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Leon Plewis fonds
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Leon Plewis fonds

  • SCM-RG-0059
  • Fonds
  • 31 January 2008

The fonds, related to Lavinia Bishop (nee Brown), were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:

-October 30, 1899, from Gleich, AB to Assiniboia, SK, from her Father William Brown
-note dated March 25, 1885, to Lavinia
-empty envelope that reads "A letter written to my dear Grandma at the age of seven years by myself"
-envelope that reads "Relics of By-gone Days", containing small cards that often read "Jesse Bishop" and "Lavinia A. Brown" and "David A. Brown", a Christmas card sent from the front during World War I, from Austine C. Brown to the Brown family.
-two letters in an envelope, June 6, 1881 and May 11, 1882
-letter from Balhagerty, September 4, 1876, to "Gran"
-Christmas card, to Bishop family, from Austine
-note written by Lavinia Bishop, reference to a bag and a Sunday School class
-envelope with "Photos of Interest", photos of Lavinia's family and other people she remembered
-envelope reads "A cherished remembrance of the late Countess of Rothes who died February 10, 1886", a newspaper and a printed and handwritten prayer
-envelope reads "Letters of sympathy written by the late Countess of Rothes (Henrietta Anderson Morshead Leslie, 17th Countess of Rothes [1832-1886]) to our Father and Mother on the deaths of our Grandma & baby Brother"
-envelope reads "Letters of Business written by the late Countess of Rothes & her mother the late Dowager to my father Wm Brown"

Bishop, Lavinia