Groups (Biggar)



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Groups (Biggar)

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Groups (Biggar)

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Groups (Biggar)

182 Archival description results for Groups (Biggar)

182 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados

Stagettes In Front Of Biggar Hotel

12 women standing in front of a tall building
Written on the back in pencil: "Front Evelyn Norgord, Elizabeth Dickson, c.1940 stagettes? 19__"
Stamped on the back in blue ink: "265R"
Printed on the back in a pattern: "Velox"

Biggar Public School Group

Eight women and three men standing in front of a brick building
Written on the back in blue ink: "Front row: L-R Luella Besse, , Jean scott, ?, _____ back: Hank Brachman, Mrs. Orr, Gladys Marshall, Bill Wallace, Mell Swyrada, Frances Smith (Harvey)"
Printed on the back in a pattern: "A Kodak Paper"

Five Women In Front OF Stagette Club

Five women in uniform standing in front of a building
A sign above their heads reads "Welcome! Stagettes"
Written on the back in blue ink: "Evelyn Norgord Anne Morrison Ethel Watson Norma Weese Hazel Stagette Convention at Meadow Lake 1952"
Stamped on the back in black ink: "41"

Six People In Costume

Six people in costumes standing in front of a building
Stamped on the back in black ink: "Finished by Randall Photo Shop Biggar, Sask. Excell Hi-Gloss Service"
Stamped on the back in blue ink: "1"

School Year 1914-1915

26 children and one man standing and sitting in front of a building
Written on the back in black and blue ink: "1914-1915 school year. First Top Row. Left to right. george Calder; Rob McChesney; Isabelle Devlin, Frances Hoover; Evelyn Norgord; Grace Hoover. Teacher - Bruce Neilsen Second row. l-r. Carmel Weflew, Edward Augman; vergie Erickson Nellie Devlin; Zella James; Maybelle Hoover; Jacqueline Wells; Violet Erickson; Myrtle Calder; Charlie Devlin Lorne James. 3d row. ralph James; Malcolm Devlin; Jessie Hoover; Emma main; Qsear Weflew. 4th row; gladys King; Arnold Main; Gladys Weflew; Clarence King. Please return - Evelyn N."

Grade Three 1937-1938

22 children standing, kneeling and sitting on the grass in frontof a hedge and building
Written on the back in blue ink:
"Back Row (1937-1938) Gr III

  1. Irene Blundin
  2. Patsy Bowles?
  3. Hazel Pauls ?
  4. Esther Jenkins
  5. Eleanor Robock
  6. Beatrice Smith
  7. Enid Taylor

Middle Row

  1. Eileen Wright?
  2. Joyce Newton
  3. Audrey Adolph
  4. Phyllis Cutler
  5. Dorothy Reid
  6. Joyce Carter
  7. Irene Salemka
  8. Anita Armstrong

Bottom Row

  1. Verla Kegler?
  2. Joan Ford
  3. Betty Sheppard
  4. Katheen Moore?
  5. Vivian McCulloch
  6. Colleen Maddin
  7. Miriam Page"
    Stamped on the back in black ink: "1 266"

Crowd Members At Royal Visit

A group of 17 young men standing together
All are wearing tri-coloured sashes
Written on the back in blue ink: "Alma McLeod CP K Covey Taken by Alma when King George VI Queen Elizabeth at Biggar. Keith Noble Ron Burgess Bill Frazer Bill Holland Don Noble Don Ross Morley Lee Mervin Liso Marcelle Lund... Back - Bursson -Bushey Red McKay Front Billy Pickett (son of Victoria Pickett)"

Biggar Ladies Chorus

A group of 16 women inside a room
Two women are holding plaques
Written on the back in pencil: "Front: Pauline Ford, Mrs. Mack, Eloise Ferguson Back: E. Dickson, L. Butt, Sheila Angus, E. Norgord, June Thompson, Marion White, Agnes Meneilly, Isabel Entwistle, Gladys Paige, Francis Affleck, Gladys Clift, Mima Allan, Kay Ellis"
"149" written in blue marker on the middle back of photograph
Stamped on the bottom right back corner in blue ink "Biggar Studio Biggar, Sask."

Resultados 166 a 180 de 182