Swift Current Centennial Committee fonds
- SCM-RG-0076
- Fonds
- 5 November 1999
The fonds, related to the Swift Current Centennial Committee, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.
The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
Box 1:
-Folder#1 - Jubilee Action File: financial statements; letters, Minister of Agriculture, 1965; Saskatchewan Diamond Jubilee and Canada Centennial Corporation memo, minutes; newsletter – “Pion-era”; various letters; Employee Tax Deduction Declaration, flyer, Tamburitzans from Durquesne University; Swift Current Jubilee Association Executive Members; various minutes and letters, re: Civic Centre building; Interim Report on Jubilee Activities; program for Festival of the Arts, 1964; Jubilee Square Dance Special, 1964
-Folder#2 - 1967 Budget and Accounts: budget, 1967; minutes, November 1966; Centennial calendar of events, 1967; Swift Current Jubilee Association; correspondence, re: budget, donations, banking for Swift Current Centennial Committee; correspondence, order forms, receipts, re: Dress Crest Embroidery Co.; correspondence, receipts, etc. for Centennial
-Folder#3 - City Golden Jubilee 1964: insurance documents from W.W. Smith Agencies; correspondence, re: Frontier Days, 1964; correspondence, re: City Golden Jubilee Committee; paper entitled "Community Centres" by Heron, Superintendent of Parks and Recreation in Weyburn, 1964; Jubilee coins; correspondence, re: proposed Civic Centre; Mavor Moore productions; brochure for Swift Current's 50th Anniversary, March 15, 1964; Government of Saskatchewan Department of Industry, re: matching grant for auditoriums; poster, “Fathers of Confederation”; copies of the newsletter Jubilee-Centennial Notebook, November 1964; brochure, "Our Canadian Heritage"; architectural plans for proposed Civic Centre (Ramsay & Ramsay)
-Folder#4 - Swift Current Jubilee Committee (Building and Sight [Site]): correspondence with architects, re: proposed Swift Current Civic Centre; minutes, 1964; memo from James Richardsons and Sons, investors; “Code for the Conduct of Architectural Competitions"; minutes, Swift Current Jubilee Association, 1964; minutes, Building and Sites Committee, 1964; 1964 Program Committee budget and chart of responsibilities; brochure encouraging the community to invest in the proposed Civic Centre; list of local businesses, 1964; booklet published by Saskatchewan Association of Architects; booklet, AESL (Association of Engineering Services Ltd.) consulting engineer
-Folder#5 - 1967 Civic Centre Opening Week: financial statement for opening week activities, various receipts; correspondence, re: opening activities (speaker, building, etc.); advertising copy; letter from Minister J.W. Gardnier; letter from Lieutenant Governor's office; Jack Smith, Chairman of Jubilee Association, correspondence; list of business donors; letter, re: Canada Mysore Project; correspondence, re: opening of the Civic Centre, invitations, etc.; “Sign and Support dimensions"; guest invitations for Civic Centre dinner; meeting, re: Long Lance Vacation Trail; letter from House of Commons, re: invitation to dinner; list of hockey guests; letter from the Legislative Assembly (E.I. Wood), re: invitation to dinner
-Folder#6 - Youth Conference: correspondence, 1965; correspondence with Department of Education; correspondence and agenda for a conference in Regina; Jubilee Youth Conference in Swift Current; pre-registration; evaluation for Regina Jubilee Youth Conference; organizational diagram of Jubilee Association
-Folder#7 - Pony Express: tentative itinerary for Pony Express Ride for Expo'67, 1967; news release, correspondence, 1967; list of organizations; letter to Mayor R.C. Dahl
-Folder#8 - Gala Night: news release, 1967; correspondence, re: auditions and preparations for "Gala Night Revue" at O.M. Irwin School; “Gala Night Revue” flyer
-Folder#9 - Inter-Faith: news release for Centennial inter-faith Sundays, 1967; correspondence, re: ministerial representation on Centennial Committee, correspondence, re: essay contest
-Folder#10 - Month O' Dancing, June 12 - July 15 [1967]: general itinerary; square dance bulletin; correspondence
-Folder #11 - Red Knight: re: Red Knight performance, armed forces aerobatic performer, June 1, 1967
-Folder#12 - Centennial Pins: correspondence, re: ordering, buying pins
-Folder#13 - Centennial Favours, Flags, etc.: brochure from lapel pin company; flyer for booklet “Sir John A. MacDonald”; The National Decoration of Canada; Saskatchewan Centennial Corporation, Centennial Aids Catalogue, various souvenir brochures flyers (flags, pins, plaques, etc.)
