An interview with Metis knowledge keepers Winnie and Bernard Malbeuf. The archival records consist of the actual interview (MP4 file) and a printed transcript on the shelf.
An interview with Metis knowledge keeper Shirley (Pelletier) Baker. The archival records consist of the actual interview (MP4 file) and a printed transcript on the shelf.
An interview with Metis knowledge keeper Melona Biller. The archival records consist of the actual interview (MP4 file) and a printed transcript on the shelf.
An interview with Metis knowledge keeper Maurice Cardinal. The archival records consist of the actual interview (MP4 file) and a printed transcript on the shelf.
An interview with Metis knowledge keeper Larry Fayant. The archival records consist of the actual interview (MP4 file) and a printed transcript on the shelf.
An interview with Metis knowledge keeper Irma Klyne. The archival records consist of the actual interview (MP4 file) and a printed transcript on the shelf.
A duo-tang containing a 10-page description written by Robert G. Thompson to his daughter Etta, describing of the time he attended a First Nations Sun Dance.
Photographs and text about early Saskatchewan (various towns/events. The cover features a photograph of a First Nations tipi encampment near Indian Head
An interview with Metis knowledge keeper Calvin Racette. The archival records consist of the actual interview (MP4 file) and a printed transcript on the shelf.
A newspaper article split between two issues of Maclean's Magazine - February 15 (pp 12-13; 48-? the latter is missing) and March 1, 1923 (pp 25-26; 50-52). The article written by "Chief Buffalo Child Long Lance" contains interviews with multiple First Nations warriors and their stories from battle.