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Agriculture Collection
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110 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

View of the Bell farmyard in 1884

Laminated reproduction of a photo from the Notman Photographic Archives, McCord Museum of Canadian History, Montreal. The labels at the bottom of the photograph identify: "Bell Farmhouse"; "round stone barn"; "proposed new barn site" (with an arrow); "wooden barns".

Tree Nursery (P.F.R.A.)

The series will consists of archival materials pertaining to the federal Tree Nursery. See the Tree Nursery Fonds (TNF) for a comprehensive collection of documents and photos in the form of over 7m of textual documents in 3-ring binders and a slide cabinet which contains duplicate slides produced by Tree Nursery staff over many years.

Government of Canada

Tips N Tricks and Horticulture Hints

A small (15 cm X 23 cm) coil-bound 21-page booklet of horticultural information and advice created by the Indian Head Horticulture Society as a part of the 1971 Indian Head Homecoming.

Indian Head Horticultural Society

Results 1 to 15 of 115