduke, John H.; Ketcheson, W.K.; Collins, M.A.; Winters (Prof.); Andreen, S.J.; See, F.; Janzen, P.J.; Gillett, C.L.; Chapman, J.A.; Miller, E.E.; Lewis, H.A.; Nelson, H.V.; Hyslop, T.; White, W.J.; Kanigan, A.

College of Agriculture - Graduates - 1949

Individual photographs of College of Agriculture graduates and faculty grouped. Names: Arrand, J.C.; Beaulieu, V.W.; Blakely, E.R.; Busse, G.E.; Bulani, A.; Bailey, C.T.G.; Ballantyne, A.K.; Banks, G.E.; Buckowsky, S.; Baker, G.S.; Berge, P.; Buchanan, D.R.; Cooke, C.C.; Cox, A.H.; Coldwell, A.L.; Colquhuon, G.S.; Campbell, J.N.; Carr, H.D.; Calanchie, J.; Colton, G.E.; Dawson, A.B.; Craswell, R.W.; Christenson, R.J.; Forsberg, D.E.; Cinnamon, J.W.; Florence, D.; Furber, R.H.; Ferguson, R.; Enns, D.; Fitl, N.A.; Fedeyko, P.; Graham, J.D.; Gray, R.T.; Glendinning, L.W.; Coldwell, J.H.; Derksen, M.K.; Derksen, P.R.; Greenshields, R.; Greenshields, H.; Calanchie, A.; Grigg, R.M.; Grant, D.H.; George, A.; Hummason, G.; Hawn, F.J.; Herringer, W.B.; Hedlin, A.F.; Heuser, N.C.; Harper, T.A.; Treleaven, D.H.; Hurd, L.W.; Hart, G.; Ibbotson, D.; Jenkins, A.L.; Johnston, W.D.; Johnstone, L.E.; Johnson, H.R.; Kacsmar, H.R.; Kacsmar, W.; Kent, D.G.; Klemmer, H.W.; Konopetz, L.A.; Langley, W.; Lakness, O.R.; Lodge, R.W.; Lasuita, J.; Mants, J.F.; Paustian, N.S.; Mollard, M.; Mitchell, G.C.; Morken, W.G.; McFadden, A.; Munro, W.B.; Martin, A.L.D.; MacRae, D.J.; McKelvie, F.A.; McGowan, J.W.; Mooney, M.F.; McKenzie, H.; McLeod, A.D.; McGugan, W.; McBride, L.A.; Moss, G.R.; May, R.W.; MacDonald, W.K.; MacKay, M.; Miller, J.E.; Naylor, J.M.; Nordin, P.; Osborn, H.; Myhr, A.N.; Polischuck, P.; Patterson, J.A.; Pickford, R.; Parker, G.W.; Piercy, G.G.; Porteous, W.L.; Porter, W.S.; Park, H.E.; Pettem, S.W.; Petroff, F.; Philipson, T.W.; Peterson, C.J.; Ragush, M.; Rennie, J.D.; Rennie, D.A.; Riddell, W.M.; Russell, W.A.; Ryan, L.S.; Sanderson, C.E.; Stothers, W.G.; Snell, S.W.; Strain, J.H.; Sherwin, R.O.; Shook, A.E.; Stangeland, O.; Stoyko, J.; Stann, S.A.; Swinton, R.G.; Soucey, L.A.; Sambroski, D.J.; Stephenson, J.D.; Treble, A.C.; Towill, W.B.; Tangjerd, H.; Vanebo, K.T.; Wensley, R.N.; Wiens, J.K.; Wilk, S.W.; Walls, A.A.; Webster, A.J.; Wright, G.C.; Truscott, J.D.; Wesson, G.H.; Wiley, J.H.; Zillinsky, F.J.

College of Agriculture - Graduates - 1955

Individual photographs of College of Agriculture graduates grouped. Names: Silzer, A.E.; Lambert, W.E.; Jackson, L.; Crawford, R.D.; Walker, J.; Smith, S.R.; Kosick, D.; Murray, D.; Hayes, C.; Driver, D.D.; Thomson, M.D.; Widdup, R.; Jones, K.B.; Boesch, D.C.; Grant, D.; Kingdon, H.R.; Domes, A.R.; Kuervers, T.; Palmer, G.S.; Bilokury, O.G.; Kenaschuk, E.; Flaten, G.; Houston, C.D.; Goll, A.; Conklin, L.W.; Bayda, W.M.; Allewell, D.M.; Nyborg, M.P.K.; Reimer, A.

