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Lawrence Schatkoski fonds

  • SCM-RG-0013
  • Fonds
  • ? - 2002-07-23

The fonds, related to the Belvidere Rural Telephone Company Limited and the Rural Municipality of Swift Current Number 137, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described.

Sans titre

Swift Current Emergency Measures Organisation records

The fonds, related to the Swift Current Emergency Measures Organisation, was acquired by the source during its lifetime. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
Box 1.

(folder #1) Health - Medical Supplies - General & Precis (1965 - 1966): documents pertaining to the acquisition of medical supplies by the City

(folder #2) Emergency Health St. John's Home Nursing Program #2 – Lectures (no date): notes, documents, etc. pertaining to a home nurse training program

(folder #3) Health - Casualty Simulation (1964 - 1966, 1973): documents pertaining to a causality simulation training exercise

(folder #4) Health - First Aid Course and Precis (1962 - 1968): documents re: medical supplies; training course program; booklet: Advanced Treatment Centre Operating Manual; booklet: A First Aid Station in Action; booklet: Emergency First Aid, Civil Defence

(folder #5) Health - Mortuary: empty folder

(folder #6) Health - Blood Collection - Precis & Lectures (1968): documents re: blood donation clinics

(folder #7) Health - Blood Collection - General (1970): correspondence re: blood donation; booklet: Laboratory and Blood Techniques; booklet: Blood Donor Pack

(folder #8) Health - Radiation & Special Weapons - Precis (1961 - 1963): documents pertaining to handling radioactive material; defence from radiation; radiation monitoring; lecture: Contamination Problems Arising From Radioactive Fallout; detergents for radiological decontamination; booklet: Radiation Monitoring Instructor course

(folder #9) Health - Radiation & Special Weapons - General (1963 - 1964): documents pertaining to the acquisition of three ounces of radioactive dust by Scott Caswell, Civil Defence Director; documents re: Radiac Calculator

(folder #10) Health - Department of Public Health - Sanitation (1960, 1961, 1967): "Quick Thaw" training exercise; Measures for the Safe-Handling of Food Under Conditions of Emergency and with Special Reference to Relief Feeding; plan for sanitation services; booklet: Emergency Sanitation at Home

(folder #11) Health - Public Health Measures - Precis (1966): correspondence re: Mosquito Control Program

(folder #12) Health - Public Health Measures - General (1969): Dr. Abram Krahn; Brief on Civil Defence - Central Health Committee

(folder #13) Health - Public Health Measures - Correspondence (1961 - 1963): documents re: SC Emergency Medical Services planning; Scott Caswell, Director of Welfare Services for SC Civil Defence Committee

(folder #14) Health / 200 Bed Hospital - All Correspondence (1969 - 1970): correspondence re: 200 bed emergency hospital for storage and positioning in High School gymnasium; magazine: Canadian Hospital, August 1966; floor plan of High School

(folder #15) Health - Home Nursing - Hospital Training (1963 - 1966): water safety course; home nursing training kits for home care; Hospital Experience Program For Selected Home Nursing Volunteers

(folder #16) Health - Hospital - Disaster Planning (1962 - 1966): document, Hospital Disaster Planning, Department of National Health and Welfare, 1962; document, City of SC Emergency Health Services; SC Union Hospital Disaster Plan, 1966; SC Union Hospital Fire Evacuation instructions

(folder #17) Health - Medical Supplies - Correspondence (1957 - 1958): correspondence re: supplies; Lt. Col. D.J. Burke Civil Defence Director

(folder #18) Health - Medical Pool - Veterinarian General (1962): documents: The Role of the Veterinarian in Civil Defence, Agricultural and Biological Warfare

(folder #19) Health - Medical Pool - Doctors General: empty folder

(folder #20) Health - Medical Pool - General (1965 - 1966): list of graduate nurses in SC; correspondence

(folder #21) Health - Ambulance - General & Precis: empty folder

(folder #22) Health - A.T.C. - General & Precis: booklets by Civil Defence: A First Aid Station in Action, Primary Treatment Services; documents: An Outline Covering Advanced Treatment Centre Organization and Training, Emergency Health Services; signage; Advanced Treatment Centre & Casualty Collection Unit

(folder #23) Health - Hospital - Nurse Training (1968 - 1971): list of graduate nurses in SC; list of candidates, itinerary, for Roll of the Nurse in Disaster course, 1968 - 1971; correspondence

(folder #24) Emergency Health Services (1963 - 1967): correspondence re: SC Union Hospital Disaster Plan; hospital disaster planning; documents re: SC District Emergency Health Services in case of disaster

(folder #25) Health - General Correspondence - Administration Operations (1962 - 1963, 1970): documents: Emergency Health Services, Principles of Management of Federal Emergency Health Supplies Stockpile, Municipal Emergency Health Services, Plan For The Civil Defense of SC And District; newsletter: Department of National Health and Welfare, 1970

(folder #26) Health - Hospital - Precis - Lectures (1957 - 1965): document: Mental Health Services in Civil Defence and Disaster, 1957; The Sun article about the Southwest Regional Hospital Council, 1965

(folder #27) Information - General - Correspondence (1959 - 1965): correspondence with CJFB TV about emergency training in disasters; report on Civil Defence activity in SC, 1961; media and information services in the event of an attack; spring flood preparation, 1962; communication policies in case of a disaster

(folder #28) Health - Home Nursing - Course & Precis (no dates): Provincial Civil Defence Home Nursing instructions, 1958; Home Nursing training and test; Provincial Civil Defence training

(folder #29) Information - Precis & Lectures (1957 - 1964, 1973): memo: Federal EMO Information Plan, 1963 - 1964; Public Information Officers, 1963; newsletter: SEMO News, 1973; report: SC EMO, 1963; SEMO Public Information, 1964; speech on civil defense given in SC, 1964; television script for SC civil defense, 1959; National Civil Defence Day in Canada, 1957; SC Civil Defence Organization, members; speeches on Civil Defence

(folder #30) Inventory - C.D.H.Q. (1962 - 1964): inventory of equipment at SC EMO, receipts, shipping documents, correspondence, etc.

(folder #31) Course Circulars Federal & Provincial (1959 - 1965): correspondence from SEMO,1959 - 1965, re: training courses, competitions

(folder #32) Correspondence (1974): empty folder

SEMO newsletters: August 1967, November / December 1964, April 1967, September / October 1964, June 1967

(folder #33) Exercise Aircrew #2 (1979): document: City of SC EMO Exercise and Aircrew search and rescue and casualty transport; participant list for Wilderness Survival training course, 1978

(folder #34) Untitled (1952, 1965, 1976): The Sun, March 23 1976, pg. 1-2; report to the Civil Defence Committee by Chairman of Publicity Committee J. Greenblat, May 15 1952; news copy about a storm, 1976; SC Emergency Measures Report, City of SC, Spring Flood Situation, 1965; Report on Swift Current Flood Threat Spring 1952; article re: the ability of SC to handle up to 5000 refugees in case of an emergency

(volume #1) Response to Bomb Threats, SK Government Buildings, 1972

(volume #2) SC Emergency Planning District No. 1 list of members, Government of SK Standing Operating Procedures for Peacetime Disaster, 1972

(volume #3) SEMO Municipal Activity Report, 1976

(folder #35) Information – Operations (1958 - 1970): newspaper clippings re: public apathy towards civil defense, local civil defense, EMO activities, emergency hospital, name change of Civil Defence to EMO in 1963, misc. articles, 1958 - 1970; toboggan search and rescue exercise, 1967; CJFB news copy about EMO training exercise; press release on food supplies in an emergency; photographs #1 to #4 (see list below)

(volume #4) Survival Plan of the City of Swift Current in the Province of Saskatchewan // A Reception Community, 1967

(folder #36) Photographs: #5 to #39, see list below

(folder #37) Untitled: correspondence between SC EMO and SEMO; questionnaires on methods of informing the public, road transportation, search and rescue, law and order, fire defense, welfare, heath, engineering, etc. in the event of an emergency; inventory of useable shelter space in the region

(discrete items) Building Data Sheets for Fallout Protection Survey (1972 – 1973): SC Union Hospital; SC Comprehensive High School; Bradbrooke's Rexall Drugs; Ed McKenzie Ltd.; Milne Block; Bank of Montreal; Saan Store; Royal Bank; SC Sun Building; Frontier Enterprises Building; Sask Power Office; MacLeod's Store; Bank of Nova Scotia; Carlton Apartments; Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC); Quinn's Pharmacy; Yolanda's Dress Shop; RCMP Garage; RCMP Detachment; Swift Motel; York Hotel; Polly Law Office; Cooper Store Block; SC Fire Hall; Healy Hotel; Medical Building; City Hall; Western Savings; Great Western Motors Ltd.; Standard Motors Ltd.; Central School; Provincial Geriatric Centre; Beverley Apartments; Court House; St. Michael's Church; Thompson Auto Supplies; Department of Highways and Buildings; MacDonald's Consolidated Ltd.; Macco Aluminum Products; SGT Office; Notre Dame Church, Ponteix; Canadian Agricultural Research Station

(volume #5) SEMAD (Saskatchewan Emergency Measures Air Division) training exercises, 1975
(volume #6) EMO Municipal Financial Assistance Plan Manual, 1972
(volume #7) Region Skylab Response Plan, SEMO, 1979
(volume #8) SEMAD (Saskatchewan Emergency Measures Air Division) training exercises, 1975

Box 2:

(folder #1) Untitled: newspaper clippings re: 1976 storm damage; newsletters: Saskatchewan EMO News, 1973; essay re: NORAD; pamphlet: Regional Emergency Government Headquarters; list of names of phone numbers including Council, media, City departments, etc.; Survival Planning Guide for Municipalities (partial); Canada EMO Radiation Monitors' course "Exercise Byron"; SEMO Project Tiger Lily

(folder #2) Untitled (1961 - 1965): Municipal Civil Defence / Emergency Measures Annual Progress Reports for City of SC, 1961- 1965

(folder #3) Untitled (1965 - 1972): documents and correspondence re: SC EMO financial information, 1965 - 1972; Municipal Civil Defence / Emergency Measures Annual Progress Reports for City of SC, 1966

(folder #4) Untitled (1965): documents re: flood of 1965 in SC

(folder #5) Untitled (1961 – 1966): documents re: SC EMO financial information, 1961 - 1966; receipts

(folder #6) Briefs - Civil Defense Committee (1949 – 1959): Civil Defense Organization Committee, 1949; correspondence with police department, fire department; Plans for the Civil Defense of SC and District; documents re: Accommodation Committee; summary of accommodation available in local buildings; emergency hospitals; documents re: supply committee, food and fuel; SC Civil Defense Committee Duties; Engineering Committee duties

(folder #7) Minutes (1962 – 1970): minutes of SC EMO meetings, attendance sheets; plan for accepting refugees, plans in event of an emergency

(folder #8) Correspondence (1949 – 1959): précis of SC Civil Defense Organization; damage caused by a wind storm in Wymark; general correspondence; Hungarian Refugees, 1956; assistance from Armed Forces in Civil Defense; newspaper clippings

(folder #9) Director's Conferences – SEMO (1959 – 1971): EMO Director's conferences and training course documents, 1959 – 1971

(folder #10) Course Correspondence (1959 – 1966): schedule of courses at Canadian Emergency Measures College, Arnprior, 1966 - 1967; information on available training courses; course instructions; correspondence re: training courses; Henry Biem won a High School Editorial Competition

(folder #11) Correspondence – General (1962 – 1971): between Scott Caswell, Director of SC EMO, and SEMO, City of SC, various other bodies

(folder #12) Minutes - Civil Defense Meetings (1949 – 1959): general correspondence of SC Civil Defense; minutes of Civil Defense meetings; committee duties; division of the City of SC into wards for Civil Defense Purposes; duties of the SC Police and Fire Department in time of emergency or disaster; emergency clothing in civil defense

