Young David Joseph Lafond and his calf
- MLCN-234-0026
- Item
- [between 1940-1944]
Part of David Joseph Lafond collection
David Lafond is pictured as he rides his calf.
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Young David Joseph Lafond and his calf
Part of David Joseph Lafond collection
David Lafond is pictured as he rides his calf.
Wedding of Hilliard and Mary Arcand
Part of David Joseph Lafond collection
Hilliard Arcand's Wedding photo taken at Jim Greyeyes homestead, Muskeg Lake Cree Nation. Pictured left to right are: August Lafond, David Lafond, Hilliard Arcand, Frank Arcand, Emile Venne, and Albert Lafond
Part of David Joseph Lafond collection
Georgina (Greyeyes) Venne is pictured with her daughters Alphonsine (Venne) Lafond, Eva (Venne) Lafond.
The Venne Sisters with David-Steele Greyeyes
Part of David Joseph Lafond collection
David Greyeyes-Steele is pictured in army uniform with Alphonsine (Venne) Lafond, Irene Venne, Eva (Venne) Lafond.
Part of David Joseph Lafond collection
Eva (Venne) Lafond, Alphonsine (Venne) Lafond, Irene Venne
Part of David Joseph Lafond collection
The Roman Catholic Rectory at Muskeg Lake is pictured before it burnt down in 1950.
The Band Tractor - Muskeg Lake
Part of David Joseph Lafond collection
Euclid Ledoux (Longneck) is pictured standing beside the tractor owned by Muskeg Lake Band.
The Aldina Prolites - Muskeg Lake Hockey Team
Part of David Joseph Lafond collection
The Aldina Prolites. The Aldina Prolites were Muskeg Lake's first hockey team.
The Aldina Prolites - Muskeg Lake Hockey Team
Part of David Joseph Lafond collection
The Aldina Prolites are pictured at a Shellbrook tournament. Back row: David Greyeyes, Hilliard Arcand, Sam Arcand, Norman Lafond, David Lafond, Frederick (Sonny) Lafond. Front row: Ivan Daniels, Emile Venne, Harold Greyeyes, Alex McDonald, Alex Greyeyes, Johnny Sanderson.
Stanley Lafond in army uniform with nieces and nephews
Part of David Joseph Lafond collection
Stanley Lafond is pictured in army uniform with his nephews and nieces. Pictured left to right are: George Lafond, Melody Lafond, Stanley Lafond, Lois Lafond, Duane Lafond, and Janet Lafond.
Portrait of Euclid Ledoux (Longneck)
Part of David Joseph Lafond collection
Portrait of Euclid Ledoux (Longneck).
Part of David Joseph Lafond collection
Bernard Venne holding his grandson Elvis Lafond.
Part of David Joseph Lafond collection
The Muskeg Lake Cree Nation Football Team [1950]. Left to right: Harold Greyeyes, Unknown, Harry Venne, Unknown, Sam Arcand, JT Arcand, Isadore Ledoux, Albert Arcand, William (Shorty) Greyeyes,
Part of David Joseph Lafond collection
The Muskeg Lake Cree Nation Hockey Team [1949] is pictured. Back row: Emile Venne, Ralph Greyeyes, Richard (Dickie) Greyeyes, Hilliard Arcand, Albert Arcand. Front row: Albert Lafond, George Greyeyes, David Lafond.
Part of David Joseph Lafond collection
Team photo of the Muskeg Lake Football Team taken at their practice field.