Yorkton's first town council after incorporation in 1900
- YJ0265
- Item
- ca. 1900
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
Yorkton's first town council after incorporation in 1900.
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Yorkton's first town council after incorporation in 1900
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
Yorkton's first town council after incorporation in 1900.
Yorkton's first motor fire truck
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
Yorkton's first motor fire truck
Yorkton's first high school buildings and 1910 school under construction
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
Yorkton's first high school buildings. Two rooms were built in 1908 and in 1909 one additional room was added. These buildings were erected on the site of the present High School Buildings, on Darlington Street, and were in use until the new building was completed in 1911.
1910 High School under construction.
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
Old timers and others standing on the mill foundation in 1947
Yorkton's first business street
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
Livingstone St., on the right, Yorkton's first business street with the Royal Hotel in the foreground. At the left on the picture is Broadway east of first Ave. The first house is Markham's residence, next is J. C. Markham's livery barn. Next the Hudson's Bay store. Across the street 2nd. Ave., is R. A. Patricks small drug store, Yorkton's first drug store with a law office above. Next is the Carson Building with a photography shop and barber shop on the ground floor and offices above.
Yorkton Town and city engineers.
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
List of the Yorkton Town and City engineers.
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
Canoes and boats on a lake during Regatta Day in Yorkton.
Yorkton mills and grain elevator
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
Yorkton Flour Mill, Rob Roy Oatmeal mill, and Bull & Snell Private grain elevator
Yorkton 1901- sketch Stanley Turner
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
Sketch of Yorkton from First Avenue
Woman sitting in front of tipi
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
Women sitting in front of tipi
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
Western Grocers Warehouse, on Broadway west. Erected in 1910
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
Before the advent of the combine, binder twine was a necessity for harvesting. Here Ben Kimber and Gus Gibson are seen unloading a truck load of binder twine at the implement warehouse of W. D. Dunlop on 2nd. Ave.
Victoria school and the West End school
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
Victoria school and the West End school.
Victoria school, built on the present site of Shaw Park on 5th. Avenue in 1899. Mr. J. A. Gregory was the principal and Mr. J. A. M. Patrick was his assistant. This building became outdated and was replaced by the New Victoria school on 4th. Avenue in 1929.
The West End school, built on the present site of the Western Grocers building on Broadway West in 1905. It was moved, in 1910, to the corner of Broadway and Melrose Ave., to make way for the right-of-way of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. It was used for school purposes until the Simpson school was opened in 1915. The building is still in a good state of repair and has been used as a multiple for a long number of years.
Typical First Nation Encampment
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
Four men sit and one man stands in front of several tipis. A caption reads "A very typical Indian encampment on the prairies any where."