(folder #13) Civil Defence (1951): report from G.H. Lovestone, Fire Chief; duties of various committees submitted by R.H. McClelland, George McLeod, James Aitkens, Alex Kelly, Irving Hansen, R.H. Jenner, M.H. Prescott, Howard Couch; boy's home nursing course; syllabus for Provincial Civil Defense School; Municipal Organization for Civil Defence, by Saskatchewan Civil Defence; correspondence; minutes of Council of District Court Judges annual meeting, 1951; minutes of Red Cross Disaster Services meeting; three blank disaster information cards from the Red Cross; minutes and correspondence of the Civil Defence Committee, 1951; Divisions of the City of SC for Civil Defence Purposes; Urban Physical Characteristics Study, supplement to Civil Defence Planning Manual

(folder #14) Civil Defence (1953 – 1954): correspondence, re: requisition of civilian property, with Provincial Director of Civil Defence, etc.; various blank forms and reports, Warden Report; Civil Defence Health Services Manual; report: National Organizations, Agencies and Associations in Civil Defence; participation of Boy Scouts in Civil Defence Program; report: Allocation of Volunteers to Civil Defence

(folder #15) Civilian Defence School (1952 – 1955): documents pertaining to safe driving, training of civilians, assistance of the military, training supplies; notes from Saskatchewan Civilian Defence School: communications (radio, telephone, teletype, etc.), Wardens, radiation monitoring, role of Police, Fire Department, Medical Services, rescue work, a basic speech on Civil Defence, roll of the Red Cross, among other topics; correspondence between SC and Saskatchewan Civil Defence

(folder #16) Civil Defence - Ward's Report: Plans for the Civil Defence of SC and Distict; role of medical community; Nurse Instructors course, 1955; excerpts from Civil Defence Health Services Manual for Information of First Aid Station Personnel; report, The Warden Service in SC; SC flood of 1952

(folder #17) Civil Defence Misc. (1950 – 1954): correspondence re: training exercises; duties of various committees; minutes of Civil Defence meetings, 1952, 1954; general correspondence, 1954; minutes of Civil Defence meeting, Regina, 1950

(folder #18) Minutes & Detail - 1952, Civil Defence Disaster Operation (1952 – 1953): newspaper clippings re: flood caused by Duncairn Dam, 1952; report: The Place of Civil Defence in Natural Disasters; minutes of emergency meetings of the SC Civil Defence Committee, 1952; list of individuals who attended a meeting re: damage to their property; report: proposed SC flood dykes, 1953; photo of a map of SC laid out into numbered zones (photograph #40, see list below); bulletin re: flood evacuation of "lower areas of SC", 1952; documents pertaining to flooding of the Duncairn Dam; correspondence between SC Civil Defence Committee and Capt. Milani of the Department of National Defence Army; minutes of Civil Defence Committee meetings, 1952; general correspondence, 1952 - 1953; list of selected First Aid posts; letter containing description of the aftermath of the flood in SC and Eastend; information on how to sterilize wells for drinking water; duties of Civil Defence Committees; Division of the City of SC into Wards for Civil Defence Purposes; Duncairn Dam statement by PRFA Officials; list of trucks registered in SC

(folder #19) St. John Ambulance (1954): booklet: International Civil Defence Test Exercise, 1954; decision that all radio messages are to be received by E.J. Melhoff, 1954; copies of communication, including time, sender, location of receiver, and message; North Battleford Civil Defence Organization

(folder #20) St. John Ambulance (1968 – 1973): funeral program for Tom Holt Stansfield, 1973; St. John Ambulance Submission to National Agency Review Committee, 1971; minutes of St. John Ambulance Association meeting, 1972; letter from Hoffman J. Powley, member of First Aid Services for SC EMO; list of St. John Emergency Health EMO enrollment; activities of the SC branch of St. John Ambulance, 1971; Annual Report of the SC Branch of St. John Ambulance, 1969, 1970; Executive and Members, 1968; financial information, 1971, 1972

(folder #21) Untitled (no date): floor plans of Municipal Emergency Government Headquarters (basement of SC City Hall); floor plans of SC City Hall, ground floor and second floor

(folder #22) 1986 Budget (1986): correspondence re: Councilor Stan Horner registering for 'Mayors and Elected Officials course' at Canadian Emergency Preparedness College, Arnprior; City of SC Operating Budget Document for EMO; budget for SC EMO

(envelope #1) letter re: permission to establish radio facilities, 1983; information on communication during an emergency; documents: Mutual Aid Districts // A Proposal To Saskatchewan Emergency Planners' Association, and Mutual Aid Program Application for J.E.P.P. (Joint Emergency Preparedness Program) Funding

(folder #23) Emergency Planners Association (1980 – 1986): list of names of SEMO Areas and Municipal EMO Coordinators; minutes of EMO Coordinators meeting, 1984; Saskatchewan Emergency Planners Association bylaws, 1985; minutes of Saskatchewan Emergency Planners Association meetings, General and Executive, 1984 - 1986; Saskatchewan Emergency Planners Association financial information, 1986; agenda for conference of SEMO Coordinators, 1986; Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Province of Saskatchewan to jointly formulate and cooperate in measures for emergency planning in Saskatchewan; Final Report of Urban Law Review, Recommendations Respecting the Civil Defence Act, 1980; photocopy of An Act Respecting Civil Defence and Disaster; minutes of EMO Advisory Committee meeting, 1984

(folder #24) Radio Station License Information EMO (1976, 1983): list of communication equipment of SC EMO; bills / receipts for radio station license fee, hand held two way radio, other equipment; letter re: permission to establish radio facilities, 1976; radio station licenses; application to install and operate a radio station in Canada; Particulars of Proposed Site and Radio Antenna Structures; SC EMO Search and Rescue Units

(folder #25) Dangerous Goods (1985): Dangerous Goods Newsletter, 1985; The Canada Gazette // The Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, 1985; suppliers of labels and placards

(folder #26) Advisory Committee EMO (1980 – 1985): correspondence, 1981 - 1984; SEMO Areas and Municipal EMO Coordinators, 1984; badge for SEMAD (Saskatchewan Emergency Measures Air Division); minutes of EMO Advisory Committee meetings, 1983; Disaster Services Act from Legislative Assembly of Alberta, 1973; attendance of EMO meeting in Saskatoon, 1983; minutes of EMO Coordinators meeting, 1983; recommendations from EMO Coordinators meeting; SUMA (Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association) meeting; Province of Saskatchewan Joint Emergency Planning Program (JEPP); slide, image of a man standing next to an improvised shelter (photograph #41, see list below); document re: Fatal Motor Vehicle Accident (car accident) at Webb district, 1980; minutes of Saskatchewan Emergency Planners' Association meeting, 1985

(folder #27) Arnprior Courses Attended (1984 – 1986): Ray Horne attended 200 Bed Emergency Hospital Familiarization course, 1984; Yvonne Mohagen and Keith Dalby attended Community Emergency Planning Health, 1985; schedule of courses, 1984 - 1985; Mayor Al Rittenger attended Mayors and Elected Officials Conference, 1984; Ivor Clifton attended Plans and Operations Peace course, 1985; Donald Randall attended Community Emergency Planning, 1986

(folder #28) EMO 1984 (1978, 1983 – 1985): EMO budget information, 1983-1985; equipment purchased by SC EMO from 1962 - 1978

(folder #29) EMO 1982 (1981 - 1982): Spill Control Workshop, 1982; SC EMO budget, 1982; Municipal Project Submission, 1981 - 1982; correspondence, 1982; Schedule of Emergency Planning Courses, Arnprior, ON, 1981 - 1983; description of a toboggan rescue operation, 1982; Power Toboggan Search & Rescue Units; St. John Ambulance Brigade; claim for municipal EMO expenditures, 1982; “Thank You” to SC EMO from Jenny Hogaboam for taking her to the doctor in the winter; letter from Ray Horne re: Fire and Safety Centre, 1981

(folder #30) EMO Budget 1982 (1981 - 1984): recommendations for provincial EMOs, from SUMA (Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association), 1983; general correspondence, 1982 - 1984; Standardization of 2 1/2 Inch Fire Hose Threading for Province of Saskatchewan, 1955; City of SC Operating and Capital Expense Budget Document, for EMO, 1981

(folder #31) EMO 1981 (1979 - 1981): correspondence, 1981; expenditure claims for a training courses, equipment; EMO project breakdowns and costs; SC EMO Municipal Detailed Statement of Expenditures, 1981; Hazardous Material training course in Denver Colorado, 1981; SC EMO summary of activities, 1979; SC EMO budget, 1981; newspaper clippings; agreement between Canada and the Province of Saskatchewan re: Civil Defence Work; pamphlet: SC EMO City Evacuation Plan

(folder #32) EMO 1980 (1979 - 1980): receipts and reimbursement requests, 1980; Transportation of Dangerous Goods course, in Arnprior; correspondence re: chemical emergency suits; Operating and Capital Expense Budget Document, EMO, 1980; Claim for Municipal EMO Expenditures, 1980; SC EMO summary of activities, 1979 - 1980; activities of the SC EMO re: car accident on highway near Webb

(folder #33) 1980 (1979 - 1980): expenditure claim, 1979; correspondence re: enrollment in training courses; general correspondence, 1979 - 1980; receipts, 1979; SC EMO summary of activities, 1979; SC EMO Search and Rescue Team summary of activities, 1979

(folder #34) 1979 Expenditures (1978 - 1979): correspondence re: claiming EMO expenditures, 1979; SC EMO budget, 1979; expenditure claims, 1978 - 1979; Municipal Project Submission, 1979

(folder #35) 1979 Correspondence (1978 - 1979): correspondence re: relocation of EMO headquarters to the basement of the SC Museum, 1978; Power Toboggan Search and Rescue report; SC EMO Search and Rescue Team summary of activities, 1979; general correspondence, 1979

(folder #36) 1980 EMO Submission (1979 - 1981): SC EMO expenditure claim, 1975, 1978; Municipal Detailed Statement of Expenditure, SC EMO; correspondence re: grants, general correspondence; Claim for Municipal EMO Expenditures, 1979; Operating and Capital Expense Budget Document, EMO, 1979, 1980; SC EMO budget, 1980; information re: Dangerous Goods seminar, 1981

(folder #37) Reports & Correspondence (1977): expenditure claims, 1977; application for enrollment in SEMO training course; letter from Salvation Army Corps to SC EMO; general correspondence, 1977; Emergency Planning Canada Schedule of Courses, 1976 - 1977, Arnprior, ON; SEMO Training and Operational Circular, with training course information, 1976 - 1978; letter from SC EMO thanking Frontier City CB Radio Club for the donation of a propane heater and light; correspondence re: energy plant at the High School; handwritten report from Search and Rescue Team; correspondence re: EMO funding, 1977; resignation letter of John Yates; Grant Paulson's completion of Radiological Defence Officer's course, 1977; schedule of SEMO courses, 1976 - 1977

Box #3.

