1910s CPR station at Indian Head
- IHM.2022.0018
- Item
- [191-]
Part of Businesses Collection
Sketch of the Indian Head Canadian Pacific Railway Station.
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1910s CPR station at Indian Head
Part of Businesses Collection
Sketch of the Indian Head Canadian Pacific Railway Station.
Albina Rural Telephone Company (Sintaluta) Cash Book 1918 - 1971
Part of Businesses Collection
A large (27 cm X 40 cm) black hardcover 100-page cashbook used by the Albina Rural Telephone Company from 1918 to 1971.
Albina Rural Telephone Company
Albina Rural Telephone Company (Sintaluta) Cash Book 1972 - 1976
Part of Businesses Collection
A large (30 cm X 45 cm) 100-page hardcover cashbook used by the Albina Rural Telephone Company from 1972 to 1976.
Albina Rural Telephone Company
Albina Rural Telephone Company (Sintaluta) Minute Book
Part of Businesses Collection
A 17 cm X 21 cm red and green patterned 100-page hardcover notebook containing 20 pages of meeting minutes for the Albina Rural Telephone Company from 1915 to 1919.
Albina Rural Telephone Company
Annual Report 1966 Indian Head Savings and Credit Union Ltd.
Part of Businesses Collection
Booklet of letter-sized pages stapled together witch contains typed reports from each division of Indian Head Savings and Credit Union Ltd as well its official balances. Orban Smulan was the Acting President of the Board of Directors. The other directors and committee members are named in the report.
Indian Head Savings and Credit Union Ltd.
Arcadia Rural Telephone Company Account Book (1912-1945
Part of Businesses Collection
A small (17 cm X 23 cm) hardcover 150-page notebook containing the list of expenditures and revenues for the Arcadia Rural Telephone Company listed by year for the years 1912 to 1945
Arcadia Rural Telephone Company
Arcadia Rural Telephone Company Cashbook (1912-1952)
Part of Businesses Collection
A large (22 cm X 35 cm) black hardcover 200-page cashbook listing customers and the financial records of the Arcadia Rural Telephone Company from 1912 to 1952.
Arcadia Rural Telephone Company
Arcadia Rural Telephone Company Financial Records (1912-1954)
Part of Businesses Collection
A large (23 cm X 35 cm) hardcover maroon account book that lists the Cash and Contra for the Arcadia Rural Telephone Company by year from 1912 to 1954
Arcadia Rural Telephone Company
Attendance Register of Post office Employees
Part of Businesses Collection
Hardcover register of employee daily hours (usually four employees) at the Indian Head Post Office.
Indian Head Post Office
Aub Jealous in Jealous and Walker Drug Store Preparing Prescriptions
Part of Businesses Collection
Picture of Aub Jealous in Jealous and Walker Drugs. June 1957
Bank Note from Albert V. Gerry to John Francis Hunt
Part of Businesses Collection
Bank note for $24.55 dated 1916 and has a 2 cent war tax stamp on it. It has been hole punched and stamped twice. The bank note is made out to J.F. Hunt (John Francis Hunt).
Gerry, Albert V.
Part of Businesses Collection
Postcard with photo of the Bank of Montreal which was on the site of the current Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) at 501 Grand Avenue.
Behind the Footlights - Recollections of the Indian Head Opera House
Part of Businesses Collection
Reprint of article in Saskatchewan History, Winter 1956, pp 21-25. A first-person account by Grace (Osment) Irwin, daughter of Arthur J. Osment, builder/owner/operator of the Opera House, now (2021) the Grand Theatre.
Bills Receivable Glenn Bros. Milestone
Part of Businesses Collection
Beige binder containing the bills receivable for Glenn Bros. in Milestone sorted alphabetically and with the people who paid marked off with the date.
Glenn Bros.
Book of stubs of stock certificates issued for the Wide Awake Rural Telephone Company
Part of Businesses Collection
A 22 cm X 37 cm black hardcover book of stubs from stock certificates - does not include any certificates, only the stubs, which name the persons and numbers of stocks issued. The stock is for the Wide Awake Rural Telephone Company and were sold from 1912 to 1958.
Wide Awake Rural Telephone Company