- SCM-RG-0021-0002
- Series
- ? - 1997-07-25
Part of Swift Current Sun fonds
The fonds, related to the Swift Current Sun, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.
The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
1: “Director’s Report”, signed by Moore and Marshall (1 pg), re: purchasing of the area of the Charles Reid store where the newspaper is printed over the course of 11 years, 1917
2: “Memorandum of Association" and "Articles of Association" of the Sun Printing and Publishing Company Ltd., with list of share owners (3 pg), November 11 1905
3: shareholders resolution re: abilities of the directors of the company (1 pg), November 25 1931
4: shareholders resolution re: borrowing money from Charles Reid (1 pg), November 26 1931
5: shareholders resolution re: borrowing money from Charles Reid (1 pg), May 9 1938
6: correspondence from R.T. Graham & Co. (Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries), Graham is sending several (notarized?) documents to The Sun with instructions to pass them onto Begg & Hayes (lawyers) (1 pg), December 1 1931
7: shareholders resolution that includes a waiver by shareholders of notice of the time and place of a general meeting, and permission to borrow money form Charles Reid (1 pg), December 1 1931 (this letter was referenced in item #6)
8: shareholders resolution re: borrowing money from Charles Reid (1 pg), December 2 1931
9: correspondence from W.W. Cooper, re: share certificates (1 pg), October 25 1915
10: list of shareholders (1 pg), October 24 1910
11: indenture of lease between Charles Reid and Sam Moore, November 23 1911
12: declaration signed by Charles Marshall, re: transfer of shares to Edgar Burke, March 19 1935
13: declaration signed by Edgar Burke, re: transfer of shares to Mahlon Hutchinson, James Greenblat and Robert Moore, March 20 1935
14: certificate for one share of The Sun Printing and Publishing Company Ltd., originally issued to John McNulty May 11 1912, transferred to Charles Marshall, May 21 1917
15: certificate for ten shares of The Sun Printing and Publishing Company Ltd., originally issued to John McNulty January 22 1913, transferred to Charles Marshall, May 21 1917
16: cancelled certificate for 20 shares of The Sun Printing and Publishing Company Ltd., originally issued to W.M. Yates, November 1 1906, transferred to Charles Reid November 17 1906 (see attached letter)
17: cancelled certificate for 1215 shares of The Sun Printing and Publishing Company Ltd., originally issued to S.R. Moore, November 8 1913
18: cancelled certificate for 135 shares of The Sun Printing and Publishing Company Ltd., originally issued to S.R. Moore, November 8 1913
19: cancelled certificate for 30 shares of The Sun Printing and Publishing Company Ltd., originally issued to Charles Reid, November 1 1906
20: canceled certificate for 14 shares of The Sun Printing and Publishing Company Ltd., originally issued to Mahlon Hutchinson, May 15 1920, transferred to Margaret Isabella McDonald May 15 1920, attached documents re: transfer of shares from Margaret Isabella McDonald to S.R. Moore, July 8 and October 3 1929
21: "Increase of Capital of a Company", notification that The Sun Printing and Publishing Company Ltd. has increased its capital from 2500 to 15 000, June 2 1914
Swift Current Sun