(folder #1) 1972 Project Submission (1974 - 1977): SC EMO summary of activities, 1976, 1977; equipment acquired by SC EMO, 1962 - 1974; SC EMO Statement of Expenditures, 1977

(folder #2) Correspondence 1976 (1975 - 1977): SC EMO summary of activities, 1976; copies of communication, expenditure claims, 1976; Palliser Hospital disaster and evacuation plan; Federal Study Centre Schedule of Courses, 1976, Arnprior; SEMO Training and Operational Circulars, with training course information, 1975 - 1977; applications for enrollment in the SEMO school; request to use Fairview School in the event of a disaster at the Palliser Hospital, 1976; emergency power generating equipment; temporary medical clinics; Toboggan Search and Rescue Team; Casualty Collecting Unit; document: Spring Runoff Outlook, 1976; general correspondence; folder containing information on SC EMO attendance at training courses

(folder #3) Annual Reports (1973 – 1975): SC EMO Annual Reports, 1973 - 1975

(folder #4) Correspondence (1978): general correspondence, 1978; SEMO Training and Operational Circulars, with training course information, 1978 - 1979; financial information, 1978; applications for enrollment in: the SEMO school, Wilderness Survival course, General Orientation; list of candidates for Wilderness Survival training course; application for enrollment in SC EMO Motor Toboggan Search and Rescue club

(folder #5) Inventory EMO (1974, 1976, 1985): attendance: SEMO meeting, 1985; list of equipment acquired by SC EMO from 1962 to 1976; SC EMO inventory, 1974

(album #1) SEMO Municipal Activity Reports of SC, 1972 - 1973

(folder #6) 1978 Annual Report (1977 - 1978): SC EMO financial information, 1977 - 1978; SC EMO summary of activities, 1977; activities of SC EMO Power Toboggan Search and Rescue, 1978

(envelope #1) documents: Fire Safety in Special-Care Homes; Palliser Hospital disaster and evacuation plans, fire regulations

(folder #7) EMO Truck (1984 - 1985, 1988): bill for interconnected radio system for SC and RM; map of SEMO districts; documents pertaining to a house trailer purchased to be used as a disaster site headquarters; JEPP (Joint Emergency Preparedness Program) funding; correspondence re: a study to analyze the potential roles for microcomputers in municipal and provincial EMOs, purchase of a computer, 1984 - 1985; receipts, 1988

(folder #8) Studies - Municipal (1964): survey re: municipal disaster planning; notifications of SC EMO meetings, 1964; SC EMO / Civil Defence exercises

(folder #9) Canadian College of Civil Defence, EMO, Arnprior, ON (1965): SEMO training exercise document, 1965; SC EMO training exercise "White-Out"; SC EMO training exercise "Swift Sanctuary"

(folder #10) Exercise Tornado (1973, 1976, 1978): SC EMO training exercise "Tornado", 1973 (see folder #22 below for more details); Lloydminster EMO training exercise "Big Blow", 1976; SC EMO training exercise "Aircrew", to coordinate the services of the Motor Toboggan Search and Rescue with Frontier City C.B. Radio Club and RCMP, 1978

(folder #11) Exercise - "Find Olaf" (1971): SC EMO training exercise "Find Olaf", 1971; the object of this exercise is to: a) Coordinate the services of the Motor Toboggan Search and Rescue Team with the RCMP under conditions where other means of transportation are impossible. b) Assess the capabilities of the Motor Toboggan as a vehicle for use in searching rural areas at night under adverse weather and road conditions. c) Test the Motor Toboggan Search and Rescue Team in their ability to assemble and conduct an organized search and rescue operation. d) Develop skills in search and rescue operations at night.

(folder #12) Proposed Hospital Exercises (1970 - 1971): census of hospital patients, 1970; some handwritten notes

(folder #13) Exercise - "Hot Blow" (1966): SC EMO training exercise "Hot Blow", 1966; Aim of the Exercise - to establish EMO operational policy in local disaster situations and to stimulate pre-disaster planning by Senior Officers of the Services involved.

(folder #14) Exercise - "Storm Waif" (no date): SC EMO training exercise "Storm Waif", (see folder #19 below for more details)

(folder #15) Untitled: chart, cross-referencing various services (Fire, Police, Frontiersmen, Engineering, Electrical, Public Information, Hospital, Power/Gas, Public Health, St. John Ambulance, Red Cross, Salvation Army, Department of Welfare) with a timeline, to show what time services were required to do a certain thing in the event of an emergency, likely pertaining to SC EMO training exercise "Hot Blow", 1966

(folder #16) Exercise - "Air Crew" (1978): names and addresses of participants; SC EMO training exercise "Aircrew"; the object of this exercise is to: a) Coordinate the services of the Motor Toboggan Search & Rescue teams with members of the Frontier City CB Radio Club and the RCMP in a search and rescue operation. b) Train new members of the Search and Rescue teams by working them with experienced members and familiarize all with an organized assembly. c) Assess the capabilities of the Motor Toboggan as a vehicle for use in searching rural areas and test the value of a specially developed sleigh to transport a casualty from a snowbound area. d) Familiarize all members with the assembly and use of our portable rescue shelter.

(folder #17) Exercise - "Crossroads" (1971): SC EMO training exercise "Crossroads", 1971; correspondence re: exercise; newspaper clippings; report on exercise by Stan Talbot; SC Bible Institute student list, 1971 - 1972; bylaw: To Provide for the Establishment of a Civil Defence and Disaster Organization, 1962; diagram of Crossroads exercise; the object of this exercise is to: a) Test the capability of the SC Union Hospital staff to cope with a heavy casualty load from a local disaster. b) To develop teamwork within the Emergency services of the city. c) To further the training of members of the casualty simulation class. d) To stimulate interest in the EMO among the staff and students of the SC Bible Institute. e) Exercise the local ambulance service and to assess the value and response of private vehicles in the transportation of casualties. f) Promote public interest in EMO functions.

(folder #18) Exercise - SCBI (1966): SC EMO training exercise "S.C.B.I." (Swift Current Bible Institute), 1966; correspondence re: exercise; reports on exercise by Dr. A. Krahn, City of SC; list of students participating in exercise; SC Union Hospital Disaster Plan, 1966; photographs of the exercise, taken outside the SC Bible Institute (photographs #42 - #46 in list below); the object of this exercise is to: a) Test the capability of the SC Union Hospital to cope with a heavy casualty load from a local disaster. b) To develop teamwork within the Emergency services of the city. c) To further the training of members of the casualty simulation class. d) To stimulate interest in the EMO among the staff and students of the SC Bible Institute. e) Promote public interest in EMO functions.

(folder #19) Exercise - "Storm Waif", Motor Toboggan (1970): SC EMO training exercise "Storm Waif", 1970; press release, newspaper clipping, re: exercise; the object of this exercise is to: a) Coordinate the services of the Motor Toboggan Search and Rescue Team with the RCMP under conditions where other means of transportation are impossible. b) Assess the capabilities of the Motor Toboggan as a vehicle for use in searching rural areas at night under adverse weather and road conditions. c) Test the Motor Toboggan Search and Rescue Team in their ability to assemble and conduct an organized search and rescue operation. d) Develop skills in search and rescue operations at night.

(folder #20) Exercise - "Poor Olaf" (1970): SC EMO training exercise "Poor Olaf", 1970; the object of this exercise is to: a) Coordinate the services of the Motor Toboggan Search and Rescue Team with the RCMP under conditions where other means of transportation are impossible. b) Test the Motor Toboggan Search and Rescue Team in their ability to assemble without previous notice and conduct an organized search and rescue operation. c) Assess the capabilities of the Motor Toboggan as a vehicle for use in searching rural areas and to test the value of a specially developed sleigh to transport a casualty from a snowbound area. d) Develop skills in search and rescue operations at night.

(folder #21) Exercise - "White Out" (1969): list of participants; SC EMO exercise "White Out", 1969; Power Toboggan Search and Rescue Units; information for exercise volunteers; disaster report: reactions to Hurricane Camille in Virginia, 1969; the object of this exercise is to: a) Coordinate the services of the Motor Toboggan Search and Rescue Team with the RCMP under conditions where other means of transportation are impossible. b) Assess the capabilities of the Motor Toboggan as a vehicle for use in searching rural areas and its practical use in casualty transportation under adverse weather and road conditions. c) Test the Motor Toboggan Search and Rescue Team in their ability to assemble and conduct an organized search and rescue operation.

(folder #22) Exercise Tornado (1973): SC EMO exercise, "Tornado", 1973; aim of the exercise: To establish EMO Operational Policy in local disaster situations and to stimulate pre-disaster planning by Senior Officers of the Services involved; notices of SC EMO meetings, 1972 - 1973; report on exercise by Scott Caswell

(folder #23) Exercise - Municipal (1962 - 1967): SEMO summary of Conference to Organize Municipal EMO Mutual Aid Areas, 1967; report from Civil Defence Directors' Conference, 1962; disaster training exercise about a fictional city called Apathetic; SC EMO training exercise "Quick Thaw", 1967; training exercise wherein SC becomes a reception centre for individuals from disaster-struck areas, 1962; training exercise wherein fallout from an accidental detonation in Montana contaminates SC; EMO training exercise "L- S" (Lloydminster to Swift Current), the primary aim of the exercise is to develop Municipal Emergency Operating Centre Techniques, including reception, registration and feeding of evacuees and their assignment to emergency lodgings; map illustrating potential nuclear fallout from Norheim, Montana; questionnaire on EMO in the schools; handwritten notes re: training exercises, 1963

(envelope #2) Tornado (1964, 1984): Civil Defence Handbook No. 3: Exercises and Studies, published by Her Majesty's Stationary Office, 1964; map of the City of SC, n.d.; plastic wallet from SEMO, with newspaper clippings and reflective EMO badges inside; SC EMO "Tornado" exercise, 1984

(folder #24) Exercise S.E.T. (1978): SC EMO "SET" (North American Amateur Radio Simulated Emergency Test) training exercise, 1978; correspondence re: exercise; document re: correct message writing techniques

(folder #25) Correspondence - 1973 (1973): SC EMO Annual Report: summary of activities from 1972 - 1973

(folder #26) Course Application - Provincial (1960 - 1976): applications for enrollment in SEMO training courses: Community Health Planning, General Orientation, Casualty Simulation, Radiation Monitors' course, First Aid Instructor, etc., 1960 - 1976; correspondence re: training courses: Emergency Welfare Services Program Management course, Radiological Defence Officer's course, etc., 1964 - 1975; SEMO Training and Operational Circulars, with training course information, 1974 - 1975

(folder #27) Course Application - Federal (1961 - 1974): applications / correspondence re: Canadian Civil Defence College training courses in Arnprior: National Survival Organization Planning Operation, Radiological Defence, Municipal Road Transport, Study Group Concepts of Operation, Emergency Welfare Services, Analysis and Design of Fallout Protection, Casualty Simulation, Health Operations, etc. 1961 - 1968, 1974; applications / correspondence re: SEMO training courses - General Orientation, 1971

(folder #28) Course Application - Blank Forms (1957, 1973 - 1974): SEMO Training and Operational Circulars, containing information on training courses: Motor Toboggan Search and Rescue, Communications, Orientation, etc., 1973 - 1974; Canadian EM College schedule of courses, 1973 - 1974; application form for Canadian Civil Defence College training courses in Arnprior; Introduction to Civil Emergency Measures, 1957; laundry forms, recreational activities, church services, other information for students at the Canadian Emergency Measures College in Arnprior

(folder #29) Correspondence (1972 - 1975): Mayor Dyer's report to Council re: Mayor's Conference at the EM College in Arnprior, 1974; correspondence re: training courses, supplies, flood protection, EMO literature, SC EMO meeting, etc., 1972 - 1974; Canada EMO pamphlet, "Flood"; SEMO Training and Operational Circulars, training course information, 1973 - 1974; letter to homeowners re: flood protection; notices of SC EMO meetings, 1972, 1974; SC EMO expenditure claim; list of supplies provided by St. John Ambulance for an exercise, other information re: supplies; use of SEMO's Mobile All Purpose Clinic for the 1976 Saskatchewan Summer Games; general correspondence, correspondence re: training courses, conferences, 1973 – 1975; Mayor’s and Elected Officials conference in Regina, 1974; Training and Operational Circular, General Orientation Course, 1975

(folder #30) Bomb Threat (1975): pamphlet: Bomb Threat Checklist; report: Regina Police Department Bombing and Bomb Threats; Explosive Ordinance Disposal Centre #20 CFB Moose Jaw, 1975

(folder #31) Civil Defence (1951, 1959, 1961): four chapters from An Act Respecting Civil Defence and Disaster, Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan, 1951; bylaw: A bylaw of the City of SC to provide for the establishment of a civil defence and disaster organization, 1961; Civil Defence Order, Government of Canada, 1959

(folder #32) Correspondence (1971 - 1972): report on SC EMO training exercise “Crossroads”; correspondence re: SC EMO training exercises, 1971 - 1972; general correspondence, re: Student Shelter Survey Program, meetings, courses, supplies and equipment, etc., 1971 - 1972; report: Fire Department Use in EMO Exercises; report: General Matters, SC EMO Visit

(folder #33) Boy Scouts of Canada EMO Policy (1962): report: Emergency Measures Organizations And the Role of the Boy Scouts of Canada, 1962

(folder #34) Communication – Telegraph – General: (empty folder)

(folder #35) Communication – Dispatch Rider – Messenger – General: (empty folder)

