Humboldt (Sask.)



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Humboldt (Sask.)

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Humboldt (Sask.)

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Humboldt (Sask.)

650 Archival description results for Humboldt (Sask.)

650 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Curling Champions

Curling Champs: Winners of Saskatchewan USSN Medals No. 36 Humboldt Lailey Tremble Ltd. Trophy and Watson Shield for Grand Aggregate, the team of (left to right): S.R. Hutchings, J. Miller, H. Smethurst, J. Platzer.

Curling champions

Team photograph of the winners of Grand Challenge and Citizen Trophy from Humboldt, Saskatchewan. Members of the team - left to right: F. Heidgerken, J.M. Crerar, B. Crerar, O. L. Aronsen. All four are holding corn brooms.


This series contains 3 letterheads, 4 envelopes, 10 programs, 4 score cards, 1 membership form, 9 invitations, 11 membership cards, 2 receipts, 2 award certificates, 1 bumper sticker, 2 letters, 5 schedules, 23 raffle tickets, 1 vote form, 37 event tickets, 31 posters with dates, 14 posters with bonspiel rules, and 29 posters without dates.

Graphic Arts Printing

Coyle Chev.-Olds Ltd.

This series contains 1 price list, 4 receipt forms, 2 letterheads, 3 purchase agreement forms, 7 invoice forms, 1 mail tag, 7 business card, 1 sign, 1 envelope, 1 memo letterhead, and 2 parts tags.

Graphic Arts Printing

Results 526 to 540 of 650