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Melfort Historical Committee fonds
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63 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Big Melfort CC Curlers

Curlers standing on the ice in front of scoreboard reading "Players Please." They are all wearing sweaters with "Big Melfort C.C." crests L-R: Sid Moore, Thos. McCosh Roy Monsees Stan Rupert.

Melfort High School Graduation - 1955

A photo taken at the United Church park of a grade 8 graduating class. Front Row: Bruce McDonald, Dale McShane, Pat Kyba, Harvey Fields, Blair Gordon; Second Row: Kathy Graff, Gail Marshall, ?, Anne Davies, Gail Funk, Maureen Mosher, Pat Long, Adrienne Assaly, Myrna Patterson, Linda Watkins, Lorraine McAlister?, Shirley Smith, Jessie Fletcher, ?; Third Row: Shirley Anderson, Myrna Parker, Sherine Genest, Lynn Newfeld, Flora McDonald, Merle Kipling, Bev Isberg, Myrna Harmon, Diane Pyett, Jean Gibson, ?, ?, Marianne Ford, Betty Statham, Gwen Gessner, Marjorie Swanson.; Back Row: Terry Melenchuk, Marron Wyniak, ?, Dale Neighbor, Peter Mah, Keith Davidson, Ken Yee, Lorne Baldwin, ?, Norman Bolen, Jack Urquhart, Jan McNeil, Jerry Neighbor, George Warring, Lorne Love?, ?.

Melfort High School Hockey Team

A Melfort High School Hockey Team standing in front of white building (rink?). Trophy on the ground in front of them. L to R: Al Sefton, Clint Kraeling, Ron Cowie, Jack McPhee, Reg Belliveau, Dennis Mailer, Charles Gilhooly, Cyril Davidson, Harold Flett, Don Rush, Moise Audette.

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