(folder #36) Communication – General – Correspondence: (empty folder)

(folder #37) Communication – Public Address Systems – General: (empty folder)

(folder #38) Communication – Telephone General: (empty folder)

(folder #39) Engineering – General Precis & Lectures (c. 1958): chart: City of SC Emergency Engineering Service; report: Provincial Civil Defence Training

(folder #40) Engineering – Utilities Sewer & Water Operations (1969): article: A Plan for Emergencies, from American Public Works Association Reporter, 1969

(folder #41) Engineering – Utilities Electric Power – Operations (no date): Report of S.A. Stevens on Electrical Service in Swift Current

(folder #42) Engineering – Utilities Natural Gas – Operations: (empty folder)

(folder #43) Engineering – Radiation Shielding and Survey Analysis (1962 - 1964): SC EMO Engineering Services budget, 1964; memo: Estimating Protection Factors of Residential Buildings, 1963; correspondence re: fallout shelters, 1962 – 1963; blank forms: Fallout Shelter Surveys; report: Construction of Predicted Fallout Plots

(folder #44) Engineering – General (1959): chart: SC EMO Engineering Services; correspondence with Scott Caswell re: construction, 1959; booklet: Power-Lancing with the New “Oxweld”; instructions on building walls out of sandbags

(folder #45) Engineer Fall-Out Shelter (1961 - 1962): correspondence re: construction of fallout shelters; magazine: Concrete Construction, on fallout shelters, 1962; blueprints: Erection Instructions For A Family Fallout Shelter In Basement, 1961; blueprints: Fallout Reporting Post, 1961; blueprints: Uni-Form Panels for Fallout Shelters, 1961; pamphlet: Steel Shelters for Fallout Protection; National Housing Act financial assistance for fallout shelters

(folder #46) City of SC Essential Records - Preservation Program (1970): correspondence re: preservation of city records, 1970; booklet: Guide To The Preservation of Essential Records For Provincial Governments and Likely Target Areas

(folder #47) General Orientation Course (1974): booklet: SEMO General Orientation Course, 1974; Disaster Reports: reaction to hurricane Camille in Virginia, 1969; chart: Emergency Health Services; attendance, correspondence, etc. for SC EMO General Orientation Course, 1974; documents: Survival Hints, Winter, Power Failure and You

(folder #48) Welfare - Feeding (1960 - 1966): booklet: Mobile Feeding Unit, 1960; Suggested Headquarters Food Stockpile and Costs, 1966; Food Supplies for Municipal Emergency Headquarters, 1963; reports on food requirements in an emergency, Emergency Feeding, by Emergency Welfare Services

(folder #49) Fire - General - Lectures & Precis (1956 - 1962): report: Fire Services In Civil Defence, by Chief Ray Horne, SC Fire Department, 1959; report: The Rescue Service In Civil Defence, by George Shepherd, Regina Fire Department, 1960; reports: Introduction to Fire, Classification of Fire and Extinguishers, 1957; report: Saskatchewan's Forest Fire Organization and Possible Immergent [sic] Problems that Might Arise Out of Nuclear Warfare, by F. Warburton, Department of Natural Resources, PA, 1962; report: Functions, Skills and Organization of the Rescue Service, by Canadian Civil Defence College, 1956

(folder #50) Fire - General Administration (1956 - 1958): correspondence between SC CIvil Defence and the Fire Department, 1956 - 1957; loan / purchase of water pumper for SC Civil Defence, 1958

(folder #51) Fire - General Operations (1962, 1966 - 1967): correspondence, equipment loans, re: fire team competition, 1966 - 1967; report: Civil Defence Fire Service Organization Plan for National Emergency

(folder #52) Communications - Radio, General - Commercial Nets (1962, 1974): floor plan: EOC (Emergency Operations Centre); Application for Licence to Install and Operate a Radio Station in Canada; correspondence, receipts, re: radio equipment; blank licenses to Operate A Radio Station in the Civil Defence Service; reports: Saskatchewan Civil Defence Licensing And Operation Of Civil Defence Radio Stations, Civil Government Emergency Radio Communications Within Provinces; reports on emergency communication

(folder #53) Untitled (1965): study of first 96 hours after an attack, 1965; correspondence, reports, attendance, etc. re: training exercise, "Swift Sanctuary", 1965; "Exercise Secret (DS & LC only)"; report: Action In The Event Of An Emergency, Department of Welfare, SC Regional Office; floor plan: SC EMO, basement of City Hall; minutes of SC EMO meetings, 1965; SEMO Director's Conference, 1965; newspaper clippings re: Swift Sanctuary, 1965; SEMO newsletter, November 1965

(folder #54) Health - St. John Ambulance - General (1962 - 1971): Supervisor's Safety Training course, 1968; list of graduate nurses in SC, 1971; First Aid training course participants, 1969; memo: First Aid and Home Nursing Training, 1964, 1966; attendance at First Aid courses, 1961 - 1965; report: National First Aid and Home Nursing Programmes, by Department of National Health and Welfare, 1962

(folder #55) EHS - General Plan City of SC (no date): report: City of SC Emergency Health Services

(folder #56) All Purpose Medical Clinic (1976): correspondence re: All Purpose Medical Clinic, 1976; report: SC EMO Receives Emergency Medical Clinic; supplies and equipment for medical clinic

(folder #57) Newspaper Clippings (1969 - 1983): newspaper clippings, re: SC EMO, SEMO, other EMOs

(volume #1) book: Mayors' and Elected Officials' Conference on Emergency Measures, Saskatoon, 1974

(volume #2) book: SEMO General Orientation Course, SC, 1974

(volume #3) book: SEMO SEMAD Exercise No. 2 July 13 - 14, Assiniboia, 1974

(envelope #1) photographs #47 to #70, see list below

(folder #58) Untitled (no date): many copies of a letter to homeowners from SC EMO re: flooding from Spring run-off

(folder #59) Flood Threat (1974): correspondence re: Conference of Mayors and Municipal Officials, flood threat, 1974; map: City of SC flood area, 1965; Diary of Spring Flood Run-Off, 1964 - 1965, 1974; list: names, addresses and buildings affected by flooding; minutes of Control Committee and Heads of Services of SC EMO meeting, 1974; receipt for sand bags; map: Snowpack Distribution, Saskatchewan Department of the Environment, Hydrology Branch, 1974; newspaper clippings re: SC EMO, flooding, 1974; CJFB news copy re; floods; statement re: flood compensation, 1974

Box 4.

(folder #1) Mayor Dyer Canadian Emergency Measures College (1973 - 1974): blank Peacetime Disaster Mutual Aid Agreement form; Canadian Emergency Measures College Case Study "Fireball"; Government of Alberta Peacetime Emergency & Disaster Plan, 1973; Canadian Emergency Measures College Case Study "Atlantis"; EMO Training and Operational Circular, 1973 - 1974, information about scheduled federal courses

(folder #2) Untitled (no date): documents: 'The Warden's Handbook,' 1963; 'City of Swift Current Emergency Police Service' (4 copies)

(folder #3) Industrial Engineering (1964): newsletter, 'Industrial Engineering Aid', 1964

(folder #4) Radiation Monitoring Exercise (no date): blank copies of Radiation Monitor's Exercise

(folder #5) Radef Correspondence & Training (1968 - 1969): forms of shipment, correspondence, for radiological course equipment; document: SEMO Radiological Defence; Radiation Monitoring Course Registration Forms (filled out)

(folder #6) Radef Radiation Monitor Man. (1968 - 1970): correspondence re: SEMO Radiation Monitors Course, 1968; document: SEMO Radiological Defence; Canada EMO correspondence re: Radiological Defence, 1970; blank radiation report forms

(folder #7) Rescue - General Legion of Frontiersman (1956, 1966 - 1969): Saskatchewan Oilfield Fire, First Aid and Emergency Equipment List, 1967; correspondence re: rescue of trapped personnel; list of equipment of the Legion of Frontiersman, 1966; correspondence between Legion of Frontiersman and SC EMO; illustrated Rescue Charts, Canadian Civil Defence College, Arnprior; document on rescue by Canadian Civil Defence College, 1956

(folder #8) Police - General - Administration (1960, 1966): documents: City of SC Command and Control Plan for Non-Declared Municipal Disasters; correspondence re: uniforms, training exercise 'Tocsin'; Saskatchewan Civil Defence Auxiliary Police Instructors' Guide, 1960; reports: Legal Aspects of Civil Defence, 1957

(folder #9) Untitled (1961, 1964, 1970): bylaw: A Bylaw for the City of SC to provide for the establishment of a Civil Defence and Disaster Organization, 1961; floor plan of Municipal Emergency Government Headquarters, basement of City Hall; book, Information of Preparing a Community Emergency Health Plan for Saskatchewan Hospitals, 1970; report: Time Framed Concept of Operations as a Guide to Exercise Planning, 1964

(folder #10) Personnel - General - NES Correspondence (1967): report: Concept of Operations for a National Emergency Manpower Authority and Canada Emergency Manpower Services; report: Department of Manpower and Immigrations Interim Provisional Emergency Orders and Regulations, 1967; unofficial map of National Employment Service Areas

(folder #11) Police - General - Operation (1972): correspondence re: bomb threats, 1972

(folder #12) Police - General - Lecture & Precis (1952, 1957): report: The Police Service in Civil Defence, 1957 (4 copies); report: Hamilton Police School Civilian Defence Instructors Course, 1952

(folder #13) Peace Time Disaster Planning (1967): correspondence, reports re: Peacetime Disaster Planning, 1967; peacetime disasters: power failure, health, mine disaster, transportation, explosion, dangerous gases; forest fire; urban or rural fire; earthquake; flood, etc.

(folder #14) RADEF General Planning (no date): report: City of SC Radiological Defence Service; piece of paper bearing the text "If we never need what we learn in Civil Defence we lose nothing, but if we never learn what we may need we lose everything."

(folder #15) RADEF Sask EMO Planning (1969 - 1970): report: Radiological Defence for City of SC, 1969-1970

(folder #16) Basic Casualty Simulation Course (1973): correspondence, participation list, evaluation forms, re: casualty simulation course

(folder #17) Training Air Cadets - Civil Defence Program (1963 - 1965): Training Schedule 605 RCAC Squadron; Canadian Civil Defence College Functions, Skills and Organization of the Rescue Service; SC Air Cadet Squadron Syllabus of Training, 1964-65; Air Cadets of SC Civil Defence, 1963; book: Royal Air Cadets National Survival and Civil Defence Instructors Manual

(folder #18) Rescue Course (1966 - 1967): correspondence re: Heavy Rescue Course, 1967; SC EMO equipment list; Rescue Course test

(folder #19) Saskatoon Exercise Operation Crash (no date): City of Saskatoon EMO "Operation Crash" instructions; map of the City of Saskatoon

(folder #20) Sask Civil Air Defence (1966, 1969): Commercial Flying Services in Saskatchewan, 1969; SEMO newsletter, Get your Aircraft out of Winter Mothballs, 1966

(folder #21) School Policy & Operation (1961 - 1962): documents re: EMO in SC Schools, EMO in Toronto Schools, 1961; report: EM in Collegiates and Colleges in the Regina Area, 1962

(folder #22) Supply - Administration (1961, 1963, 1965): report: Planning For A War Supplies Agency, 1961; correspondence re: War Supply Agency at SC, 1963, 1965

(folder #23) EMO Supplies In Stores (1972): handwritten list of food, supplies, 1972

(folder #24) Supply - Dept. Defence, Production - War Supply Agency (1960, 1961, 1965): report: Planning For A War Supplies Agency, 1961; correspondence re: War Supply Agency at SC, 1965; report: Provincial Civil Defence Supplies, 1960

(folder #25) Supply - General - Correspondence: empty folder

(folder #26) Supply - Operation (1959): chart, chain of command for Civil Defence supplies; report: Civil Defence Organization Committee of Supply, A.J. Wigmore Co. Ltd., 1959

(folder #27) Student Summer Employment (1973): newspaper clipping, correspondence, job description, re: student employment, 1973; students are Cheryl Clary, Dwight Dirkson, Bonnie Baird

