Groups (Biggar)



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Groups (Biggar)

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Groups (Biggar)

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Groups (Biggar)

182 Archival description results for Groups (Biggar)

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Grade Three 1931-1932

39 children standing, kneeling, and sitting on the grass in front of a hedge, tree and building
Written on the back in pencil: "Grade III"
Written on the back in blue ink:

  1. Julien Hawyluk
  2. Alex Manjos
  3. Muriel Lee
  4. Dorothy Sellers
  5. Vivian Cornish
  6. Jean Zenuik
  7. Evelyn Ratke
  8. Laureen Ralston
  9. Pearl Dunbar
  10. Grace Templeton
  11. Alice Holland?
  12. Joyce McLeod
  13. Arvid anderson
  14. Marguerite Stewart
  15. Mary Jane Hamilton
  16. Mona MacDonald
  17. Monica Comer
  18. Kathleen McLeod
  19. Sophie King
  20. Agnes Porter
  21. Joy Ferguson[crossed out] Ruth Dunbar
  22. Lily Bonnett
  23. Betty wilson
  24. Donna Edighotten
  25. Monica Comer
  26. Lawrence Complisson
  27. ___ Young
  28. Doreen Marcroft
  29. Helen Greekas
  30. Neva oakes
  31. Ross McKay
  32. Merle Bonnett
  33. Ivy Bonnett
  34. Phyllis Brown
  35. Joy Ferguson
  36. Albert Lang"
    Stamped on the bottom right corner on the back in blue ink is the number 5
    Stamped in blue ink on the back is a round stamp saying: "Randall Photo Shop Biggar. Sask. Excello Hi-Gloss Prints Jun 6 1932"

Grade Three 1931-1932 Central School

39 children standing, kneeling, and sitting on the grass in front of a hedge, tree and building
Most of the children are dressed in white
Stamped in blue ink on the back: Randall Photoshop Biggar, Sask. Excello Hi-gloss Prints Jun 15 1932" and "3"
Written on the back in pencil: "Grade 3 Central school"
written on the back in blue ink:
Top Row

  1. Julien Hawryluk

  2. Alex Manjos

  3. Muriel Lee

  4. Dorothy Sellers

  5. Vivian Cornish

  6. Jean Zenuik

  7. Evelyn Hassard

  8. Jean Zenuik

  9. Evelyn Ratke

  10. Laureen Ralston

  11. Pearl Dunbar

  12. Grace Templeton

  13. Alice Holland

  14. Joyce McLeod

  15. Arvid Anderson

  16. Margurite Stewart

  17. Mary Jane Hamilton

  18. Mona MacDonald

  19. Monica Comer [crossed out] Bernice Labb

  20. Kathleen McLeod

  21. Sophie King

  22. Agnes Porter

  23. Ruth Dunbar

  24. Lily Bonnett

  25. Betty Wilson

  26. Donna Edighoffer

  27. Monica Comer

  28. Hod.[crossed out] Lawrence Complisson

Bottom Row

  1. Shirley Young
  2. Doreen marcroft
  3. Helen Greekas
  4. Neva Oakes
  5. Ross McKay
  6. Merle Bonnett
  7. Ivy Bonnett
  8. Phyllis Brown
  9. Joy Ferguson
  10. Albert Lang

Grade Three 1937-1938

35 children posing for a group photo in a field of tall grass with a row of trees behind them
written on the back in blue ink:
"1937-1938 Grade 3
Back row

  1. Billy Foster
  2. Alvin Bonnett
  3. Victor Besse
  4. Billy Poock
  5. David Lamb IV
  6. Raymond Kolberg
  7. Ernest Todd
  8. Sim Wong
  9. Lorne Pettigrew
  10. Laurie Dunbar
  11. Bernard O'Rourke
    13 Victor Lins
  12. John McKay
    Absent Dennis O'Rourke
    Byron Dugas
    Francis Yonke

Middle Row

  1. Hazel Davis
  2. Dorothy reid
  3. Anita Armstrong
  4. Patsy Bowles
  5. Irene Blundin
  6. Enid taylor
  7. Beatrice Smith
  8. Eleanor Robeock
  9. Phyllis Cutler
  10. Esther Jenkins
  11. Joyce Carter

Bottom Row

  1. Irene Salemka
  2. Verla Kegler
  3. Joyce Newton
  4. Joan Ford
  5. Audrey Adolph
  6. Miriam Page
  7. Phyllis Cutler [crossed out] Eileen Wright
  8. Vivian McCulloch
  9. Colleen Maddin
  10. Kathleen Moore
  11. Betty Sheppard
    E. Norgord - Teacher

Stamped in black ink on the back is "Syemour's Photo Finishers Saskatoon"

Grade Three 1937-1938

22 children standing, kneeling and sitting on the grass in frontof a hedge and building
Written on the back in blue ink:
"Back Row (1937-1938) Gr III

