1,000 kids invited home for reunion (Orange Home)
- IHM.2020.0105
- Item
- April 9 1983
Part of Town Collection
A page-long newspaper article about the Orange Home and its preparations for its 60th anniversary in 1983.
Saskatoon Star-Phoenix
1,000 kids invited home for reunion (Orange Home)
Part of Town Collection
A page-long newspaper article about the Orange Home and its preparations for its 60th anniversary in 1983.
Saskatoon Star-Phoenix
Part of Town Collection
A photo taken of the 1913 circus parade in Indian Head showing ponies pulling a dog cage display. See also IHM.2021.0294; IHM.2021.0295; IHM.2021.0296
Part of Town Collection
A class photograph of teenage students and teachers on the steps of the Indian Head Collegiate.
1920 CPR station at Indian Head
Part of Town Collection
Five men posing on the platform of the Indian Head Canadian Pacific Railway Station.
1954 Indian Head Hospital boiler explosion
Part of Town Collection
A photo of the rubble left behind by the explosion in the north wing of the newly constructed Indian Head Hospital.
1971 Homecoming Committee Minutes and Other Records
Part of Town Collection
A large binder containing over 100 pages of minutes, documents and correspondence from the 1971 Indian Head Homecoming Committee.
Indian Head Homecoming Committee
1985 Indian Head homecoming/reunion - list of returnees
Part of Town Collection
Two pages of the Aug 21, 1985 Indian Head - Wolseley News with an alphabetical "List of Returnees".
McCabe, Ken
1985 Indian Head homecoming/reunion photographs and articles
Part of Town Collection
Photocopied articles and snapshots of people and about events that happened during the 1985 homecoming/reunion in Indian Head. One of the four pages has an alphabetical "List of Returnees".
McCabe, Ken
1991-1992 Orange Home Calendar
Part of Town Collection
Small wall calendar (September, 1991 to September, 1992), including photos of children (residents), staff and members of the Orange Benevolent Society as well as short writeups about various aspects of the Orange Home..
Orange Benevolent Society of Saskatchewan
A celebration in horse and buggy days
Part of Town Collection
A large gathering on Grand Avenue, Indian Head with many people, horses, and buggies,
Part of Town Collection
Photograph in Samuel Sadler Photo Album (Town Collection (IHC) > Series Indian Head (INH) > File Samuel Sadler Album (SSA))
Sadler, Samuel Slocum
A Trip Down Memory Lane - Indian Head 100th Anniversary
Part of Town Collection
24-page history of Indian Head prepared by Ken McCabe owner/editor of the Indian head - Wolseley News as a project for the 2002 Homecoming (August 2-4, 2002)
McCabe, Ken
A Trip Down Memory Lane Indian Head 100th Anniversary
Part of Town Collection
A 24-page, letter-sized staple-bound booklet of Indian Head's history written by Ken McCabe to celebrate the town's 100th anniversary.
McCabe, Ken
Aerial photo of Indian Head Collegiate and former airport
Part of Town Collection
Photograph taken from an airplane looking northeast over the Indian Head Collegiate (high school) to the former airport - now Indian Head Golf Course.
Aerial photo of Indian Head from the north
Part of Town Collection
Photograph taken from an airplane looking south toward Indian Head. The Experimental Farm barn and office building are on the far left of the photograph.