College of Agriculture - Graduates - 1957

Individual photographs of College of Agriculture graduates grouped. Names: Acton, D.F.; Ewan K.E., Seitz, E.W.; Levee, R.; Middleton, R.E.; Day, T.C.; Gelleta, L.W.; Plaxton, G.W.A.; Erfle, J.; Banford, J.; McCurdy, H.J.; Koturbash, L.; Milne, W.G.; Lowndes, G.R.; Jackson, T.E.; Brown, D.; Small, D.G.; Jeanneau, J.J.; Munro, D.; McKenzie, R.C.; Robin, A.; May, T.H.; LaCroix, L.J.; McBeath, D.K.; Blewett, D.; Goehring, H.C.

College of Agriculture - Graduates - 1958

Individual photographs of College of Agriculture graduates grouped. Names: Henderson, M.L.; Acton, C.J.; Brassard, R.J.; Clayton, O.M.; Sparling, L.E.; Linton, John H.; DuRussell, H.L; King, E.E.R.; Gray, E.L.; Bradley, W.J.; Christensen, D.A.; Cline, E.E.; Shultz, D.G.; Conklin, L.W.; Wismer, W.W.; Ehman, D.R.; Gorrill, A.D.L.; Haehn, L.J.F.; Haupstien, E.S.; Henschel, V.J.; Hartley, J.E.; Marquardt, R.R.; May, T.H.; Murray, K.A.; Metke, F.E.; Nuttall, W.F.; Schmit, D.W.; Spratt, E.D.; Thomsen, G.A.; Wong, R.S.

College of Agriculture - Graduates - 1960

Individual photographs of College of Agriculture graduates grouped. with Dean V.E. Graham and Honourary President Dr. Edward N. (Ed) Larter, professor, Field Husbandry. Names: Copeland, B.; Hart, M.H.; Gronsdahl, J.K.; Haas, G.; Blackburn, K.C.; Hamilton, R.K.; Barnsley, H.M.; Harvey, B.; Lee, G.E.; Rotzien, G.W.; Wasylyshyn, F.L.; Lawrence, D.J.; Sorbier, H.B.; Lanoway, M.; Horkoff, D.; Dyck, G.W.; Hleck, G.E.; Stevenson, J.H.; Wigmore, E.; Sereda, A.W.; Partridge, J.R.D.; Luther, W.M.; Janzen, G.D.; Friesen, B.; Young, E.A.; White, S.D.; Robertson, W.I.; Stonehouse, B.; Milasin, T.; Matheson, R.R.; Lepp, L.P.; Gadd, G.

College of Agriculture - Graduates - 1962

Individual photos of College of Agriculture graduates and faculty grouped. Names: Turner, K.G.; Howarth, R.; Tremere, A.W.; Van Vliet, H.; Veeman, T.S.; Graham, V.E. (Dean); Mitchell, R.F.; Altwasser, G.E.; MacKintosh, E.E.; Sonntag, B.H.; Hamm, J.L.; Fleming, E.H.; McLaughlin, W.J.; Bradley, R.A.; Church, T.L.; Gartner, G.J.; Craddock, W.J.; Kirychuk, P.; Quamme, H.A.; Green C.O.; Wiebe, B.H.; Harmel, V.R.; Wilke, R.A.; Sterling, R.M.; Solar, S.S.; Byers, J.R.; Shuttle, G.F.; Wiebe, A.; Ell, E.M.; Woolfitt, W.C.; Dumanski, J.; Billett, J.M.; Robinson, A.G.; Hart, J.; Stephenson, J.M.; Graham, A.B.; Holmgren, C.A.; Kane, L.C.; Chopiuk, E.M.; Elsom, J.E.; Dyken, R.J.; Nelson, G.; Campbell, C.C.; Belzile, G.; Gardiner, R.T.; Oliver, A.L.

