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Woman's Missionary Society Saskatchewan Branch (Methodist) fonds
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Woman's Missionary Society Saskatchewan Branch (Methodist) fonds

  • FW 03
  • Fonds
  • 1909–1926

The fonds consists of records created by the Saskatchewan Branch of the W.M.S., its circles and treasurers, as well as the W.M.S. Battleford and Moosomin Districts. Contents include: branch meeting minutes (1906-1926); treasurer’s accounts (1906-1926); circles and bands cash and treasurer’s books (1917-1926); financial records of funds from various districts (1916-1926). There are also minutes from meetings of W.M.S. Battleford District (1920-1926) and W.M.S. Moosomin District (1919-1926).

Methodist Woman’s Missionary Society, Saskatchewan Branch