- 2002-011-001
- Item
- 1920 - 1930, scanned 2002
Part of Henning, Margaret fonds
Berlin School #1958. White frame structure, one storey building.
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Part of Henning, Margaret fonds
Berlin School #1958. White frame structure, one storey building.
Part of Henning, Margaret fonds
Students in front of Berlin School #1958. Summertime.
Part of Henning, Margaret fonds
Students standing in front of Berlin School #1958 some on horses. Miss Alfhild Haave was the teacher. Snow on the ground.
Part of Henning, Margaret fonds
Students standing in front of Berlin School #1958. Snow on the ground.
Part of Henning, Margaret fonds
Students standing in front of Berlin School #1958. Some with baseball bats, ball gloves, one with a lard pail. Girls baseball team - Marj, Evelyn, Sadie.
Part of Henning, Margaret fonds
Students at Berlin School #1958.
Part of Henning, Margaret fonds
Students standing in front of Berlin School #1958.
Part of Henning, Margaret fonds
Students on the steps of Berlin School #1958.
Part of Henning, Margaret fonds
Students standing in front of Berlin School #1958. Teacher was Miss Alfhild Haave.
Part of Henning, Margaret fonds
Students standing in front of Berlin School #1958.
Part of Henning, Margaret fonds
Students standing on the steps of Berlin School #1958.
Part of Henning, Margaret fonds
Students at Berlin School #1958. Berlin Belle's Ball Team. Back Row L-R: Evelyn Thompson, Dorothy Sealy, Freda Kohlpuss Front row L-R: Sadie Thompson, Marion England, Ethel Lyons, Marjorie Thompson, Florence Sealey, Gladys Hamilton.
Part of Henning, Margaret fonds
Students standing in front of Berlin School #1958.
Part of Henning, Margaret fonds
Farm Girls Club. Back Row L-R: Florence Sealey, Marjorie Thompson, Marion England, Sadie Thompson, Mrs Bill Lyons (Leader) Front Row L-R: Irene Lyons, Stella Lyons, Meryl Lyons, Mary Sorboe.
Part of Henning, Margaret fonds
L-R: Marion England, Florence Sealey, Ruth Atkinson, Elsie Naber, Ethel Lyons, Marjorie Thompson, Jean Hamilton.