Herschel (Sask.)



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Herschel (Sask.)

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Herschel (Sask.)

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Herschel Pastoral Charge

  • Corporate body
  • 1925–2018

Herschel Pastoral Charge was formed as a new United Church charge in 1925, part of Kindersley Presbytery. By 1926, it consisted of preaching points at Herschel, Winona, and Spring Lake. In the 1930s, Winona left the charge, while Wiggins and Kingsland joined it. Sometime between 1946 and 1951, the charge joined with Fiske to form Herschel-Fiske Pastoral Charge, with points at Anglia, Fiske, Herschel, and McGee. Around the mid-1950s, the name had returned to Herschel Pastoral Charge, as of 1962, made up of Herschel, Anglia and Stanraer. Eventually, only the Herschel congregation was left and, as of September 15, 2018, Herschel Pastoral Charge itself officially closed.