Ahrens hauling grain with mules and horses
- FGPC-FH-P091
- Item
- [ca. 1929]
Six mules and two horses pulling tandem wagons.
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Ahrens hauling grain with mules and horses
Six mules and two horses pulling tandem wagons.
Teams of horse/wagons delivering grain to United Grain Growers' elevator near Lloydminster, Saskatchewan
Grain delivery in Biggar, Saskatchewan
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Trucks and horse drawn carts filled with grain lined up next to grain elevators in Biggar, Saskatchewan.
Grain train, loading rail cars
Eight wagons pulled by a tractor, with grain being loaded into box cars.
A one-ton grain truck from ca. 1928 makes its way down the dirt street for a parade in Herschel, SK.
Grain has been unloaded by bucket from the grain wagons into what could be a rail car or wooden annex. Train siding with grain cars in the background. Snow fence curves along the left side of the picture.
Kunkel Collection
Four grain tanks; elevator in background. This is a portion of the grain tanks shown in AG7.023.
Kunkel Collection
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
A long line of horses and wagons and trucks full of grain outside a grain elevator in Biggar, Saskatchewan.
Biggar Photo Studio
Fred McArthur with a Dominion straight side wagon and team on the Javens farm.
A six horse team with two drivers pulling a straight sided grain wagon
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Four horse drawn sleds and a homemade snowmobile in a line on a snowy road
Hauling Wheat to the Elevator, Phippen
Part of Rice's Studio collection
Image of man on a wagon pulled by oxen, as he guides a second wagon and oxen as they haul wheat to the elevator in Phippen, Saskatchewan.
Rice, Lewis
Hauling wheat to the Robin Hood Mills, Moose Jaw
Part of Rice's Studio collection
Image of many horse-drawn carts hauling wheat to the Robin Hood Mills in Moose Jaw; the Calgary Brewing Cold Storage building can be seen in the distance.
Rice, Lewis
Man standing in a grain wagon or "tank"
Man with a bucket appears to be unloading a wagon of grain. The wagons are hooked in tandem. See AG7 - .023, .024, .026.
Kunkel Collection
Truck with man using a grain scoop to load with.