College of Agriculture - Graduates - 1963

Individual photographs of College of Agriculture graduates grouped, with Dean V.E. Graham and Honourary President Dr. S.H. Nelson. Names: Collins, D.; Freed, D.; Darwent, L.; Barber, S.; Stushnoff, C.; Bonstrom, A.; Raymond, B.; Laughland, A.; Hemstad, J.; Hartness, R.; Price, K.; Blair, B.; Hurd, L.; Forer, D.; Dennison, G.; Harapiak, J.; Edwards, B.; McKinnon, R.; Voth, A.; Riou, J.; Voldeng, L.; Mitchell, D.; Hopfner, L.; Hurd, W.; Rice, W.; Byrnes, G.; Singer, J.; Michel, A.; Ellis, J.; Wilson, G.W.; Edwards, R.; Hartall, D.; Greenberg, T.; Halford, J.; Pettit, D.; Needham, D.; Petriew, T.; Redekop, W.; Rutlegde, D.; Stein, L.; Bitner, A.W.; Turner, K.; McNichol, L.; Fedak, G.; Frisk, L.; England, D.; Westlund, D.; Billet, J.M.; Bollingbroke, T.; Voldeng, H.; White, N.; Macrae, D.; Wallace, J.; Billet, B.; Dunlop, F.; Skinner, R.; Olson, S.; Schmitz, A.; Shukin, P.; Stewart, B.; Linnell, B.; Kohlert, B. Brecht, R.; Wilson, G.

College of Agriculture - Graduates - 1964

Individual photographs of College of Agriculture graduates grouped, with Acting Dean W.L. Hutcheon and Honourary President Dr. P.J. Thair at top of negative. Names: Townley-Smith, F.T.; Blair, L.A.; Parker, G.E.; Martin, D.J.; Bonner, G.S.; Burwell, T.J.; White, N.L.; Afseth, W.J.; Gerber, G.H.; Schau, B.A.; Schuler, R.G.; White, L.R.; Korsrud, G.O.; Jacobs, R.S.; Mayer, C.J.; McIntyre, B.C.; Hemstad, N.C.; Jorgenson, N.C.; Goodwillie, D.W.; Schultz, E.C.; Hunt, W.E.; Rostad, H.W.; Miller, R.J.; Duck, B.A.; Connick, D.G.; Broker, G.L.; Evenson, R.V.J.; Goodman, A.S.; Duke, T.B.; Goodman, H.D.; Lockwood, R.C.; Fowler, D.B.; Zachrisson, D.G.; Burrell, N.A.B; Lowes, T.J.; Ball, H.F.; Brice, K.A.; Driedger. D.; Henry, J.L.; Bole, J.B.; Forsberg, C.; Telfer, G.A.; Griffin, G.D.; Anderson, T.W.; Douglas, G.A.; Girodat, G.A.; Johnson, R.J.F.; Heavin, H.G.; Gardner, D.R.; Howland, G.R.; Moore, J.F.R.; Jensen, W.L.; Rondeau, V.R.; Hoppner, K.H.; Wiens, J.; Bens, R.J.

College of Agriculture - Graduates - 1965

Individual photographs of College of Agriculture graduates and faculty grouped. Names: Gramiak, M.J.; Sword, D.W.; Koller, R.V.; McArthur, D.F.; Knipfel, J.E.; Sanders, J.A; Dowdeswell, D.D.; Acton, T.W; Ahner, D.W.; Wohlberg, N.D; Gradauer, P.A.; McNabb, L.D.; Dubois, M.J.; Andrews, B.L.; Barber, D.J.; Bittner, E.J.; Boyko, A.; Church, D.B.; Danyluk, J.F.; Derkatz, D.E.; Duncan, H.J.; Ewert, D.J.; Funk, B.L.; Funk, W.G.; Harren, J.G.; Hovdestad, J.L.; Hunt, A.B.; Keay, Ms. J.A.; Keefe, G.L.; Klassen, A.J.; Lubyk, L.J.; McDougald, A.D.; McGlaughlin, G.R.; McGowan, J.R.; Mason, R.L.; Peterson, L.I.; Petracek, A.J.; Puckett, J.C.; Rannie, J.C.; Roy, D.J.E.; Spencer, G.T.; Spencer, J.E.; Warkentinn, K.J.; Weber, R.P.; Wilson, G.G.

Results 1 to 15 of 152