- SCM-RG-0055
- Archief
- 1951 - 1958
The fonds, related to the Swift Current Square Dance Club and the Inner Wheel Club - Swift Current, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.
The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
Envelope 1
-Association of Inner Wheel Clubs (founded 1934) Magazine [September, 1957 (No. 47); March, 1958 (No. 51)]
-Constitution of Inner Wheel Club of Swift Current; 1951
-Sample Constitution (from another club)
-Minutes of Executive Meeting; April 22, 1958.
-Programme: Carol Festival of the Inner Wheel Club; December 13-14, 1954
-Christmas Cards received from other Inner Wheel Clubs in other countries (England, Scotland, Australia and Kenya); 1957
Envelope 2
-Meeting minutes of Square Dance Club; January 25, 1951
-Various financial (transaction) documents (receipts); 1951-1953
-Square Dance Club ‘membership cards’ (two with names, two blank)
-Square Dance Club Membership List; January/February, 1951) (no personal information, just list of names)
-Correspondence; 1952
Zonder titel