-Folder#14 - Motorcycle Display Team: correspondence, re: performance by Canadian Armed Forces Motorcycle Display Team, 1967; “The Canadian Armed Forces Motorcycle Display Team Instructions For Completion of Performance Site"; Itinerary for Saskatchewan; Department of National Defense, Distribution List
-Folder#15 - Vacation Trail: miscellaneous correspondence and memoranda, re: Long Lance Vacation Trail Program; map of Long Lance Vacation Trail 6; minutes and agendas, 1967; pamphlet, Vacation trail 2; excerpts from Kiwanis Club May 1964 article 'How To Lure the Tourist'; memoranda to members of the Long Lance Vacation Trail #6, from Paul Hack or Jack Smith
-Folder#16 - Youth Travel: miscellaneous correspondence, re: student letters; miscellaneous correspondence, re: Department of Education; travel tour of Swift Current; Youth Travel Project 1965, 1966; Centennial Association, Student Movement Week; information for Local Jubilee and Centennial committee; 1967 Youth Travel Program Report, Saskatchewan Department of Education; billet information; program itinerary, 1967; information about visiting youth; 1967 Frontier Days program; correspondence, re: students visiting Swift Current from North Vancouver; Lions Club donations; booklet, Saskatchewan Jubilee Book list; 1966 Youth Travel Program Report; itinerary, 1966; correspondence, re: Youth Travel Program; list of hosts and guest students; letter to billets; correspondence, re: students visiting Swift Current from Rouyn, Quebec
-Folder#17 - 1967 Centennial Committee: newspaper, Swift Current Sun, December 6, 1963 (3 copies); booklet, Saskatchewan Diamond Jubilee and Canada Centennial Corporation report; news release, Confederation Train; events during Centennial Civic Centre opening, January 1967; correspondence, re: Jubilee and Centennial celebrations; “Pony Express Official Certificate”; miscellaneous correspondence, re: Saskatchewan Centennial Corporation letters, various news releases; Mysore Fund; Centennial Commission, “Helicopter Canada”; booklet, 1967 Community Improvement Saskatchewan Conference; Sunset Ceremony at Swift Current, 1967; program for Centennial Ceremonial Inspection of Cadet Corps; Centennial Happenings in Swift Current; Centennial Calendar of Events; Official Opening of Centennial Civic Centre; Leighten Ford Swift Current Crusade; Neptune Theatre; Centennial Trail Ride, Regina to Saskatoon Pion-Era; Centenary Music Festival at Yorkton; letter, Bonnie Bluebells Pipe Band Association, Saskatoon; Swift Current Jubilee Association memoranda and correspondence; Canadian Citizenship Program; Centennial Commission bulletin, January-February 1967; program for funeral service of Herman Stanley Haw; acquisition of Centennial decoration, promotional material, supplies, etc.; certificate of Canadian citizenship; brochure for Har-o-Pat Farm; Provincial Centennial Programs; National Centennial Programming; Swift Current Centennial Committee meeting minutes; program from Le Manitoba Theater Centre, Le Festival du Canada en Tournée -“Le Théatre”; program from Neptune Theatre; minutes, Provincial Liaison meeting, 1966; "News from your Centennial Committee"; newsletter, Saskatchewan Centennial Notebook, August 1966; correspondence, re: Swift Current Jubilee Association
-Folder#18 - untitled: Swift Current Jubilee Association Executive Members; correspondence; list of visiting and host students for Centennial Youth Travel Tour; students visiting Swift Current from New Brunswick, 1965; Swift Current Agricultural and Exhibition Association Jubilee Activities committee; Founder's Day, July 3, 1965; Swift Current Jubilee Association financial statement; Saskatchewan Diamond Jubilee and Canada Centennial Corporation; Festival of the Arts, financial statement, 1964; letter, re: Centennial grants; brochure, invitation for community to invest in proposed Civic Centre
