- Séries
Parte deBill Harding fonds
Parte deBill Harding fonds
Parte deBill Harding fonds
Parte deBill Harding fonds
Parte deBill Harding fonds
Fonds consists of personal papers created by agriculturalist, civil servant, international development worker, community activist, and sportsman, William M. Harding. Arranged by Harding in eleven roughly chronological series (Swift Current; Calgary; Hockey; Basketball; Adult Education Division; Department of Agriculture Period; CCF/NDP files; Community Clinic files; Guyana Period; and Liberia Papers), the papers provide selective documentation of his life and activities. Of particular interest are correspondence, reports, clippings, pamphlets, committee files, radio scripts, notes, briefing materials, minutes, and other records relating to his career as a civil servant with the Government of Saskatchewan, first with the Adult Education Division (1945-1946) and then with the Department of Agriculture (1947-1952). Records relating to Harding's work as Secretary of the Royal Commission on Agriculture and Rural Life (1952-1957), The Local Government Continuing Committee (1958-1961) include reports, a discussion handbook, speaking assignments and notes, pamphlets, correspondence, and other documents. Political materials, including election platforms, publicity materials, canvassing reports, analysis of election results, surveys, working papers, and correspondence (contains Woodrow Lloyd letters) relate to Harding's organizational and educational work for the CCF/NDP during the 1950s and 1960s, and a small series of pamphlets, statements, reports and published documents provide informatin on the community clinic movement in Regina and Saskatchewan. Also noteworthy is a substantial series of correspondence, reports, meeting materials, speeches, press clippings, pamphlets and other papers pertaining to his United Nations development work in Guyana (1964-1967), and in Liberia (1961-1962). Harding's early life and career in Swift Current are represented through articles, historical material, lecture notes, correspondence, clippings, pamphlets and reports from his work at the Swift Current Experimental Station in the 1930's, and by historical material on the Kinetic Club. A small clutch of clippings, publicity materials and documents concerning the Kinsmen arise from his time with the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede (1942-1944), and his sporting activities as a hockey official in Alberta and as an organizer of basketball in Swift Current and Regina are also documented. A detailed personal history prepared by Bill Harding in 1990 is also included.
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Parte deBill Harding fonds
Parte deBill Harding fonds
Parte deBill Harding fonds
Parte deBill Harding fonds
Parte deBill Harding fonds
Parte deBill Harding fonds