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Matador Land and Cattle Company fonds
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Matador Land and Cattle Company fonds

The fonds, related to the Matador Land and Cattle Company, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
-receipt for feed from J.Y. Doonan & Son Livery, Feed & Sale Stable, 1903 (1993.6.1)
-receipt for building supplies, from W & R Marlow, 1905 (1993.6.2)
-receipts for general supplies, from Chas. Reid General Merchant, 1906 (1993.6.3 - 4)
-receipts from International Lumber & Implement Co., 1908 (1993.6.5 and 1993.6.14)
-correspondence, from the management of the Matador Land and Cattle Company in Trinidad, Colorado, to D. Somerville of the Matador Ranch in Swift Current (1993.6.6a-b)
-correspondence from the Argue & Cooper Store to D. Somerville of the Matador Ranch, 1908 (1993.6.7)
-transportation bill from the Canadian Pacific Railway, Waldeck Station, 1913
-correspondence, from the P. Burns & Company Ltd. Packers, Exporters, and Provisioners, to Matador Cattle Co. of Waldeck, re: purchased fall cattle, 1914 (1993.6.9)
-correspondence, from the management of the Matador Land and Cattle Company, to the Matador Ranch in Swift Current, re: the company's inability to send them cattle that year due to the embargo on cattle going from the U.S. to Canada, 1915 (1993.6.10)
-correspondence, from the management of the Matador Land and Cattle Company, to the J.R. Lair of the Matador Ranch in Swift Current, re: inquiring about general conditions, discussion of a road allowance, 1916 (1993.6.11a-b)
-correspondence, from the management of the Matador Land and Cattle Company, to the J.R. Lair of the Matador Ranch in Swift Current, re: purchasing cattle and cattle minimum cattle requirements for ranches, 1916 (1993.6.12a-b)
-handwritten receipt, for "hauling 5 tons fence posts twine", between Matador Ranch and J.A. Rouse, 1908 (1993.6.13)
-photocopy of a receipt, from Gordon, Ironsides & Fares, credit to the Matador Land Co. for steers, 1911 (1993.6.15)
-photocopy of a Canadian Pacific Railway Co.'s Night Lettergram, sent to the Alexander (Alexandra) Hotel in Swift Current, re: train shipments, from John McBain
-correspondence, from McKay Irons Co. Chartered Accountants, to David Sommerville of the Matador Land & Cattle Co., re: conditions at the Matador Ranch, 1910 (1993.6.17)
-correspondence, from the Office of the Veterinary Director-General, D. Somerville of the Matador Ranch, re: bringing cattle into Canada from the U.S., 1912 (1993.6.18)

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Matador Land and Cattle Company fonds

The fonds, related to the Matador Land and Cattle Company, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
-account book ca.1905-1907

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Matador Land and Cattle Company fonds

  • SCM-RG-0014
  • Fundo
  • ? - 1993

The fonds, related to the Matador Land and Cattle Company, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described.

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