Groups (Biggar)



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Groups (Biggar)

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Groups (Biggar)

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Groups (Biggar)

182 Archival description results for Groups (Biggar)

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School Group Photo

Group of 32 children sitting, kneeling and standing in front of a building with large windows
There is a bicycle leaned against the building to the left of the group

School Group Photo

A group of 32 children sitting, kneeling and standing in a group in front of a building with large windows
There is a bicycle leaned against the building behind the group to the left

Ruth Ellis' Birthday Party

Five children sitting on the bumper of a car
Buildings can be seen in the background
Written on the back in blue ink and pencil: "Ruth Ellis' birthday Party in early days Biggar", "Ellis" "98"

Orchestra At Brotherhood of Retired Trainmen Dance

Seven men with instruments sitting behind a mural of trees, mountains, hills and a train
Another man is standing beside the mural
A banner above the sitting men reads "B of RT"
Written on the back in red and blue ink: "1937 Extreme L- L.C. Minshall - Decorators M.C. for B of R.T. Dance Orchestra - L. to R Orland Lee - Everet Wood - Jack Rutherford - L.M. (Marve) Carruthers Carson Tufts - Alf Adolph"

Opening of New Underground Water Storage

Eight men standing behind a large white pipe
Two men are exchanging a piece of paper
Written on the back in pencil: "Opening of new underground water storage - 1960 Front Row - L. to R. - M.L. Carruthers, Counclllor. Cyrl Buckingham - Town Engr. 2nd Row - L. to R. - L.A. Jones - Mayor - A.D. Dean - Councillor. Back Row - L. to R. D.W. Luke - Councillor - E.R. Beckman & K.G. Wright - Councillors"
A sticker on the bottom left corner reads "3x4" in pencil

Nova Wood Students and Teacher

24 children an done woman sitting and standing in front of a brick building with large windows
Written on the back in pencil: "Nova Wood?"
Printed on the back in a pattern: "A Kodak Paper"

Nova Wood Group

Nine women and one man standing in front of a building
Written on the back in blue ink: "L-R: , Joyce Hubert, , Marcella Hoppe, Bill Wallace, Luella Foster, Alice Kaluzy, Irene Jones, Joanne Kral, Anita Beckstead"
Printed on the back in a pattern: "A Kodak Paper"

Mrs. McKenzie Music Teacher

20 women standing and sitting in front of trees
Two women are holding certificates and Three women are holding plaques
Written on the back in blue ink: "Mrs. McKenzie (music teacher)"
Stamped on the back in blue ink: "806"

Kinsmen Club of Biggar Band

Sixteen men standing on the steps of a brick building
They are all wearing matching suits and are holding instruments and there are three drums on the ground in front of them
The middle drum reads "Kinsmen Club of Biggar Band"Written on the back in red ink: "L to R Front Row: Jack Calvert, Ralph Adolphe, Alf Adolphe, Clarc Baker, Allan Carruthers Centre: Lionel Jones, Joe Shepperd, Dane Fisher, Elmer Bales Top: Geo Munes Lorne Wook, Don Wook Everett Wook Art Rodlick Kohle Carruthers, Howard Carruthers"
Written on the back in blue ink : "L. Jones"
Written on the back in pencil: "1938"
Written in pencil on a white sticker: "Trim then 6x41/2(?)"
Stamped on the back in blue ink: "Lionle A. Jones Biggar, Sask"

Results 16 to 30 of 182