Box 2:
-Folder#19 - Saskatchewan Diamond Jubilee and Canada Centennial Corporation [Lions/Eagles]: correspondence, 1965; Jubilee and Centennial newsletter; memoranda; news releases; calendar of events; "Gala Under the Starts Festival"; Centennial Youth Travel Project; Jubilee Drama Tour performance of Richard III; Jubilee Youth Conferences; meeting agenda; correspondence, re: Jubilee-Centennial Citizen's Committee; regional conference agenda; structural organization, Local Jubilee-Centennial Citizens Committee; three primary functions of Local Jubilee-Centennial Committee; Saskatchewan Diamond Jubilee and Canadian Centennial Corporation Province-Wide Projects; Saskatchewan Jubilee and Centennial Corporation plans, projects, grants
-Folder#20 - Swift Current Jubilee Association Activities & General, 1964 [Lions/Eagles]: Prairie Schoolhouse Project; correspondence; representatives for Jubilee Association meeting, 1965; Festival of the Arts material, 1964; letter, Royal Winnipeg Ballet; guest register, Jubilee Tea, OM Irwin Collegiate 1964; correspondence, re: Chamber of Commerce; Frontier Days ribbon, square dance program, poster invitation to opening of Thoreson Memorial Museum; list of flowers for Jubilee garden; Swift Current Jubilee Association Incorporation; minutes, Festival of the Arts Committee meeting; correspondence, re: vote on proposed Civic Centre; program, Swift Current Royal Canadian Legion Jubilee Dinner, 1964; suggested list of possible projects to sponsor; receipts; Interim report and Jubilee Activities, City of Swift Current 50th Anniversary Jubilee events, correspondence; commemorative coins, brochures; Societies Act certificate for Swift Current Jubilee Association, 1959; constitution and bylaws of the Swift Current Jubilee Association; 1963 Annual Saskatchewan Festival of the Arts
-Folder#21 - Jack Smith Sportsman's Dinner [Lions/Eagles]: report on Annual Meeting of the Swift Current Jubilee Association, 1966; correspondence, re: Sportsmen's Dinner, invitations, receipts
-Folder#22 - Jubilee Association Budget, Minutes and Record of Expenditures [Lions/Eagles]: minutes, Swift Current Jubilee Association Executive and General meetings, 1964, 1965, 1966; "Movement In Arts Underway Conference Told; correspondence, re: Pino-Era; financial reports
-Folder#23 - Formation of Jubilee Association and Negotiations with City Council: program, Official Opening Centennial Civic Centre, January 23, 1967; Long Lance No. 6 Vacation Trail agenda, memoranda, 1966; correspondence, re: performing arts events, SK Arts Board, Civic Centre; “Suggested Budget For Provincial Committees”; receipts; booklet, “Report of Activities” Swift Current Golden Jubilee, 1964; Swift Current Jubilee Association report; list of representatives for Jubilee Association meeting, 1965; budget, 1965; minutes of general meeting, 1965; report, re: Jubilee and Centennial Celebrations; Steering Committee report, 1963; correspondence, re: appointment of the Golden Jubilee Celebration Committee, 1963; report on "Meeting of Representatives from various organizations for the purpose of organizing Golden Jubilee Celebrations Committee; minutes, meeting of proposed Jubilee Committee; correspondence with City of Swift Current, re: Golden Jubilee
-Folder#24 - untitled: Swift Current Jubilee Association Executive Members; The Societies Act, 1959, Sect. 43 Annual Return, 1967; correspondence; minutes from Centennial Committee meetings, 1966, 1967; Swift Current Jubilee Financial Statement, 1966; Centennial Committee budget, 1967; minutes, Swift Current Jubilee Association, general and executive meetings, 1964, 1965, 1966; Chairman's Remarks; Prairie School House Project; Report of Building and Site Committee of Swift Current Jubilee Association; Report of Finance Committee; various financial statements; Swift Current Jubilee Association budget, 1964, 1965; “Report of Activities” Swift Current Golden Jubilee, 1964; Final Report, 1964; Interim Report, Jubilee Activities; Organizational Structure chart
