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Harry James Lafond collection
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46 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Lafond Family Christmas 1955

Pictured are back row, left to right: Bridget (Lafond) Stevenson, Rose (Moreau) Lafond, Bertha (Lafond) Desnomie, Augustine (Lafond) Arcand. Front: Olive (Lafond) Publicover. Sheila Arcand is in the background.

Aldina Prolites

Left to right: David Steele-Greyeyes, Harold Greyeyes, Ralph Greyeyes, David Lafond, Albert Arcand, Hilliard Arcand, George Greyeyes, Emile Venne, Richard Greyeyes, Father Paradis OMI

August and Rose Lafond Family

Pictured in the back row: Bridget (Lafond) Stevenson, Roderick Lafond, Bertha (Lafond) Desnomie, Stanley Lafond, David Lafond, Georgina (Lafond) Venne. Front row: Lionel Lafond, August Lafond, Olive (Lafond) Publicover, Rose (Moreau) Lafond, Albert Lafond, Harry Lafond Wedding Day of Olive (Lafond) Publicover

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