(folder #28) Building Survey Shielding (1972): New Buildings Surveyed For Potential Fallout Shelter Protection, 1972; Bi-Weekly Pay Period, 1972

(folder #29) Training - Precis Index (1960 - 1961): list of Information and Training Material from Emergency Welfare Services, 1961; SEMO Training Development and Objectives; SEMO Preparation of a Talk; agenda for Special Civic Employees Course, 1960

(folder #30) Untitled (1966): booklet: SEMO Proposed SC Area EMO Orientation and Study Group, 1966

(folder #31) Training Films - Filmstrips - Slides (1961 - 1962): SEMO list of films, with descriptions, 1962; Canadian Civil Defence College Film Catalogue; order forms for films shown by SC EMO; Canadian Civil Defence College Film Library, 1961

(folder #32) Training T of I Precis: empty folder

(folder #33) Transportation - Administration (1959, 1964): correspondence re: Municipal Emergency Transport Services, transportation

(folder #34) Transportation - General (1964): article: Trucks Are Vital in Peace and War

(folder #35) Transportation - Operations: empty folder

(folder #36) Warden - General Administration (1959, 1963 - 1964): correspondence between SC EMO and Legion, re: Warden Service Operations, 1963 - 1964; correspondence re: Warden service in Civil Defence, 1959

(folder #37) Warden - General - Operation (1963): agenda for Warden Information Course, 1963; document on emergency zones in SC

(folder #38) Warden - General - Lecture & Precis (1951, 1961, 1963): blank form, Civil Defence Warden Household Register; documents: SEMO The Warden Service, 1963; The Warden's Handbook, 1961; Provincial Defence Training Warden Service; SEMO The Warden Service, 1961; Department of National Health and Welfare The Warden Service, 1951; Provincial Civil Defence Branch The Warden Service

(folder #39) Welfare - General - Administration (1961 - 1968): Department of Welfare Regional EWS (Emergency Welfare Services) Directors, 1966, 1968; documents: Threat and Planning Principles - Natural Disasters, 1965; Organization of Area EWS, 1967; EWS Operational Plans, 1963; EWS Visual Check Chart; report on an EMO training exercise, 1963; SC Ag & Ex Capital Assets and Depreciation Schedule, 1962; general correspondence re: EWS, 1961 - 1964

(folder #40) Welfare - General - Operations (1960 - 1961): reports: Welfare Centre's Equipment and Space Requirements; Welfare Centre Operations; Welfare Centre (2000 Evacuees) Staff Establishment (for first day's operation); booklets from EWS Division: General Welfare, 1961; Emergency Clothing, 1960

(folder #41) Welfare - General - Lecture & Precis (c. 1961): reports: Saskatchewan Department of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation EWS Branch - Purpose, Definition, Assumptions; Responsibilities and Terns of Reference; Federal, Provincial, Municipal EWS Responsibilities; Provincial Civil Defence Training - Introduction to Welfare Services; Welfare Service in a Reception Area; SEMO EWS; training course "Reception Plans"; Department of National Health and Welfare EWS; booklets from EWS Division: General Welfare, 1961; Welfare Centre (2000 evacuees) Staff Duties; Welfare Centre's Equipment and Space Requirements; Welfare Centre Operation; Welfare Centre (2000 Evacuees) Staff Establishment; EWS, 1961

(folder #42) Welfare - Clothing (1957, 1960): reports: Emergency Clothing Staff Plans and Operations Course; Provincial Civil Defence Training - Emergency Clothing, 1957; booklets from EWS Division: Emergency Clothing, 1960

(folder #43) Welfare - Lodging (1956 - 1960): reports: Civil Defence Introduction to Emergency Lodging; EWS Emergency Lodging Staff Plans and Operations Course; Provincial Civil Defence Training - Introduction to Emergency Lodging; exercises: Information on Reception Area Dwelling and Occupants; Emergency Lodging Course No. 384; blank Assessment Field Sheet; booklets from EWS Division: Emergency Lodging, 1960; reports: The Lodging Facility Card (for recording of essential information concerning facilities and the people occupying these facilities), 1956; Lodging Assignment Card (to show who the evacuee is and to give other important information about him for billeting purposes); information about code used on the cards; blank Lodging Assignment Card

(folder #44) Welfare - Centre & Managers (no dates): reports: Welfare Centre (2000 Evacuees) Staff Establishment (for first day's operation); Welfare Centre's Equipment and Space Requirements; Welfare Centre Operation

(folder #45) Welfare - Personal Service (1960 - 1961): EWS Personal Services Staff Plans and Operations Course; Provincial Civil Defence Training - Personal Services in Civil Defence ("The Personal Services Section is planned so that the individual person can receive specialized care and assistance with his particular difficulties."); Psychological and Psychiatric Phenomena in Mass Disaster, 1960; chart of Personal Services Organization; flow chart of Personal Service in a Welfare Centre; reports: Short Contact Interviewing in an Emergency Disaster Service, 1960; Factors Affecting Morale in the Attack By Mass Destructor Weapons, 1961; booklets from EWS Division: Personal Services, 1961

(folder #46) Welfare - Registration & Inquiry (c. 1959): reports: EWS Registration and Inquiry Staff Plans and Operations Course; Provincial Civil Defence Training Registration and Inquiry Service, 1959; booklets from EWS Division: Registration and Inquiry

(folder #47) Workmen's Compensation Safety Class (1971 - 1972): list of candidates to participate in the First Aid course, 1972; list of participants in Supervisor's Safety Training and First Aid courses, 1971

(folder #48) Workmen's Compensation Board - Civil Defence Agreement (1961, 1963): booklet, First Aid Requirements, 1963; An Agreement Providing For The Payment Of Compensation In Respect Of Injury Or Death Of Civil Defence Workers, 1961

(folder #49) Exercise Mecca Moose Jaw (1972): pamphlets, SEMO Information of Municipal Disaster Planning; Emergency Health Services Chart for Certified Nursing Assistants; City of Moose Jaw EMO Training Exercise "Mecca", 1972; 200 Bed Emergency Hospital Display; report: The Saskatchewan Emergency Health Services; correspondence re: "Mecca" training exercise

(folder #50) Emergency Health Financial - First Aid & Home Nursing Program #3: empty folder

(folder #51) Emergency Health Hospital Experience - Home Nursing Program #4: empty folder

(folder #52) Emergency Health Attendance Roll - FCD - II First Aid & Home Nursing - Blank Forms: empty folder

(folder #53) Emergency Welfare - Welfare Centre Plans 2000 - 4000 Evacuees Per Day: empty folder

(folder #54) Fire Correspondence to CDHQ: empty folder

(folder #55) Police Correspondence to CDHQ: empty folder

(folder #56) Civil Defence Act: empty folder

(folder #57) Publicity News Coverage (1965): list of participants in a Canadian Civil Defence College course, National Survival Organization Planning and Operations, 1965; newspaper clipping

(volume #1) SEMO Mutual Aid Area Organization Conference in SC, 1967 (grey duotang)

(folder #58) SC Mutual Aid Area (1966): maps outlining SC's Mutual Aid Area, other Aid Areas; correspondence re: EMO school and courses in SC for surrounding rural municipalities, establishment of a Rural Aid Area Organization, encompassing: Saskatchewan Landing, Swift Current, Excelsior and Coulee, Stewart Valley, Rush Lake and Waldeck, 1966

(folder #59) Mutual Aid Area Organization (1966 - 1967): agenda and minutes of Conference to Organize Municipal EMO Areas, 1967; information on SC EMO area, representatives; map of EMO Mutual Aid Organizations for southwest Saskatchewan; report: SEMO Mutual Aid Organization; SEMO address to Municipal Officials, 1966; correspondence, re: EMO meeting in SC, 1966

(folder #60) SEMO DIstrict Personnel - Training (no dates): list of individuals who have attended Provincial and Federal EMO courses in the Cabri, Leader, Ponteix, Maple Creek, Val Marie, Shaunavon, Gull Lake, and Eastend areas; information (listing of towns, villages and RMs) about EMO districts: Leader, Cabri, Gull Lake, Ponteix, Shaunavon, Swift Current, Eastend, Val Marie, Maple Creek

(folder #61) SEMO District Planning (1965, 1968): booklet: SEMO Mutual Aid Organization, 1965; agenda for SEMO Field Staff Orientation course, 1968

(folder #62) SEMO District Planning - District Welfare Manual (no date): Moose Jaw Social Welfare Region EWS Plan - Purpose and Responsibilities, Organization, Operations

(folder #63) SEMO Information Kit (1963, 1974, 1975): text of a speech on SC EMO, addressed to the Kiwanis Club; reports: SEMO Emergency Warning System, 1963; SEMO Municipal Survival Planning, 1963; SEMO Family and Individual Survival Plans, 1963; SEMO Survival Training, 1963; SEMO Radioactive Fallout, 1963; newspaper clippings re: 1963, 1974, 1975; SEMO Introduction to Survival Planning, 1963; SEMO Federal and Provincial Responsibilities in Survival Planning, 1963

(volume #2) SEMO Emergency Welfare, black duotang with various SEMO reports, 1968

(volume #3) SEMO Proposed SC Area EMO Orientation And Study Group, 1966

(folder #64) Untitled (1968): District Planning Committee Manual and Resource List; SEMO Provincial Emergency Planning District Boundaries (SC is #1); Government of Saskatchewan Standard Operating Procedures for Peacetime Disaster, 1968

(folder #65) Untitled (1967, 1970, 1973): booklet: SEMO Directors' Conference, 1967; information on SEMO, Project Tiger Lily, 1973; reports from various departments: agriculture, highways, natural resources, public health, welfare, telephone, labour, etc.; map of SC (orange dots); EMO newsletters, 1970; Civil Emergency Planning in Regina

(folder #66) Drylander's Park (1971): correspondence, newspaper clipping, report, re: Drylander's Park - Prairie Settlement Museum project, 1971

(volume #4) Discussion Topics for Syndicate Groups - Conference of Municipal Officials, 1973; inserts: SEMO Conference of Municipal Officials & EMO Coordinators, 1973; lists of 8 syndicate groups; report: Role of the EMO Coordinator

(volume #5) Untitled (no dates): blank registration cards from Civil Defence Welfare Services; Civil Defence Registration and Inquiry Service; blank forms: Change of Address; Lodging Facility; Lodging Assignment; Emergency Clothing; Case Index; report: Welfare Service: To provide emergency feeding, clothing, lodging, registration and inquiry, and personal welfare services as required during natural or national disaster

Box 5.