-Folder#25 - receipts and financial records, 1966 - 1967, re: SC Centennial Committee and Swift Current Jubilee Association
-Folder#26 - Jubilee Committee: correspondence with City of Swift Current, 1966; "Gala Night Revue" at OM Irwin Collegiate; opening of Turnhill School to commemorate Prairie school houses; invitation to Diamond Jubilee Dinner; miscellaneous correspondence, re: Jubilee-Centennial Committees; financial statement, 1964; Subscription Undertaking form for the Centennial Civic Centre; program, Swift Current Square Dance Jubilee Special; estimates of construction costs for Civic Centre; Swift Current Jubilee Association budget, "Projects which may be carried out at a relatively small cost"; Organizational Structure chart
-Folder#27 - untitled: Jubilee and Centennial newsletters; newsletter, Jubilee – Centennial Notebook February to December 1964; memoranda and correspondence, re: Swift Current Jubilee Association, and Jubilee-Centennial Citizen's Committees, 1965; 1965 “Calendar of Events” for Saskatchewan Diamond Jubilee; flyers for various displays, manufacturers, rentals; "Preparing a Local History"; "Community Beautification" program
-Folder#28 - untitled: brochure, Swift Current Centennial Civic Centre; program, Official Opening of the Centennial Civic Centre; "Names of People Mentioned in Centennial Records; canvassers for Civic Centre; various lists of names; Centennial Happenings in Swift Current, 1967; Festival of the Arts in Swift Current 1964; Swift Current Jubilee Association Executive Members; "Names Submitted For Individuals to be Presented with Bronze Medallions"; minutes, Centennial Committee meeting, 1967; Representatives for Swift Current Jubilee Association meeting, 1965; Swift Current Jubilee Association budget, 1964; Swift Current Centennial Committee budget, 1967; Annual Report of the Swift Current Jubilee Association for 1966; “Report of Activities” Swift Current Golden Jubilee, 1964; payroll deductions, 1964; financial records for Swift Current Jubilee Association, money raised from local businesses in support of Civic Centre
-Folder#29 - Jubilee Committee Jack Smith: pamphlets, Sunset Ceremony, throughout Saskatchewan, 1967; correspondence with Province of Saskatchewan Department of Education, re: Youth Travel Program, Young Voyageur Program; letter, Community Planning Association of Canada; newsletter, Saskatchewan Planning News; news releases and correspondence, re: Centennial and Jubilees; promotion for “Fathers of Confederation” painting; Swift Current Centennial Committee, horseshoe tournament; Saskatchewan Centennial Square Dance bulletin, 1967; Christmas card with a photograph of an old car from 1913; clipping: “Long Lance Vacation Trail 6”; booklet, Swift Current Golden Jubilee "Report of Activities"; Annual Report of the Swift Current Jubilee Association for 1966 (2 copies)
-Folder#30 - Saskatchewan Diamond Jubilee 1965/Canada Centennial 1967: newsletters, Jubilee-Centennial Notebook; invitation to Swift Current Agricultural Exhibition Association Frontier Days, celebrating the Diamond Jubilee, Founder's Day; Diamond Jubilee place mat; Regina Jubilee Youth Conference evaluation, 1965; Regina Youth Conference schedule; report, Jubilee Youth Conferences, 1965
-Folder#31 - envelope: Swift Current Centennial Committee, budget, 1967; Appendix B – National Centennial Programs, 1966; Appendix C – Provincial Centennial Programs, 1966; Centennial Calendar of Events, 1967
Booklet, "Saskatchewan Diamond Jubilee & Canada Centennial Corporation Interim Report, 1965"
Sans titre