This series contains scrapbooks and clippings put together by Elks’ members. The scrapbooks are mostly pictures of the Elks, some are annotated. The clippings are generally obituaries of late Elk members and Elks in the news.
This series consists of booklets containing the rules and regulations of the Order of the Elks. This includes the constitution, bylaws, and rules for rituals and ceremonies.
This series consists of material produced by the Elks Club. This includes programs, newsletters, handbooks and pamphlets. This series also includes four copies of The Canadian Elk, the Elks of Canada’s publication.
The Elks Club fonds consists of 11 series: Scrapbooks and Clippings, Financial Records, Legal Documents, Meetings and Conferences, Publications, Correspondence, Membership, Events, Rules and Regulations, History of the Lodge and Lodge Renovations. This fonds also contains some material from the Elks Club auxiliary group, The Order of the Royal Purple.
This series consists of membership applications for inactive and deceased members, membership reports, directories, reminder cards for members and attendance registers.
This series contains minutes, proceedings and reports from various meetings at the Lodge, including Lodge meetings, House Committee meetings, Directors’ meetings, Provincial Officers’ meetings and many others. It includes reports and proceedings from annual provincial and national conferences. There is also a black and white photo from the Elks’ 32nd annual convention in 1961.
This series contains documents regarding proposed additions in 1986 and renovations in 1958 to the Elks’ lodge. It consists of contracts with the contractors, construction specifications and architectural drawings.
This series consists of legal documents, such as documents pertaining to amalgamation, incorporation and leases. It contains material regarding construction agreements and certificates of purchased shares. Charles Nicolle’s will is also included with this material.
This series consists of items written about the history of the Elks. This includes the historian’s report, Elks History Book and the history of the Moose Jaw lodge.
This series consists of receipts, financial statements, ledgers and invoices. It also includes financial projections, forms and budgets for the Elks’ Club.
This series contains multimedia materials depicting various events hosted and attended by Elk members. This includes curling tournaments, minor football, loonie draws, fashion shows, fundraisers, and various other events. Many of the photographs are not dated and the individuals are unidentified.
This series contains correspondence between the Elks of Canada and the Moose Jaw Lodge #7 regarding official Elks business. Some files are specific correspondence to Harold Willfong, past Exalted Ruler in Moose Jaw.