  1. Irene Blundin
  2. Patsy Bowles?
  3. Hazel Pauls ?
  4. Esther Jenkins
  5. Eleanor Robock
  6. Beatrice Smith
  7. Enid Taylor

Middle Row

  1. Eileen Wright?
  2. Joyce Newton
  3. Audrey Adolph
  4. Phyllis Cutler
  5. Dorothy Reid
  6. Joyce Carter
  7. Irene Salemka
  8. Anita Armstrong

Bottom Row

  1. Verla Kegler?
  2. Joan Ford
  3. Betty Sheppard
  4. Katheen Moore?
  5. Vivian McCulloch
  6. Colleen Maddin
  7. Miriam Page"
    Stamped on the back in black ink: "1 266"

Grade Three 1937-1938

35 children posing for a group photo in a field of tall grass with a row of trees behind them
written on a sticky note on the back in blue ink:
"1937-38 Grade 3
Back row

  1. Billy Foster
  2. Alvin Bonnett
  3. Victor Besse
  4. Billy Poock
  5. David Lamb IV
  6. Raymond Kolberg
  7. Ernest Todd
  8. Sim Wong
  9. Lorne Pettigrew
  10. John McKay
  11. Laurie Dunbar
  12. Bernard O'Rourke
    13 Victor Lins
    Absent Dennis O'Rourke
    Byron Dugas
    Francis Yonke

Middle Row

  1. Hazel Davis
  2. Dorothy reid
  3. Anita Armstrong
  4. Patsy Bowles
  5. Irene Blundin
  6. Enid taylor
  7. Beatrice Smith
  8. Eleanor Robeock
  9. Phyllis Cutler
  10. Esther Jenkins
  11. Joyce Carter

Bottom Row

  1. Irene Salemka
  2. Verla Kegler
  3. Joyce Newton
  4. Joan Ford
  5. Audrey Adolph
  6. Miriam Page
  7. Eileen Wright
  8. Vivian McCulloch
  9. Colleen Maddin
  10. Kathleen Moore
  11. Betty Sheppard

Grade Three and Four 1935-1936

13 boys standing and sitting on the grass in front of a hedge and a building
Written on the back in blue ink:
"1935-1936. Gr III & IV
Back row - left to right
Ralph Thompsett
Merlin Kegler
Lloyd Hock
David Wright
Teddy Noble
Ernest O'Rourke
Willie Allan

Front Row
Junior Wallington
Melvin Burrison
Willie Blaikie
Kenneth Lusk
Donald Lobb
Howard Newton"

Stamped on the back in red ink is the number "7"

Grade Three and Four 1935-1936

13 boys standing and sitting on the grass in front of a hedge and a building
Written on a sticky note on the back in blue ink:
"1935-36. Gr III & IV
Back Row
Ralph Thompsett
Merlin Kegler
Lloyd Hock
David Wright
Teddy Noble
Ernest O'Rourke
Willie Allan

Front Row
Junior Wallington
Melvin Burrison
Willie Blaikie
Kenneth Lusk
Donald Lobb
Howard Newton"

Written on the back in blue in is the letter "C"
printed on the back in a pattern are the words "This paper manufactured by Kodak"

Grade Three and Four 1940-1941

22 children sitting and standing on grass in front of hedges and a brick building
Written on the back in blue ink:
1940-1941 Grades III & IV
Back- Ian Angus
Jimmy Jenkins
Vivienne McKay
Terry Rolfe
Betty Mernickle
Ronnie Bowles
David Lamb
Joe Beech
Jack Robinson
Middle Row Dick Bowron
Ernest Jensen
Bobby Elliot
Ross King
Victor Goretsky
Kenneth Newton
Earl Merryfield
Front Row
Gwenneth Jackson
Alene King
Ione O'Donnel
Rita Witt
Edith? [crossed out] Booth
Edith Dickie
Teacher - E. Norgord

printed on the back in a pattern is a diamond shape with the word "SELO" inside
Stamped on the back in black ink is the number "670A"

Grade Three Central School Biggar June 1932

40 children and one woman standing and sitting on the grass in front of trees and a brick building
written on the bottom is: "9.B. Grade III Central School, Biggar. June 1932."
Written on the back in pencil:
"Price 50c each mounted
Back row - Left to right Grade III

