- 94.12.107
- Item
- ca.1920
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Five men standing in front of a train engine
One man is inside the cab of the engine
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Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Five men standing in front of a train engine
One man is inside the cab of the engine
Threshing Crew At John Garden's Farm
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Nine men standing in front of a car and wooden building
Written on the back in blue ink: "Threashing crew of 1926 while threashing on John gardens farm"
Written on the back in black ink: "000-078"
Stamped on the back in blue ink: "9"
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
20 men and women standing and sitting on the cement steps of a brick building
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
A group of 20 people standing and sitting on the steps of a brick building
Stamped on the back in black ink: "Jul 5 1955"
Written on the back in pencil:
"Inga skejeic
Helen Clark
Sybil Weller
Elaine Culbert
Ann Tevanets
joyce layton
Frances Harvey
J. Brown?
G. Andrews (principal)
Leonard Tembe
ARLETTA WOLFE (beside principal)"
Stagettes In Front Of Biggar Hotel
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
12 women standing in front of a tall building
Written on the back in pencil: "Front Evelyn Norgord, Elizabeth Dickson, c.1940 stagettes? 19__"
Stamped on the back in blue ink: "265R"
Printed on the back in a pattern: "Velox"
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
17 women standing and sitting in front of the doorway of a brick building
Written on the back in pencil
"Staggette Club 1940's
Seated ___, (sis) Anita Stewart
Standing Ina Bourk, __, __, __, Frances Mcpherson, Muriel White, __, Elizabeth Dickson, Eleanor Brown, Gladys Lindgren, Francis Ferguson, Gladys Newton, Evelyn Norgord,
Behind: G. Lindgren, __, __, Irene Hagman"
Printed on the back in a pattern are the words "This Paper Manufactured by Kodak"
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Approximately 30 women in uniform standing on the steps of a building
Written on the back in blue ink: "Stagettes at Meadow Lake"
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Five women in uniform standing in front of the doorway of a building
A sign above them reads "Welcome! Stagettes"
Written on the back in pencil: "Stagettes 1952 E. Norgord, B. Grenkie?, __, __, __"
Stamped on the back in black ink: "Jun 16 1952"
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
17 women standing (two of them are sitting) at the doorway of a brick building
There is a wood plank sidewalk leading up to the door
Written on the back in pencil:
sis (Anita Stewart)
Ina Bourk, __, __,
__, Francis McPherson
Murial White, __,
Elizabeth Dickson, Eleanor Brown,
Gladys Lindgren, Frances Ferguson,
Gladys Newton, Evelyn Norgord,
Behind G. Lindgren
__, __,
Irene Hagman
Around 1940"
Stamped in black ink is the number "818"
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
20 women and one dog standing and sitting in front of a building
Written on the back in pencil: "Top: Bea Grenkie (McCraig), Anita Stewart, Louvina Butt, Muriel White, Lorence Brown, Irene Calvert, Freda Wood, Eleanor Brown, Elizabeth Dickson, Kay Points, Kneeling, Kay Ellis, Lorrie Cox, ist row: Verna watson, E. Norgord, Francis McPherson, Gladys Lindgren
Stagette Club
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Six people in costumes standing in front of a building
Stamped on the back in black ink: "Finished by Randall Photo Shop Biggar, Sask. Excell Hi-Gloss Service"
Stamped on the back in blue ink: "1"
Scotty Buchan, Ernie Clark, Charlie Scott and Frank MacKay
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Five men standing and one man sitting in the doorway of a building with large windows
Written on the back in black ink: "Scotty Buchan Ernie Clark 2 unknown Charlie Scott Frank Mackay (sitting)"
Stamped on the back in black ink: "2"
Scotty Buchan, Ernie Clark, and Charlie Scott
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Three men standing in the doorway of a building with large windows
Written on the back in black ink: "Scotty Buchan Ernie Clark Charlie Scott"
Stamped on the back in black ink: "2"
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
26 children and one man standing and sitting in front of a building
Written on the back in black and blue ink: "1914-1915 school year. First Top Row. Left to right. george Calder; Rob McChesney; Isabelle Devlin, Frances Hoover; Evelyn Norgord; Grace Hoover. Teacher - Bruce Neilsen Second row. l-r. Carmel Weflew, Edward Augman; vergie Erickson Nellie Devlin; Zella James; Maybelle Hoover; Jacqueline Wells; Violet Erickson; Myrtle Calder; Charlie Devlin Lorne James. 3d row. ralph James; Malcolm Devlin; Jessie Hoover; Emma main; Qsear Weflew. 4th row; gladys King; Arnold Main; Gladys Weflew; Clarence King. Please return - Evelyn N."
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
37 children standing, kneeling and sitting on the grass in front of a hedge, tree and building
Printed on the back in a pattern is the word "VELOX"
Stamped on the back in black ink is the number "02" and a circular stamp that says "Seymour's Photo Finishers Saskatoon"