- 994-001
- Reeks
- 1905-1977
Part of City of Melfort collection
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Part of City of Melfort collection
Main Street and Burrows Ave. - Melfort, Sask.
Part of City of Melfort collection
The corner of Main Street and Burrows Avenue Facing south west, in Melfort. The building on the corner is the Canadian Bank of Commerce.
Part of City of Melfort collection
Melfort's first Council 1907: Back Row L-R: D. Nesbit, J. Carney, J. H. Hatton, Front Row L- R: G. B. Jameson, G. B. Johnston (Mayor), L. J. Greenwood, Wm. Armstrong. The wood frame is gilded in a hold colour and has A decorative moulded edge, the matte is green in colour.
Part of City of Melfort collection
The Stone Cenotaph that was located in the park across from the Melfort Post Office on Main Street.
Homesteaders moving into Melfort, Sask.
Part of City of Melfort collection
A close up of three wagons, one of the wagons is hitched to a team of oxen. Melfort buildings in the background.
Melfort High (M.U.C.C.) School Band
Part of City of Melfort collection
Melfort High School Band. Back Row L-R: Penny Watt, Fred Hammer, Scott Green, Merlin Condy, Saul Jacobson, Keith Reeder, Harold Jonasson, Kevin McHarg, Wayne Vickar, Brent Bygdden, Ken Argent, Bob Morrison, Brian Unverricht - Third Row: Doug Redenbach, Eric Vickar, Doug McCosh, Michael Beattie, Ivadel Sanderson, Joe Rybinski, Bruce Rosenberg, Doug Johanson, Stacey Foster, Linda Cavanaugh, Kerry Vickar, Bruce Schmeidl, - Second Row: Scott Calver, ?, Sandy Johnson, Mike Rybinski, Connie Gitlin, Dale Avison, Neil Reeder, Garvie Olson, Cheri Jordan, Judy Sefton, Aurora Dokken, Greg Smith, Glenda Cox - Front Row: Susan McCosh, Patricia Green, Laurie Hawk, Shannon Olson, Diana Statham, Bob Latimer (conductor), Colleen Hawke, Dale Calver, Jo-Anne George, Louise Hill. This band went on a overseas trip. There are seven plaques if front of the group.
Part of City of Melfort collection
Girl and boy who won the freckle contest. Both are wearing paper crowns and purple cloaks.
Part of City of Melfort collection
Children with their pets. Some pets are dressed up.
Part of City of Melfort collection
Wheelbarrow Race - contest during a field day.
The Melfort Kinsmen Playground
Part of City of Melfort collection
Children play on the slide during the Opening Day at the Melfort Playground.
Part of City of Melfort collection
A boy and girl selected the Freckle King & Queen. Both are wearing paper crowns and holding certificates.
Freckle King, Queen and their court
Part of City of Melfort collection
Five children stand on the steps of Memorial Hall. A boy and girl have been selected the Freckle King & Queen. Both are wearing gold crowns and holding scepters.
Birthday Party - Melfort Kinsmen Playground
Part of City of Melfort collection
Children stand on the grass in a circle holding each others hands during a birthday party at Melfort Kinsmen Playground on Bemister Ave. E.
Christmas in August at the Melfort Kinsmen Playground
Part of City of Melfort collection
Children line up to meet Santa Claus during the Christmas in August event at the Melfort Kinsmen Playground on Bemister Ave. E. Swimming pool seen in the foreground.
Picnic at the Melfort Kinsmen Playground
Part of City of Melfort collection
Parade of decorated bicycles at the Melfort Kinsmen Playground on Bemister Ave. E. Street and parked cars are seen in the background.