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Hopkins, Charles Hillary fonds With digital objects
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High School students - Melfort, Sask.

A group of Melfort High School students. back row L to R: Lyle Wittig, Allan Ryhorchuck, Cecil Brown, Bruce McEwen,Garry Seal, Boris Sen; Middle Row L to R: Keith Belliveau, Elsie Gustafson, Marina Wendelborg, Audrey Grant, Iris Pladsen, Dorothy Church, Marg Sloan, Bernice Tolley; Front Row L to R: Lois Morgan, Kay Pannell, Eileen Patterson, Helen Richardson, Eileen Keller, Marie Howie, Yvonne Pladson, Eva Harold, Hazel Gunderson, Joyce Bonderud

Melfort High School students

Melfort High School students. back row L to R: ?, ?, Marvin Pyett, Mel Hanson, 2nd Row L to R: Don Hedberg, Tom Grieg; Middle Row L to R: George Anderson; Front Row L to R: Ted Wittig, Lyle Audette, Jack McPhee, Carrol Chlopan, Doug Lustig, Taylor Gordon.

Melfort High School students

A group of Grade X Melfort High School students. back row L to R: Beryl Jones, Frank White, Marjorie Childerstone, Bill Pyett, ? Robertson, ?, Dorothy Hurd, Ken Nelson, Betty Drew, Bill Adair; Middle Row L to R: Doug Truemner, June Carlson, ? Reeder, ?, ?, Dorothy Dafoe, Bertie Fennell, Joan McMurchy, Marion Devine, Beth Fennell; Front Row L to R: Jean Broudy, ?, ?, ?, ?, Carl Chlopan, Marvin Pyett, ?, Audrey Gerrish.

Melfort High School students

A group of Melfort High School students. back two rows Alternating L to R: Betty Long, Searle Hornby, Tommy Greig, Paul Wanamaker, Dei Keown, Doug Truemmer, Bob Long, Keith Peters, Don Clark, Paul Heavin, Lyle Garinger, Bernice Pannell, Stan Keller, Roy Taylor, Helen Hornby, Jean Dickie; Middle Row L to R: Laverna King, Helen Bonli, Gwen Martin, Jeanette Staniforth, Inez Moen, Miss Nicolson, Lillian Ryhorchuck, Joy Patterson, Velma Reeder, Jean Lonsdale, Vicky Haidy; Front Row L to R: Lorne Gustavson, Reg Morrison, Jim McPhee, Taylor Gordon, Jack Bell, Harold Weiler, Leslie Shields.

Melfort High School students

Melfort Collegiate Institute Grade IX students. Back Row L to R: Ken Nelson, Gordon Hedberg, Marvin Pyett, Irvin Pyett, Mel Hanson, Ken; Orchard, Mervyn Weiler, Bill Adair; Back 2nd Row L to R: Audrey Gerrish, Shirley; Hanson, Dorothy Hurd, Naomia Denowski, Vivian Reeder, Vi Drew, Marion Devine, Lavinia Pladsen, Gladys Barrie, Muriel Robertson, Jean Broudy; Middle Row L to R: Beth Fennell, Audrey Dobson, Joan McMurchy, Bertie Fennell, Jean Hornby, Miss Long, Dorothy Dafoe, June Carlson, Verna Avison, Beryl Jones; Front Row L to R: Carrol Chlopan, Donald Truemmer, Doug Lustig, Jimmy Lane, Don Dafoe, Lorne Backus.

Students of the Broadway School - 1914

Students of the Broadway School on its front steps 1914. Back Row: L to R: Reg Lancaster, Mac Irvine, Verne Leake, Beverly Leake, Katie Sparrow (now Mrs. Elmo Price), Allardyce Code, Kathleen Slinn, Ruth Code, Alice Clift (Mrs. J. Hopkins), Helen Johnson, Kathleen Clift (Mrs. Sam Smith), Mable Lovell; Centre Row: Clifford Whitmore, Rollo Bedham, Levita McNaughton, Ruby Severson, Myrtle Hodgenson, Laura Roberts, Lizzie Leathem, Ruth Elliott, Nellie Slinn, Hazel Rusk, Lily smith, Laura Lovell, Mattie Simpson. Bottom Row: Arthur Lindsay, Harold Long, Stacey Foster, Elmo Price, Henry Clark, Charles Davidson, Emerson Wittig, Hans Nelson, Axel Monsees, Arthur Foster, Dick Dawson.