- MJ-133.94-320
- Item
- [between 1910 and 1913]
Parte de Rice's Studio collection
Black and white image of the Robin Hood Mills in Moose Jaw. The complex includes a mill, a grain elevator and grains bins.
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Parte de Rice's Studio collection
Black and white image of the Robin Hood Mills in Moose Jaw. The complex includes a mill, a grain elevator and grains bins.
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Parte de Frank Glass Photograph Collection
On the left Ted Scrivens, representing the RM of Marriott, is presenting Albert Kessel, who farmed 20 miles north of Rosetown, with a travel bag honoring his success as a world class quality producer of prize grain samples.
Parte de WHFA Photos Collection
Wolseley wheat blockade February 1902. Men stand on and near horses hitched to wagons and sleds at the approach to the Dominion Elevator. Box cars are seen to the right and another elevator is seen in the background.
Eagle Creek Processing Co. Inc.
Parte de Frank Glass Photograph Collection
Eagle Creek Processing Co. with an outdoor stockpile of peas.
Eagle Creek Processing Co. Inc.
Parte de Frank Glass Photograph Collection
Eagle Creek Processing as viewed from Hwy. #7.