Affichage de 14 résultats

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Indigenous Collection
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11 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

If these places could talk

Photographs and text about early Saskatchewan (various towns/events. The cover features a photograph of a First Nations tipi encampment near Indian Head

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7 interviews with Metis knowledge keepers

Indigenous Collection

  • INC
  • Collection
  • 1923 - 2020

Articles. write-ups and stories about First Nations and Metis history, culture and people

Calvin Racette interview

An interview with Metis knowledge keeper Calvin Racette. The archival records consist of the actual interview (MP4 file) and a printed transcript on the shelf.

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Maurice Cardinal interview

An interview with Metis knowledge keeper Maurice Cardinal. The archival records consist of the actual interview (MP4 file) and a printed transcript on the shelf.

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Melona Biller interview

An interview with Metis knowledge keeper Melona Biller. The archival records consist of the actual interview (MP4 file) and a printed transcript on the shelf.

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Before the Red Coats Came (Maclean's Magazine)

A newspaper article split between two issues of Maclean's Magazine - February 15 (pp 12-13; 48-? the latter is missing) and March 1, 1923 (pp 25-26; 50-52). The article written by "Chief Buffalo Child Long Lance" contains interviews with multiple First Nations warriors and their stories from battle.

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Winnie and Bernard Malbeuf interview

An interview with Metis knowledge keepers Winnie and Bernard Malbeuf. The archival records consist of the actual interview (MP4 file) and a printed transcript on the shelf.

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Irma Klyne interview

An interview with Metis knowledge keeper Irma Klyne. The archival records consist of the actual interview (MP4 file) and a printed transcript on the shelf.

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Shirley (Pelletier) Baker interview

An interview with Metis knowledge keeper Shirley (Pelletier) Baker. The archival records consist of the actual interview (MP4 file) and a printed transcript on the shelf.

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Indian Sun Dance

A duo-tang containing a 10-page description written by Robert G. Thompson to his daughter Etta, describing of the time he attended a First Nations Sun Dance.

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Larry Fayant interview

An interview with Metis knowledge keeper Larry Fayant. The archival records consist of the actual interview (MP4 file) and a printed transcript on the shelf.

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