- SCM-RG-0066
- Fonds
- 1930s
The fonds, related to Robert Anderson, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.
The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
-Photocopy of a handwritten manuscript by Robert Anderson called “Discovering Spring Creek” about a region approximately 8 miles north of Abbey, SK; the chapters in the manuscript at entitled: Discovering Spring Creek; The South Saskatchewan River: Joy, Risks & Tragedy; The Christmas of ‘35; Chicken Every Sunday; Uncle Clarence’s Choppers; Turkeys; The West is Dead, My Friends; Prairie Harvest (poem); Night Trains Through Gladstone; Bennett Buggies and Anderson Carts; The Depression Syndrome; The War Years; To Light A Fire; 70 and Holding (poem) and City Livin’; On Reaching 75 (poem)
-Copies of a series of articles from the magazine ‘Western People’ called ‘Prairie Boys’ by Robert Anderson about growing up in southwest Saskatchewan, his mother’s cookbook, the Battleford Trail
-Photocopies of newspaper articles on the Saskatchewan Landing bridge
Anderson, Robert