- SCM-RG-0048
- Fonds
- 17 February 2009
The fonds, related to Yolanda's Dress Shop, were accumulated by the source from Joyce Haydon. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.
The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
-ledger of staff and hours worked, from Yolanda's dress shop (accrual from February 19, 2009)
-monthly sales tax receipts: March 1974 – December 1975.
-16 copies of customer receipts
-3 City of Swift Current utilities receipts
-receipt, donation to Ladies Curling Club
-receipt , Melhoff Electric
-receipt, Swift Current Sewing Centre
-receipts, Greyhound, CP Transport, SK Transportation Co.
-2 Sasktel bills
-18 returned cheques, January1975 – January 1976
-correspondence with Western Furs Limited in Regina, re: furs sold in Swift Current
-bound cheque stubs, February 1, 1975 – January 30, 1976
-book, purchases of Yolanda, Albert and Olga Lorenzino, August 1956 – December 1969
-Education and Health Tax license, 1967
-Daily Ledger, February 1, 1975 – January 31, 1976.
-Inventory Book, January 31, 1976
-Financial Statement for Year Ended January 31, 1974
-Financial Statement for Year Ended January 31, 1975
-Financial Statement for Year Ended January 31, 1976
-Financial Collection Agencies list of debtors, March 5, 1964
-copy for advertisements with CJFB & CKSW (radio stations)
-correspondence from distributors
-handwritten list of bad accounts written off December 31, 1964
-blank Yolanda’s Dress Shoppe Ltd. Stationary
-carbon copies of miscellaneous correspondence
-Sales Record Report, September to December 31, 1975
-paid bills from January 1975, July 1979, March 1976 and December 1976
-ledger carbons, April 21, 1975
Yolanda's Dress Shop