The fonds, related to the Rural Municipality of Swift Current Number 137, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.
The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
-volume #1: "Debenture Register Swift Current Rural Municipality No. 137", 1913 - 1932
-volume #2: "Road Construction Cost Analysis", 1959 - 1979
-volume #3: a books of Acts: Rural Municipality Act, 1965; Tax Enforcement Act, 1953; Public Health Act, 1953; Social Aid Act, 1953; Tuberculosis Sanatoria and Hospitals Act, 1953; Stray Animals Act, 1953; Noxious Weeds Act, 1953; Municipal Hail Insurance Act, 1953; Rural Telephone Act, 1953; Union Hospital Act, 1953; School Assessment Act, 1953; Larger School Units Act, 1953; Community Planning Act, 1957; Interpretation Act, 1953; Provincial Mediation Board Act, 1953; Local Government Board Act, 1953; Municipal Expropriation Act, 1953; Land Utilization Act, 1953; Municipalities Seed Grain and Supply Act, 1953; Conservation and Development Act, 1953; Prairie and Forest Fires Act, 1964; Open Well Act, 1953; Municipal Employees Superannuation Act, 1959; Local Government Board (Special Powers) Act, 1953; Limitation of Civil Rights Act, 1953; Highways and Transportation Act, 1953; Drought Area Debt Adjustment Act, 1937; Power Commission Act, 1953; Pure Bred Sire Areas Act, 1953; Veterinarian Services Act, 1953; Postponement of Issue of Certificate of Title to Land sold for Taxes Act, 1944
-envelope #1: 14 cancelled cheques from Swift Current RM from 1957 and 1963, payment to: George Hanna, 1957; John C. Clark, 1957; Jack Larter, 1957; J.N. Young, 1957; Ben Letkeman, 1957; Eugene Walker, 1957; Isaac I. Wiens, 1963; Harry Tanaka, 1963; Eugene Waker, 1963; Fred J. Schofield, 1963; James R. Parsons, 1963; Harry Tanaka, 1957; James R. Parsons, 1957; James R. Parsons, 1963