- MJ-26.1
- Série
- 1940 1944
Parte de Moose Jaw Historical Society fonds
This series consists of file concerning the Society's business and formation as well as operations as a Branch of the Provincial Historical Association.
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Parte de Moose Jaw Historical Society fonds
This series consists of file concerning the Society's business and formation as well as operations as a Branch of the Provincial Historical Association.
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Local Historical Background and Essays
Parte de Moose Jaw Historical Society fonds
This series consists of files concerning the radio broadcasts and essays regarding the local history of Moose Jaw and the surrounding area.
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Conservation Efforts and Activities
Parte de Moose Jaw Historical Society fonds
This series consists of files concerning the Society's efforts to preserve and display historical aspects of the city of Moose Jaw.
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Moose Jaw Historical Society fonds
This fonds consists of three series concerning Society business and operations as a Branch of the Provincial Historical Association. Another series documents conservation efforts of the Society. The final series provides local historical background and essays that were collected and some broadcast on local radio, by the Society.
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