- SCM-RG-0068
- Fonds
- 1980 - 2000
The fonds, related to the Saint George's Society, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.
The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
1 box of photo albums
-Photo Album (scrapbook) (green in colour with Union Jack on front cover) – various newspaper clippings, invitations, photographs (101 in total), letters and telegrams; 1980-1983.
-Photo Album (red/brown in colour) - various newspaper clippings, invitations, photographs (174 in total), letters and telegrams; 1984-1987.
-Photo Album (red in colour) - various newspaper clippings, invitations, photographs (147 in total), letters and telegrams; 1987-1990.
-Photo Album (white in colour) - various newspaper clippings, invitations, photographs (158 in total; negatives and extra prints in separate envelopes), letters and telegrams; 1990-1994.
-Photo Album (white in colour) - various newspaper clippings, invitations, photographs (143 in total; negatives and extra prints in separate envelopes), letters and telegrams; 1994-1999.
1 box of textual records
-Folder # 1 – Meeting Minutes; 1980.
-Folder # 2 – Meeting Minutes; 1981.
-Folder # 3 – Meeting Minutes; 1982.
-Folder # 4 – Meeting Minutes; 1983.
-Folder # 5 – Meeting Minutes; 1984.
-Folder # 6 – Financial Records (statements, Treasurer’s Reports, receipts); 1980-1991.
-Folder # 7 – Miscellaneous records (correspondence, permits, receipts, reports, action plans, etc.); 1980-1992.
-Folder # 8 – Reports; 1980-1995.
-Folder # 9 – ‘Dickens Evening’; 1986.
-Folder # 10 – Membership; 1980-1981.
-Folder # 11 – Meeting Minutes; 1984-2000.
-Folder # 12 – Various records: Questionnaire (1988); Card and Letters of Thanks Received; Executive Meeting Minutes (1985-1986); Presidents and Executive Reports (1985-1986); St. George’s Society Newsletter (April, 1994); Membership Lists; Correspondence (1986); Miscellaneous; Various Reports (1986-1987); Constitution; Saskatchewan Multicultural Council Information (1986-1988).
-St. George’s Society: Correspondence, President; 1980-1983.
-Greetings (includes 40 loose colour photographs)
Saint George's Society