(volume #1) Provincial/Municipal Radiological Defence System, SC EMO (1968): report: Provisional Guide For Development Of The Provincial/Municipal Radiological Defence System, Canada EMO, 1968

(volume #2) Municipal Disaster Plan Conference (1961 - 1967): reports within volume: Criteria for Allocation of Financial Assistance to Provinces; Emergency Measures Unit Survival Plan; Model By-Law for the Establishment of an EMO; Peacetime Disaster Mutual Aid Agreement; Unit Emergency Government Headquarters (UEGHQ); UEGHQ / MEGHQ Organizational Charts, Lines of Succession, Equipment and Supplies, other information; Emergency Fire Service information; excerpts from The Civil Defence and Disaster Act, Alberta, 1961; Emergency Police Service information; Radiological Defence Service information; reports: Manitoba Civil Defence College EMO Municipal Emergency Planning, 1965;Canadian EM College Municipal Civil Emergency Plans; Town of Urbanville Civil Emergency Plans for Nuclear Emergency Peacetime Disaster - Reception of evacuees and casualties and mutual support, Protection of the population under conditions of fallout, Plans to counteract the effects of a direct attack, 1965

(volume #3) Untitled (c. 1953): First draft of proposed manual to assist civil defence organization and training in the mutual aid and receptions areas, c. 1953

(volume #4) Survival Planning Guide For Municipalities, prepared by EMO Privy Council Office, Ottawa, 1961

(folder #1) Maps (no dates): brochure for Honeywell Controls Limited motors; floor plan of the MEGHQ (basement of old City Hall)

(volume #5) SEMO Proposed SC Area EMO Orientation and Study Group, 1966; agenda of meeting, map of proposed SC Area (inc. City of SC, villages of Rush Lake, Stewart Valley, Waldeck, RMs of Coulee, SC, Excelsior, and Saskatchewan Landing); reports: SEMO Radiological Defence, 1963; SEMO Provincial Emergency Planning Responsibilities; SEMO Municipal Emergency Measures Organization, 1965; SEMO Financial Assistance Programme Project Submission; Mutual Aid Areas Expenditures; Model By-Law for the Establishment of an EMO, 1965; Model By-Law Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement Under the Village Act, i.e. agreement to exercise powers conferred on cities, towns, villages or RMs,by Section 9 of the Civil Defence and Disaster Act

(volume #6) SEMO Exercise Rainex II District EOC Information and Report Guide (no date)

(volume #7) SEMO Exercise Rainex II District EOC Information and Report Guide (no date)

(volume #8) SEMO Exercise Rainex II District EOC Information and Report Guide (no date)

(volume #9) Civil Defence Welfare Services Registration and Information (1952): chapters: Organization, Registration; Welfare Inquiries; General Welfare Services Information; The Central Registry; Personnel, 1952

(volume #10) Nuclear Weapons Effects, prepared for EMO Privy Council Office, Ottawa, by Dr. E.E. Massey, Defence Research Board, 1963

(volume #11) Nuclear Weapons Effects, prepared for EMO Privy Council Office, Ottawa, by Dr. E.E. Massey, Defence Research Board, 1963

(volume #12) SEMO Exercise Rainex II District EOC Information and Report Guide (no date)

(volume #13) Civil Defense In The Detroit Riots, by Peter McGillivray, Detroit Office of Civil Defense; a letter pertaining to the report, 1971

(volume #14) Survival Planning Guide For Municipalities, prepared by EMO, Ottawa, 1963

(volume #15) Provisional Guide For Development of the Provincial / Municipal Radiological Defence System, Canada EMO, Ottawa, 1968

(volume #16) Saskatchewan Emergency Measures Organization Course Manual - Techniques of Instruction, agenda, course material, 1972

(volume #17) Civil Defence Health Services Manual, Prepared by Civil Defence Health Planning Group, Department of National Health and Welfare, Ottawa, 1951

(folder #2) Untitled (no dates): City of SC Survival Plan Annex B, Municipal Emergency Government Headquarters; blank SEMO forms; blank forms for Engineering and Transportation Resources; SC EMO training exercise SCBI (Swift Current Bible Institute); RM of SC bylaw: "A bylaw to regulate the use of land and the location and use of buildings and other structures in the Swift Current Planning District, so as to provide for the amenity of the District, and the health, safety and general welfare of the inhabitants";advertisments for Civil Defence brochures

(volume #18) Civil Defence Welfare Services Training Plan, Reference Manual, Draft Copy, by Civil Defence, Canada, Department of National Health and Welfare, 1954

(volume #19) EMO Continuity of Government Planning Guide, by Privy Council Office, Ottawa, Restricted, 1962

(folder #3) Rescue Motor Toboggan (1972 - 1973): handwritten notes entitled "Standard Operating Procedure

Sans titre

Swift Current Environment Advisory Committee records

The fonds, related to the Swift Current Environment Advisory Committee, was acquired by the source during its lifetime. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
Folder #1, Environment Advisory Cmte: correspondence between the Environment Advisory Board and the City of SC pertaining to motorized vehicle use of property designated as "Urban Reserve" west of 11th Ave. NW; list of native species in the designated area; Proposal for Use of City Property West of 11th Ave NW"

Folder #2: bylaws for Environmental Advisory Board; posters and promotional material for environmental events (e.g. Enviroforum, Earth Day, EcoAction); meeting agendas - June 2003, September 2003 - January 2004; meeting minutes - March, May, September - November 2001, January - May, September - December 2002, January - June, September - December 2003 ; correspondence between Environmental Advisory Committee and the Swift Current Creek Watershed Stewards; document, "Swift Current Environmental Advisory Board Concept For An Expanded Recycling Centre For Swift Current & The Southwest"; newsletter, "Swift Current Creek Watershed Stewards // Know Your Watershed", Summer 2002; correspondence from HELP International re: offer of assistance for intensive tree planting; correspondence between Environmental Advisory Board and Dan Knutson, Engineering Assistant, re: 2003 Litter Cleanup; newspaper excerpt re: Earth Day 2003

Environemnt Advisory Committee members: Dan Knutson, Keith Hanson, Sandy Larson, Bob Jamieson, Cher King, Bix Biederbeck, Else-Marie DePauw, Fernando Selles, Hugh Henry, Irene Enns, Dave Wiegers, Bob Hale, Joan Meyer, Jennifer Stolz

Sans titre

City of Swift Current fonds

  • SCM-RG-0001
  • Fonds
  • 1883-01-01 - ?

The fonds, related to the City of Swift Current, was acquired by the source during its lifetime. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum. Records includes operating records related to the workings of the municipality.

Sans titre

City of Swift Current records

The fonds, related to the City of Swift Current, was acquired by the source during its lifetime. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
Box #1.
Contracts and agreements:

Series 1 (formerly A.1995.1.1): Canadian Pacific Railway (1)
Dates: 1910, 1933-34
Extent: 1 cm textual records
Scope and content: series contains documents pertaining to the City of Swift Current and agreements with the Canadian Pacific Railway Co., Railway Commissioners permission for laying 8 inch town water pipe beneath CPR tracks; attached blueprint indicates point of crossing, 1910; land transfer to CPR, attached blueprint showing said lands, 1933; title transfer order, 1933

Series 2 (formerly A.1995.1.2): Theodore Kipp
Dates: 1917
Extent: 2 cm textual records
Scope and content: series contains contract with Theodore Kipp Company Ltd., re: installation of Diesel Oil Engine and generator unit at pumping plant, copy of agreement

Series 3 (formerly A.1995.1.3): Purchase Agreements
Dates: ca. 1922-23
Extent: 3 cm textual records
Scope and content: series contains purchase agreements, City of Swift Current as the purchaser - purchase of air compressor and motor by Canadian Allis-Chalmers, Ltd., 1921; purchase of annual watt-hour meter agreement (first invoice) with Canadian Westinghouse Co. Ltd., 1922

Series 4 (formerly A.1995.1.4): Canadian Pacific Railway (2)
Dates: 1913, 1916
Extent: 1 cm textual records
Scope and content: series contains agreement between City of Swift Current and Canadian Pacific Railway, agreement for laying 10 inch town water pipe beneath CPR beds, attached blueprint depicting location, 1913; installation of temporary power line crossing railway, attached blueprint showing proposed installation, 1916

Series 5 (formerly A.1995.1.5): Reid Incinerator
Dates: 1914, 1925
Extent: 1 cm textual records. -- blueprints
Scope and content: series contains correspondence, blueprints, re: A.H. Reid Incinerator Co. (Toronto) - three blueprints of proposed incinerator (1914?); conditional agreement of purchase of incinerator for City, 1914; carbon copy stating condition of purchase, 1914 (1 pg).; correspondence from Toronto I.Co. re: agreement, 1925 (1 pg); correspondence from City in reply to T.I.Co., 1925, 1 (pg)

Series 6 (formerly A.1995.1.6): Property Agreements
Dates: 1925
Extent: 5 cm textual records
Scope and content: series consists of ten property agreements wherein the City of Swift Current is one of the parties - Consolidation By-law (#6-1924) Land Agreements:

Beaver Lumber Co. – acquisition agreement of land from City; application for contract covering 2 lots (1 pg); letter from City in favour of two-lot application (1 pg); acquisition agreement of land from City; application for land (1 pg); acquisition agreement of land from City; application for land (1 pg)

Peter Clark – acquisition agreement of land from City; application for land (1 pg)

James Clements – acquisition agreement of land from City; application for land (1 pg)

Louisa Goodman – acquisition agreement of land from City (2 c); copy of application for land (1 pg); application for land transfer in favour of Beaver Lumber Co. Ltd., Winnipeg (1 pg)

Charles M. Kerns – acquisition agreement of land from City; application for land (1 pg)

Edmund McKenzie – acquisition agreement of land from City; application for exchange of land parcels (1 pg); application for exchange of land parcels (1 pg)

James M. Millar – acquisition agreement of land from City; application for land (1 pg)

Katerina Pale?ek – acquisition agreement of land from City (2 c); application for land (1 pg)

Thomas J. Pearson – acquisition agreement of land from City; application for land (1 pg); certification of value of house on property

Edward Tredget – acquisition agreement of land from City (2 c); application for land (1 pg); transfer of land agreement in favour of Revelstoke Sawmill Co. Ltd. (1 pg); certification of value of Tredget house on lot, 1925; application for transfer agreement in favour of Revelstoke Sawmill Co. (1 pg)

Series 7 (formerly A.1995.1.7): Matinee Club
Dates: 1923
Extent: less than 1 cm textual records
Scope and content: series contains an agreement between the City of Swift Current and the Swift Current Matinee Club for use of City race track and associated buildings

Series 8 (formerly A.1995.1.8): School Board
Dates: 1924 - 1929
Extent: 1 cm textual records
Scope and content: series contains contract and agreements between the City of Swift Current and the Board of Trustees of Swift Current District No 167 - authorization of grant funds for public schools, 1925; Tax Collection for Schools - 1924, 1926 (2 c), 1926 (rev. for 1927), 1929 (blue), 1929 (yellow)

Series 9 (formerly A.1995.1.9): Power House
Dates: 1926
Extent: 3 cm textual records
Scope and content: series consists of contracts and agreements between the City of Swift Current and contractors re: building of a power house (generators, construction, etc.) - agreement with contractor John Larter re: installation of new Diesel Oil Unit and generator/exciter at Powerhouse (2 c); agreement with MacWilliam & Burden re: addition to Powerhouse

Series 10 (formerly A.1995.1.10): Sidewalk Construction
Dates: 1929, 1938
Extent: 1 cm textual records
Scope and content: series contains agreements between the City of Swift Current and contractors: Ole Johnson for construction of concrete sidewalk on 2nd Ave. W, 1929; and MacWilliam Construction Co. for sidewalk construction on 1st Ave. E, 1938

Series 11 (formerly A.1995.1.11): Contractors
Dates: 1913, 1924, 1926, 1938
Extent: 4 cm textual records
Scope and content: series contains contracts and agreement between the City of Swift Current and various contractors for utilities and misc. labour: Ambursen Hydraulic Construction Co., for construction of concrete steel dam, 1913; Hurst Engineering and Construction Co., for re-laying of cast iron pipe along railway track, 1924 (2 c); Peter Kjarsgaard, for grading of road allowance on 11th Ave. W south of rail tracks, 1928; Melhoff Electric Co. / Carter-Jones Electric Co., for power line construction to range station and air field, 1938 (also loose contract bond, 1 pg)

Series 12 (formerly A.1995.1.12): Fire Equipment
Dates: 1927, 1930
Extent: 1 cm textual records
Scope and content: series contains purchase contracts and bills of sale with Gotfredson Truck Co. of Manitoba for purchase of Republic Pumper, 1927; and with Gutta Percha & Rubber, Ltd. contract to purchase fire hose, 1930

Series 13 (formerly A.1995.1.13): Settlements
Dates: 1921, 1924, 1926, 1928
Extent: 2 cm textual records
Scope and content: series contains compensation agreements for personal damage claims between the City of Swift Current and various injured parties: Annie Andruzek (Andruzak), re: payment by City for damages after death of husband John in City Hall fire, 1921; May Hoff, release of City for damages after auto accident, 1928; Mecia McLean, compensation for sidewalk injury, 1924; John Yates (Jr. & Sr.) settlement of claims against City for injury / financial burden, 1926 (2 c)

Series 14 (formerly A.1995.1.14): Builders
Dates: 1927, 1930
Extent: 1 cm textual records
Scope and content: series contains building agreements between: the City of Swift Current and J.P. Moore for construction of grand stand on Football Grounds (West End Park), 1927; and Swift Current General Hospital and William Daniels for construction of coal cellar for Hospital, 1930 (2 c)

