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Humboldt General Photograph Collection Avec objets numériques
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Railway Avenue - Humboldt

On March 27, 1945, Humboldt Bylaw 420 identified the name changes for streets and avenues. Railway Avenue became Fifth Avenue. Photo taken at the corner of Main Street looking west on Fifth Avenue.

View of Humboldt

Main Street Humboldt looking north. Postcard addressed to Miss Ida Michels in Alma, Wis., USA. Reads as follows: 6, 10, 1908 Will see her after supper. All O.K. Martin.

Humboldt Telegraph Station

From left to right: On the horse is Tom Pike from Toronto, government operator at the Mail Station. Sitting is Colonel Denison. In the doorway, Mr. Smith from Fort Qu'Appelle. Sitting next to Denison is William Scott, who was in charge of the mail station at the time. Far right is W. Slatery, a bugler in the 12 35 York Rangers, who was doing the cooking at the mail station.

Humboldt Knights of Columbus

First group to be initiated as Fourth Degree Knights in Regina. Members standing - left to right: Ed Bruning, Pat Murphy and Joseph Burton. Sitting - left to right: L.T. Dust, Dr. H.R. Fleming, F.I. Hauser and Hon. J.M. Urich.

War Volunteers - Humboldt

Volunteers front row - left to right: Joe Stringer, Harold Rose, Vic Roselle, Chris Hall, Ed Fournier, Alf Chalf. Second row - left to right: Jack Bradshaw, Tom Bulmer, ? Carroll, P. McGregor. Third row left to right: Parker Garvie, Rex Kirkwood, Percy Kinglsey, Wm. Menzies, Alf Grey, ? Jones, J. Fairclough, Jack Kocourek, Peter McCorkindale. Absent - J. Preston, Joe Tenette.

Cummings Street - Humboldt

Bylaw number 420 dated March 27, 1945, identified the name changes for streets and avenues in Humboldt so Cummings Street became Sixth Street. Photo taken looking north with Humboldt Public School located at end of the street.

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