- SCM-RG-0039
- Fonds
- 11 February 2004
The fonds, related to Hoffman James Powley, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.
The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
-The volume is a ledger that has been also used as a scrapbook; scrapbook contains: table of contents, clippings of movie stars, politicians, poems, "cowboy" images, newspaper clippings, some Swift Current clippings, latest date on a newspaper clipping is 1932 though most are not dated (clippings and pictures are often pasted onto pages that were originally used as a ledger, ca. 1926); after clippings end several of the remaining pages are used as a ledger, 1911 - 1915, records of interactions with businesses, local businesses, and individuals; there is a large number of blank pages, after which there is another ledger, 1909 - 1913, record of interactions with businesses, local businesses, and individuals. The records in the ledger likely pertain to the Alexandra Hotel. "This book belongs to Hofffman James Powley, Beaver Flats P.O., Saskatchewan, Canada / 15th Day of February in the year 1926 A.D./ age - 18 yrs." written inside front cover
Powley, Hoffman James