Series 15 (formerly A.1995.1.15): Land Transfer
Dates: 1914, 1926, 1928
Extent: 1 cm textual records
Scope and content: series contains agreements for land transfers between: the City of Swift Current and William W. Cooper re: closing / opening of new lanes, 1926; Edward Guest, and His Majesty, King George V re: transfer of lots to City, 1928 (first Armoury); land transfer re: town expansion, 1914

Series 16 (formerly A.1995.1.16): Utilities
Dates: 1919, 1933, 1937, 1939
Extent: 3 cm textual records
Scope and content: series contains contracts and easements regarding utilities in Swift Current: contract between Department of Telephone of and the City police, 1939 (ref. by-law # 14-1939); Gas Franchise consent to develop natural gas fields and pipelines, 1919; Sask Power Commission easement for right-of-way over City land (re: fuel oil tank), 1937 (2 c); granting City an easement for right-of-way for maintaining City water pipelines; Swift Current Oil & Gas Co. contract re: surrender of lot in exchange for another for erection of Filling Station, 1933

Lease Agreements:

Series 17 (formerly A.1995.1.17): Leases (1)
Dates: 1930, 1940
Extent: 1 cm textual records
Scope and content: series consists of two lease agreements: Department of Highways, lease to City of “Public Park” addition to Fairmount, 1929; William Mackintosh, lease of City land, 1940 (2 c)

Series 18 (formerly A.1995.1.18): Leases (2)
Dates: 1925
Extent: less than 1 cm textual records
Scope and content: series contains a land lease agreement between the City of Swift Current and the Swift Current and District Amateur Football Association, 1925

Series 19 (formerly A.1995.1.19): Leases (3)
Dates: 1922, 1927
Extent: 1 cm textual records
Scope and content: series contains leases: between the City of Swift Current and two individuals, James P. Rooney and J.W. Tarlton, 1922; and the Swift Current Golf Club lease of City land above City Dam, 1927 (2 c)


Series 20 (formerly A.1995.1.20): Caveats
Dates: 1939 - 1959
Extent: 3 cm textual records
Scope and content: series contains several caveats pertaining to land in the City of Swift Current:

Mrs. Elsa Andreas – caveat on land, 1951 (re: hospitalization of Andreas); caveat on land, 1951 (re: hospitalization) corrected; withdrawal of 1st caveat (…18-10-14 W 3rd), 1951

Mrs. Anna Brown – caveat on land, 1951 (re: hospitalization of Brown)

Alfred C.R. Cahill – caveat on land, 1939

no name - caveat (return of), personal link unknown, 1939

City of SC – registration of caveat (personal link unknown, 1943)

Cockshutt Farm Equipment Ltd. – caveat and easement on land, 1959

Henning Erickson – caveat on land, 1939; withdrawal of 1939 caveat, 1941

Falcon Motorcycle Club – caveat and agreement (attached) on City lots, 1955 (5 pg), and 3 loose papers: application for withdrawal of 1955 caveat, 1958; City Council motion to withdraw caveat, 1958; further correspondence on caveat withdrawal, 1958

Jacob Hann – caveat on land, 1939

M.J. Hoppin – caveat on land, 1939 (re: hospitalization of Hoppin); registration of caveat to City, 1939

Reginald Larter – caveat on property, 1946

Mrs. Emma McInnis, – caveat on land, 1951 (re: hospitalization of McInnis); withdrawal of 1951 caveat, 1953

Miss Mary Neal, – caveat on property, 1951 (re: hospitalization of Neal)

Margaret Jane Pendleton – registration of caveat, 1943

Clifford C. Ratcliff – caveat on land, 1939 (2 c); list of lots owned (1 pg) attached (Thelma Ratcliff); “return of caveat” slip due to subdivision of land, connected with caveat, 1939

Joseph Duncan Smith - caveat on land, 1939

Orelle C. Sutherland, – caveat, attached agreement on City lots, 1950

Marinus & Marie Werkhoven, – easement to City on property, 1959

withdrawal of caveat – 1939 caveat, personal link unknown, 1946

withdrawal of caveat – 1939 caveat, personal link unknown, 1946

withdrawal of caveat – 1939 caveat, possibly re: Ole Johnson, 1957


Series 21 (formerly A.1995.1.21): Water
Dates: 1910
Extent: less than 1 cm textual records
Scope and content: series contains letter pertaining to authorization from the Department of the Interior for town to use water from Swift Current creek, 1910 (original and copy; 1 pg. each)


Series 22 (formerly A.1995.1.22): Debenture
Dates: 1913
Extent: less than 1 cm textual records
Scope and content: series contains correspondence outlining the terms of a debenture re: City Water Works, on Alexandra Hotel stationary, between Town Clerk George Arnott and Terry, Briggs and Slayton Solicitors (7 pg), 1913

Indenture Sale:

Series 23 (formerly A.1995.1.23): Indenture Sale
Dates: 1940
Extent: less than 1 cm textual records
Scope and content: series contains two documents, a bill of sale for 1940 Chevrolet Sedan, transferred into the possession of the City by Joe Bell, 1940; and a declaration of debt owing to Patrick O’Neil, by Joe Bell, on the property mentioned herein, (1 pg, 2 c) 1940

Insurance Bonds:

Series 24 (formerly A.1995.1.24): Bonds
Dates: 1929, 1958-1967
Extent: 1 cm textual records
Scope and content: series contains misc. bonds between individuals and the City of Swift Current:

Edmond Barabe, Building Mover’s Bond to City for $3000, 1963, receipt for premium, 1964 (1964-65)

Barrett Co. Ltd., bond for $210 for roofing on City building, 1929

Stanley Dewar - Building Mover’s Bond to City, 1958; Bond Continuation certificate, 1959 (1959-60); Bond Continuation certificate, 1959 (1960-61); Bond Continuation certificate, 1960 (1961-1962); also a letter (1 pg) indicating thus, 1961; Bond Continuation certificate, 1962 (1963-1964); Bond Continuation certificate, 1963 (1964-1965); Bond Continuation certificate, 1964 (1965-1966); Bond Continuation certificate, 1966 (1966-1967)

Insurance Policies:

Series 25 (formerly A.1995.1.25): Insurance Policies
Dates: 1955-1968
Extent: 5 cm textual records
Scope and content: series contains insurance policies documents, issued to the City of Swift Current:

binder for garbage van - slip indicating thus, 1955 (2 pg)

checkwriter - certificate of forgery, check alteration insurance certificate, 1968 (1 pg), underwriters at Lloyd’s (London, England), renewal of guarantee, n.d. (1 pg)

City of Swift Current – basic policy on equipment / machinery, 1956-57, and renewal slip; Basic Multi-peril Policy on equipment / machinery, 1959-60, and one-page endorsement; standard non-owned automobile policy, 1959-60; extension automobile policy 1959-60, and three substitution sheets; building insurance policy, 1960-1963; standard non-owned automobile policy, 1960-61; extension automobile policy, 1960-61; extension automobile policy, 1961-62, and four additional white copies, 1961; standard non-owned automobile policy, 1962-63; standard non-owned automobile policy, 1963-64; extension automobile policy, 1963-64, addition of automobile endorsement, 1964, correspondence, and four additional white copies, 1963

Dickson Agencies – five page correspondence with City, 1956; one page correspondence with City, 1958

Police Dept. – extension automobile policy, 1956-57, one substitution sheet, one page correspondence; extension automobile policy for motorcycle, 1956-57; extension automobile policy for motorcycle, 1957-58; extension automobile policy for motorcycle, 1958-59; extension automobile policy for motorcycle, 1959-60; extension automobile policy, 1959-60

SC Agricultural and Exhibition Association - property insurance, 1957-60

W.W. Smith Agency – correspondence re: substitution endorsement, 1955

Insurance Schedules:

Series 26 (formerly A.1995.1.26): Amended Insurance Schedules
Dates: c. 1958
Extent: 1 cm textual records
Scope and content: series contains three documents pertaining to amended insurance schedules of the City of Swift Current, (13 pg) n.d.; three schedules with endorsements attached for City buildings and properties, 1958; correspondence from Dickson Agencies (1 pg), 1958; insurance binder (1 pg), 1958-61; three endorsement slips, 1958

Inspection Certificates:

Series 27 (formerly A.1995.1.27): Inspection Reports
Dates: 1967
Extent: less than 1 cm textual records
Scope and content: series contains report on inspection of building / properties owned by the City of Swift Current, (5 attached pg) 1967

Machine Control Blueprints / Instructions:

Series 28 (formerly A.1995.1.28): Blueprints
Dates: c. 1946
Extent: less than 1 cm textual records. -- two blueprints
Scope and content: series contains blueprint / schematic drawing, 1946; construction record, 1946; "Machine Controls" spreadsheet on blueprint, 1946

Machinery Service Policies:

Series 29 (formerly A.1995.1.29): Service Policies
Dates: 1966-1967
Extent: less that 1 cm textual records
Scope and content: series contains machinery service policies for equipment owned by the City of Swift Current: two guarantee cards, instruction cards, and policy record for F+E Check Writer (latter card bears date July 5 1924); owners service policy / inspection coupon for IHC motor vehicle, 1966; owners service policy / inspection coupon for IHC motor vehicle, 1967

Medical Accounts:

Series 30 (formerly A.1995.1.30): Medical Accounts
Dates: 1926, 1939
Extent: less than cm textual records
Scope and content: series contains receipts for medical treatment, drugs: envelope addressed to David Seath, Esq., postmarked 1925; Mrs. M. Hoppkins - tabulation on foolscap of fees owing, 1939; J. Yates - bill for services with SC Clinic re: Yates, 1926; bill for services with SC General Hospital, re: Yates, 1926

Proclamation (re: City Status, 1914)

Series 31 (formerly A.1995.1.31): Proclamation
Dates: 1914
Extent: 1 cm textual records
Scope and content: series contains proclamation and documents pertaining to Swift Current's incorporation as a City in 1914: certified copy of Proclamation of SC as a City Municipality, 1914 (2 pg); certified copies (3) of minute of Executive Council re: city status, 1914 (2 pg each); official certification of copy of Proclamation, 1915 (1 pg); letter from Executive Council of Saskatchewan re: minute copies, 1915 (1 pg)


Series 32 (formerly A.1995.1.32): Canadian Pacific Railway (3)
Dates: 1936
Extent: less than 1 cm textual records
Scope and content: letter pertaining to frontage taxes levied against the Canadian Pacific Railway by the City of Swift Current, 1936 (1 pg)

Series 33: Tax Collector's Roll
Dates: 1907-1908
Extent: 3 cm textual records
Scope and content: one bound volume, tax collector's roll from the Municipality (Town) of Swift Current

Open shelf:

Series 34: (formerly A.1997.6)
Extent: 5 cm textual records
Scope and content: series consists of one binder of material, contains historical references, electric lighting maps, sewer maps, and water system maps

Box #2:

Series 35: Debentures (formerly A.2003.5)

Debentures, bought from the City of SC and the SC School District, purchased and redeemable c. 1913 - c. 1940s.

