- SCM-RG-0042
- Fonds
- 1936 - 1937
The fonds, related to George Schofield, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.
The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
-A list of plays suitable for production by the CCYM Saskatchewan section; "Repertory Bulletin/Theatre of Action", a catalogue of short plays with leftist themes; handwritten speech on Socialism, supporting the Liberal party; letter to the Bureau of Labor and Public Welfare inquiring about payment for two workers, Fay Dudley and Lloyd Schneider; financial report for C.C.F. Saskatchewan; letter to all members of the Saskatchewan Commonwealth Youth Movement; registration for form of organizations for the CCFYM; speech written on stationary from Jeffries's Drug Store in Regina, SK about the CCF cause, author unknown; letter to George Schofield from H.F. Hughes, re: joining a CCF committee and the danger of Communist factions; letter to George Schofield from H.F. Hughes, Activity Secretary, 1937; document on how to organize a Cooperative Youth Movement Unit; handwritten documents bearing local announcements, including J.S. Woodsworth speaking at the Lyric Theatre in Swift Current, SK; open letter to all farmers in the Drouth [Drought] area, from George Schofield, secretary of the Drouth [Drought] Conference Coordinating Committee, 1937; letter from the Bureau of Labour and Public Welfare to all Municipal Secretaries, re: General Instructions and Regulations, Municipal Direct Relief Administration, 1936-1937; C.C.F. Saskatchewan section Directive Board meeting agenda, 1936 (2 copies); correspondence between George Schofield and F. Eliason of United Farmers of Canada, re: a meeting held by the U.F.C. whereat members of the D.C.C.C. (Drouth Conference Co-ordinating Committee) were not invited; documents entitled "How To Form a Lodge of the United Farmers of Canada" and an "Organizer's Report Form"