The fonds, related to the Swift Current Sun, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.
The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
.1- Personnel cards, 78 cards
.2- Stock certificates, 11
.3- U. I. deductions, 6
.4- 30 U. I. Monthly remittances
.5- Cash book
.6- 4 office keys
.7- Schedule of machine numbers – 1973
.8- Schedule of machine numbers – 1976
.9- Appraisal – 1976
.10- Appraisal – 1973
.11- Schedule of machine numbers 1968
.12- Appraisal 1968
.13- Sale agreement, 7 items
.14- 13 Women’s Compensation papers
.15- Declaration of Inconsiderable employment papers, 10 items
.16- 8 Income tax returns
.17- Misc. receipts, 22 items
.18- Sun agreements / contracts, 32 items
.19- Publishers statement of Mailing, 5 items
.20- Misc. receipts #2, 23 items
.21- Sun misc. papers, 51 items
.22- Sun misc. correspondence 22 items