- MLCN-208-0040
- Item
- [ca. 1940's]
Part of Georgina Venne collection
Working the fields on Muskeg Lake Cree Nation
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Part of Georgina Venne collection
Working the fields on Muskeg Lake Cree Nation
Part of Georgina Venne collection
Left to right: Unknown, Emile Venne, Harry Venne, Unknown, David Greyeyes, Alphonse Girard, and Fred Arcand.
Part of Georgina Venne collection
Irene Venne and Eva (Venne) Lafond
Part of Georgina Venne collection
Emile Venne with his younger sisters Irene and Eva Venne.
Part of Georgina Venne collection
Georgina (Greyeyes) Venne and her daughter Alpha (Venne) Lafond.
Part of Georgina Venne collection
Back row: Georgina (Greyeyes) Venne, Alphonsince (Venne) Lafond. Front row: Irene Venne, Eva (Venne) Lafond.
Venne children with Peter Gardipy
Part of Georgina Venne collection
Emile Venne, Peter Gardipy, Harry Venne, Alpha (Venne) Lafond (front).
Part of Georgina Venne collection
Emile Venne and Alpha Venne (baby unknown).
Part of Georgina Venne collection
Back row: Emile Venne, Alphonsine (Venne) Lafond, Harry Venne. Front row: Eva (Venne) Lafond, Irene Venne.
Part of Georgina Venne collection
Emile Venne and Harry Venne
Venne brothers with their father Bernard
Part of Georgina Venne collection
Harry Venne, Bernard Venne, Emile Venne
Venne boys and David Greyeyes-Steele
Part of Georgina Venne collection
Harry Venne, David Greyeyes-Steele, and Emile Venne
Venne boys and David Greyeyes-Steele
Part of Georgina Venne collection
Harry Venne, David Greyeyes-Steele, and Emile Venne.
Part of Georgina Venne collection
Harry Venne and Emile Venne