- SCM-RG-0040
- Fonds
- 1912 - 1985
The fonds, related to Florence Noble and the 8th Recce, were accumulated by the source over her lifetime. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.
The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
.1- July 26, 1982 Reunion (Tom Noble) Newspaper Clipping
.2 - Flo Noble’s tartan hostess sash
.3- 9 page 1st orders issues July 1941 (Holding unit Canadian Armored Corps) November 12, 1977
Moose Jaw Times
.4- Clipping of November 10, 1977 Moose Jaw Armories Reunion
(Together with .3 under same label)
.5a - 4 page report of Chuck's voyage overseas (June 21 – July 4, 1941)
.5b- 1 page, report of Chuck's voyage overseas (January 5, 1944)
.6 – 9 page 1944-1974 Canadian Remembrance Days booklet
.7 – Calgary photograph, No.5 , 1966 (25.5 cm x 20.5 cm)
.8 – Tom Noble photograph (19.5 cm x 24 cm)
.9 – Calgary reunion photograph, No.11 (28 cm x 17.5 cm)
.10 – Swift Current photograph,1960 or 1963 reunion (25.5 cm x 20.5 cm)
.11a – Newspaper clipping (Moose Jaw Times) of 8th Recce parade (Tom Noble and Emil
Zimmerman), 1982
.11b – Newspaper cartoon (Tom Noble) 1912
.12 – Tom Noble and Emil Zimmerman in 8th Recce Regiment parade, photograph (21.5 cm x 24 cm)
.13 – Notes by Major Gordon Good (8th Recce veteran) from World War II; November 1983 (22 pages)
.14 – Members in Calgary, photograph (9 cm x 9 cm)
.15-.19 – Marching Soldiers and armoured tanks, photographs (9 cm x 9 cm)
[In Devon Wente envelope]
.21 – 14th Canadian Hussars information paper
.22a – 8th Recce regiment 1st annual Reunion program, November12, 1960
.25 – Newspaper Clipping of Regina Leader Post (1980’s)