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Janice McBain Fonds
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Janice McBain Fonds

  • JMF
  • Fonds
  • 1923 - 1998

This is a virtual collection since the 6 physical 3-ring binders were returned to Janice McBain at Hayes Haven. In total, 357 photos were scanned in .tiff format and 143 documents which were scanned as pdf files with Optical Character Recognition. The documents were scanned at high resolution according to our archival standard (~3000 pixels on the long side). The binders whose contents were digitized were accessioned as individual items, The digital files reside on the museum's computer. The binders include photos and text documents - including news articles - that span most of the Orange Home's period of operation. The binders contain materials from the 1930s right up to the years of the Orange Home's closure in 1997.

Orange Home (Indian Head Sask.)

Orange Home - SIR (Saskatchewan Independent Riders) Binder

A digital folder containing scanned copies of 48 pages of textual records in searchable PDF format. Most textual records are newspaper clippings that center around the Indian Head Orange Home and the children there. The dates range from 1973 -1997. Original copy loaned to the museum by Janice McBain. Original copy scanned into digital format and the originals sent back to Janice McBain in 2020. Inscriptions on newspaper clippings have been included in scanned form wherever possible.

McBain, Janice

Orange Home 30s History Binder

A digital folder containing scanned copies of 285 photographs in tiff format and and 34 pages of textual records in searchable PDF format. Photos and textual records were created by and center around the Indian Head Orange Home and the children there. Most are from the 1930's but the dates range from 1923 -1985. Original copy loaned to the museum by Janice McBain. Original copy scanned into digital format and the originals sent back to Janice McBain in 2020. Inscriptions on photos have been included in scanned form wherever possible

McBain, Janice

Orange Home 50s History Binder

A digital folder containing scanned copies of 40 photographs in tiff format. The photos were taken by and of the Indian Head Orange Home and the children there. Most are from the 1950's but the dates range from 1945 -1972. Original copy loaned to the museum by Janice McBain. Original copy scanned into digital format and the originals sent back to Janice McBain in 2020. Inscriptions on photos have been included in scanned form wherever possible.

McBain, Janice

Orange Home 60s History Binder

A digital folder containing scanned copies of 28 photographs in tiff format. The photos were taken by and of the Indian Head Orange Home and the children there. most are from the 1960's but the dates range from 1962 -1970. Original copy loaned to the museum by Janice McBain. Original copy scanned into digital format and the originals sent back to Janice McBain in 2020. Inscriptions on photos have been included in scanned form wherever possible.

McBain, Janice

Orange Home Cadets and Graduation Binder

A digital folder containing scanned copies of a photograph in tiff format and 61 pages of textual records in searchable PDF format. Most of the textual records were either clipped out of newspapers are event programs center around the Indian Head Orange Home children who were graduating high school or were in the Indian Head 691 Hawk Squadron Air Cadets . The dates range from 1944 -1998. Original copy loaned to the museum by Janice McBain. Original copy scanned into digital format and the originals sent back to Janice McBain in 2020.

McBain, Janice

Orange Home News Binder

A digital folder containing scanned copies of 3 photographs in tiff format and and 92 pages of textual records in searchable PDF format. Most of the photos and textual records were clipped out of newspapers center around the Indian Head Orange Home and the children there. The dates range from 1923 -1998. Original copy loaned to the museum by Janice McBain. Original copy scanned into digital format and the originals sent back to Janice McBain in 2020. Inscriptions on photos and textual records have been included in scanned form wherever possible

McBain, Janice