  1. Margarite stuart
  2. Doris Brown
  3. Bernice Lobb
  4. Betty Wilson
  5. jean Zernuik, 6. Sophi King
  6. Vivian Cornish
  7. Dorothy Sellers
  8. Mary Jane Hamilton
  9. Agnes Porter
  10. Donna Edighoffer
  11. Grace Templeton
  12. Lily Bonnett
    Second Row - left to right
  13. Ivy bonnett
  14. Alice Holland
  15. Evelyn Hassard
  16. Monica Comer
  17. Laureen Ralston
  18. Evelyn Ratke
  19. Annie Zenuik
  20. Joyce McLeod
  21. Pearl Dunbar
  22. Muriel lee
  23. Phyllis Brown [blue ink]
    Third Row - left to right sitting
  24. Helen Greekas
  25. Mona MacDonald
  26. Neva Oakes
  27. Kathleen McLeod
  28. Doreen Marcroft
  29. _____ Young
  30. Ruth Dunbar
  31. Merle Bonnett
  32. Joy Ferguson
  33. Ross McKay
    Boys - left to right
  34. Julien Hawryluk
  35. Alex Manjos
  36. Alfred Townsend
  37. (Lawrence/) Complisson
  38. ?Arvid Anderson
  39. Albert Lang

Grade Three Central School Biggar June 1932

40 children and one woman standing and sitting on the grass in front of trees and a brick building
written on the bottom is: "9.B. Grade III Central School, Biggar. June 1932."
The letter D is written in blue ink on the top left back corner
Written on a sticky note on the back in blue ink:
" 1932 gr3
Back row

  1. Margarite stuart
  2. Doris Brown
  3. Bernice Lobb
  4. Betty Wilson
  5. jean Zernuik
  6. Sophi King
  7. Vivian Cornish
  8. Dorothy Sellers
  9. Mary Jane Hamilton
  10. Agnes Porter
  11. Donna Edighoffer
  12. Grace Templeton
  13. Lily Bonnett
    2nd Row
  14. Ivy bonnett
  15. Alice Holland
  16. Evelyn Hassard
  17. Monica Comer
  18. Laureen Ralston
  19. Evelyn Ratke
  20. Annie Zenuik
  21. Joyce McLeod
  22. Pearl Dunbar
    2nd Row
  23. Muriel lee
  24. Phyllis Brown
    3rd Row (sitting)
  25. Helen Greekas
  26. Mona MacDonald
  27. Neva Oakes
  28. Kathleen McLeod
  29. Doreen Marcroft
  30. _____ Young
  31. Ruth Dunbar
  32. Merle Bonnett
  33. Joy Ferguson
  34. Ross McKay
    Boys - L-R
  35. Julien Hawryluk
  36. Alex Manjos
  37. Alfred Townsend
  38. (Lawrence) Complisson
  39. ?Arvid Anderson
  40. Albert Lang

Grade Three Human Pyramid

Six boys making a human pyramid on the grass in front of a hedge and building
Written on the back in blue ink:

  1. Top John McKay
  2. Billy Poock?
  3. Ernest Todd
  4. Lorne Pettigrew
    Stamped in black ink on the back is the number "1 266'

Grade Three Human Pyramid

Six boys making a human pyramid with two boys standing on either side
One of the boys is pointing a toy gun at another boy on the bottom of the pyramid
a hedge and a building is in the background
Written on the back in blue ink:
"Grade III 1937-1938
Bernard O'Rourke
Alvin Bonnett
Victor Lins

Victor Besse
Laurie Dunbar
Sim Wong
Dennis O'Rourke
Billy Foster

Stamped in black ink on the back is the number "1 266"
Written in pencil on the top back is the number "2"

Grades Three and Four 1940-1941

22 children sitting and standing on the grass in front of hedges and a brick building
Written on the back in blue ink:
Grade III and IV 1940-1941

  1. Ian Angus

  2. Ernest Jensen [crossed out] Jimmy Jenkins

  3. vivienne McKay

  4. Joan Aikenhead [crossed out] Terry Rolfe
    5 Betty Mernickle

  5. Ronnie Bowles

  6. david Lamb

  7. Joe Beech

  8. Jack Robinson

  9. Dick Bowron

  10. Ernest Jensen

  11. Bobby Elliot

  12. Ross King.

  13. Victor Goretsky

  14. Kenneth Newton

  15. Earl Merryfield

  16. Gwenneth Jackson

  17. Alene King

  18. Ioan O'Donnell

  19. Rita Witt
    Darlene Booth

  20. Edith Dickie
    Teacher - E. Norgord

Printed on the back in a pattern is a diamond shape with the word "SELO' inside it
Stamped in black ink on the back is the number "670A"

Grades Two and Three 1939-40

32 children sitting and standing on the grass in front of trees, hedges and a building
Written on the back in blue ink:
"Grades II and III 1939-1940
Back row

  1. Vivian McKay
  2. Rita Witt
  3. Gwenneth Jackson
  4. Terry Rolfe
    5 Mavis Campbell?
  5. Margaret Van Oene
    written on the back in pencil is "23" and "Central school"
    Stamped on the back in black ink is " Finished by Biggar Photo Studio Biggar"
Results 121 to 135 of 182