(Box # 3)

Series 36 - Appraisals.
(there are no volumes 1 to 5 in series 36)

Volume #6 (formerly A.2003.5.69): Appraisal information for a service station truck centre on the southwest service road, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for Anderson, Nimegeers, Walter & Gibbings, on behalf of the City of SC, 1979

Volume #7 (formerly A.2003.5.68): Appraisal information for a truck garage on the southwest service road, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for Anderson, Nimegeers, Walter & Gibbings, on behalf of the City of SC, 1979

Volume #8 (formerly A.2003.5.67): Appraisal information for an old car wash on the NE corner of Cheadle St. and 3rd Ave. NW, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for Anderson, Nimegeers, Walter & Gibbings, on behalf of the City of SC, 1979

Volume #9 (formerly A.2003.5.66): Appraisal information for an old storage shed on the SW corner of Cheadle St. and 2nd Ave. NW, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for Anderson, Nimegeers, Walter & Gibbings, on behalf of the City of SC, 1979

Volume #10 (formerly A.2003.5.65): Appraisal information for a garage and car sales centre on the SE corner of Cheadle St. and 3rd Ave. NW, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for Anderson, Nimegeers, Walter & Gibbings, on behalf of the City of SC, 1979

Volume #11 (formerly A.2003.5.64): Appraisal information for a building at 21 1st Ave NE, appraised by Crown Real Estate Ltd. for Graf, Zarzeczny & Linka Ltd., on behalf of the City of SC, 1980

Volume #12 (formerly A.2003.5.63): Appraisal information for a Ford Mercury car dealership at 208 Cheadle St. W, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photos #139 - #140: Ford Mercury Dealership on Cheadle St., 1980

Volume #13 (formerly A.2003.5.62): Appraisal information for Bumper to Bumper and Ackland businesses, at 51 1st Ave NW, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photos #141 - #142: Bumper to Bumper and Ackland businesses, 1980

Volume #14 (formerly A.2003.5.61): Appraisal information for the Pfaff Decor Ltd. store, at 32 Central Ave N, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photos #143 - #144: Pfaff Decor Ltd. store, front and back, 1980

Volume #15 (formerly A.2003.5.60): Appraisal information for a Shell gas station, at the NW corner of North Railway St. and 1st Ave NE, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for Graf, Zarzeczny and Linka, 1980

Volume #16 (formerly A.2003.5.59): Appraisal information for a Shell gas station, at the NW corner of North Railway St. and 1st Ave NE, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for Graf, Zarzeczny and Linka, 1980

Volume #17 (formerly A.2003.5.58): Appraisal information for the Professional Building, at 12 Cheadle St. W, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photos #145 - #146: the Professional Building, 1980

Volume #18 (formerly A.2003.5.57): Appraisal information for the downtown commercial property located at 1 1st Ave NW, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photos #147 - #148: building at the NE corner of North Railway St. and 1st Ave NE, 1980

Volume #19 (formerly A.2003.5.56): Appraisal information for a used car lot, located at 44 2nd Ave NW, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photos #149 - #150: used car lot located at 44 2nd Ave NW, 1980

Volume #20 (formerly A.2003.5.54): Appraisal information for the downtown commercial property located at 44 1st Ave NW, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photos #151 - #152: lumber yard located at 44 1st Ave NW, 1980

Volume #21 (formerly A.2003.5.53): Appraisal information for a law firm located at 40 Cheadle St. W, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photos #153 - #154: Anderson, Nimengeers, Walters and Gibbings Barristers and Solicitors, Cheadle St. W, 1980

(Box # 5)

Volume #22 (formerly A.2003.5.1): Appraisal information for Stylerite Department Store, located in the zero block of Central Ave. N, appraised by Crown Real Estate & Insurance Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photos #155 - #156: Stylerite Department Store in the zero block of Central Ave. N, 1980

Volume #23 (formerly A.2003.5.2): Appraisal information for Imperial Hotel, located on the NW corner of Central Ave. N and North Railway St., appraised by Crown Real Estate & Insurance Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photos #157 - #158: the Imperial Hotel, front and back, 1980

Volume #24 (formerly A.2003.5.3): Appraisal information for Revelstoke Home Centre, located on the SW corner of Cheade St. W and 1st Ave NW, appraised by Crown Real Estate & Insurance Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photos #159 - #161: Revelstoke Home Centre, three different sides, 1980

Volume #25 (formerly A.2003.5.4): Appraisal information for Beaver Lumber Home Centre, located in the zero block of 1st Ave NW, appraised by Crown Real Estate & Insurance Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photos #162 - #164: Beaver Lumber Home Centre, three different sides, 1980

Volume #26 (formerly A.2003.5.5): Appraisal information for a law office, located at 40 Cheadle St. W, appraised by Crown Real Estate & Insurance Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photos #165 - #166: Anderson, Nimengeers, Walters and Gibbings Barristers and Solicitors, Cheadle St. W, 1980

Volume #27 (formerly A.2003.5.6): Appraisal information for the Greyhound Bus Depot, located at 50 Cheadle St. W, appraised by Crown Real Estate & Insurance Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photos #167 - #169: the Greyhound Bus Depot, 3 different sides, 1980

Volume #28 (formerly A.2003.5.7): Appraisal information for a downtown lot, located on 1st Ave NW, appraised by Crown Real Estate & Insurance Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photos #170 - #171: Acklands Automotive Industrial Welding Supplies and Bumper to Bumper Auto Parts Professionals building, front and back, 1980

Volume #29 (formerly A.2003.5.8): Appraisal information for a parking lot on 1st Ave NW, appraised by Crown Real Estate & Insurance Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photo #172: a parking lot on 1st Ave NW

Volume #30 (formerly A.2003.5.9): Appraisal information for a downtown lot located at 1 1st Ave NW, appraised by Crown Real Estate & Insurance Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photos #173 - #174: a building on the NE corner of North Railway St. and Central Ave. N, with the Leading Lady Beauty Salon, 1980

Volume #31 (formerly A.2003.5.10): Appraisal information for Pfaff Decor Ltd., located at 32-34 Central Ave N, appraised by Crown Real Estate & Insurance Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photos #175 - #176: Pfaff Decor Ltd., located at 32-34 Central Ave N, front and back, 1980

Volume #32 (formerly A.2003.5.11): Appraisal information for a downtown lot located at 42 Central Ave N, appraised by Crown Real Estate & Insurance Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photos #177 - #178: a downtown building with the Centre Optical Dispensary and Senior Citizen's Activity Centre, located at 42 Central Ave N, front and back, 1980

Volume #33 (formerly A.2003.5.12): Appraisal information for Byers' Shoe Store, located at 50 Central Ave N, appraised by Crown Real Estate & Insurance Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photos #179 - #180: a downtown building with the Byers' Shoe Store, located at 50 Central Ave N, front and back, 1980

Volume #34 (formerly A.2003.5.13): Appraisal information for a downtown lot, located at 54 Central Ave N, appraised by Crown Real Estate & Insurance Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photos #181 - #182: a downtown building with Swift Shoe Repair Ltd. and Pratt Dental Studio, located at 54 Central Ave N, front and back, 1980

Volume #35 (formerly A.2003.5.14): Appraisal information for Hall's Sporting Goods, located at 64 Central Ave N, appraised by Crown Real Estate & Insurance Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photos #183 - #184: a downtown building with Hall's Sporting Goods, located at 64 Central Ave N, front and back, 1980

Volume #36 (formerly A.2003.5.15): Appraisal information for the Bank of Montreal, located at 64 Central Ave N, appraised by Crown Real Estate & Insurance Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photos #185 - #186: a downtown building with the Bank of Montreal, located at 64 Central Ave N, front and back, 1980

Volume #37 (formerly A.2003.5.16): Appraisal information for an ESSO service station and a used car lot, located at 44 2nd Ave NW, appraised by Crown Real Estate & Insurance Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photos #187 - #190: an ESSO service station and a used car lot, located at 44 2nd Ave NW, front and back, 1980

Volume #38 (formerly A.2003.5.17): Appraisal information for Wilton's used car lot, located on 3rd Ave NW, appraised by Crown Real Estate & Insurance Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photos #191 - #194: Wilton's used car lot, located on 3rd Ave NW, front and back, 1980

Volume #39 (formerly A.2003.5.18): Appraisal information for a Standard Motors used car lot, located at 44 2nd Ave NW, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photos #195 - #196: Standard Motors used car lot, located at 44 2nd Ave NW, front and back, 1980

Volume #40 (formerly A.2003.5.19): Appraisal information for a downtown lot located at 42 Central Ave N, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photos #197 - #198: downtown building with the Centre Optical Dispensary and the Senior Citizen's Activity Centre, located at 42 Central Ave N, front and back, 1980

Volume #41 (formerly A.2003.5.20): Appraisal information for a downtown lot located at 48 Central Ave N, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photos #199 - #200: downtown building with Byers' Shoe Store, located at 48 Central Ave N, front and back, 1980

Volume #42 (formerly A.2003.5.21): Appraisal information for a downtown lot located at 52 Central Ave N, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photos #201 - #202: downtown building with Swift Shoe Repair and Pratt Dental Studio, located at 52 Central Ave N, front and back, 1980

Volume #43 (formerly A.2003.5.22): Appraisal information for a downtown lot located at 64 Central Ave N, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photos #203 - #204: downtown building with Hall's Sporting Goods, located at 64 Central Ave N, front and back, 1980

Volume #44 (formerly A.2003.5.23): Appraisal information for a downtown lot located at 68 Central Ave N, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photos #205 - #206: downtown building with Bank of Montreal, located at 68 Central Ave N, front and back, 1980

Volume #45 (formerly A.2003.5.24): Appraisal information for a downtown lot located at 51 1st Ave NW, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photos #207 - #208: downtown building with Acklands Automotive Industrial Welding Supplies and Bumper to Bumper Auto Parts Professionals, located at 51 1st Ave NW, front and back, 1980

Volume #46 (formerly A.2003.5.25): Appraisal information for a downtown lot located SE corner of Cheadle St. W and 2nd Ave NW, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photos #209 - #210: downtown lot with Revelstoke Home Centre, located at 51 1st Ave NW, front and back, 1980

Volume #47 (formerly A.2003.5.26): Appraisal information for a downtown lot located at 110 Cheadle St. W, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photos #211 - #214: downtown lot with Revelstoke Home Centre, located at 110 Cheadle St. W, front and back, 1980

Volume #48 (formerly A.2003.5.27): Appraisal information for a downtown lot located at 44 1st Ave NW, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photos #215 - #216: downtown lot with Beaver Lumber Home Centre, located at 44 1st Ave NW, front and back, 1980

Volume #49 (formerly A.2003.5.28): Appraisal information for Greyhound Bus Deopt, a downtown lot located at 50 Cheadle St. W, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photos #217 - #218: Greyhound Bus Depot, located at 50 Cheadle St. W, front and back, 1980

Volume #50 (formerly A.2003.5.29): Appraisal information for a downtown lot, located at 40 Cheadle St. W, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photos #219 - #220: Anderson, Nimegeers, Walter and Gibbings Barristers and Solicitors, located at 50 Cheadle St. W, front and back, 1980

Volume #51 (formerly A.2003.5.30): Appraisal information for a parking lot located between North Railway St. and Cheadle St. W, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photo #221: a parking lot, located between North Railway St. and Cheadle St. W, 1980

Volume #52 (formerly A.2003.5.31): Appraisal information for a downtown lot, located at 1 1st Ave NW, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photo #222 - #223: a downtown building, with Wm. Aitken Denture Clinic and Leading Lady Beauty Salon, located at 1 1st Ave NW, both sides, 1980

Volume #53 (formerly A.2003.5.32): Appraisal information for a downtown lot, located at 2 Central Ave N, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photo #224 - #225: a downtown building, The Imperial Hotel, located at 2 Central Ave N, both sides, 1980

Volume #54 (formerly A.2003.5.33): Appraisal information for a downtown lot, located at 28 Central Ave N, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photo #226 - #227: a downtown building, Stylerite Department Store, located at 28 Central Ave N, both sides, 1980

Volume #55 (formerly A.2003.5.34): Appraisal information for a downtown lot, located at 208 Cheadle St. W, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photo #228 - #231: a downtown lot, Wilton's Ford car lot and a Standard Motors used car lot, located at 208 Cheadle St. W, both sides, 1980

Volume #56 (formerly A.2003.5.35): Appraisal information for a downtown lot, located at 32 Central Ave N, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photo #232 - #233: a downtown lot, Pfaff Decor Ltd., located at 32 Central Ave N, both sides, 1980

Volume #57 (formerly A.2003.5.36): Appraisal information for a downtown lot, located at 12 Cheadle St. W, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photo #234 - #235: a downtown lot, the Professional Building, located at 12 Cheadle St W, both sides, 1980

Volume #58 (formerly A.2003.5.37): Appraisal information for a downtown lot, located on the SE corner of Cheadle St. and 2nd Ave NW, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photo #236 - #237: a downtown parking lot located on the SE corner of Cheadle St. and 2nd Ave NW, 1980

Volume #59 (formerly A.2003.5.38): Appraisal information for a downtown lot, located at 110 Cheadle St. W, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photo #238 - #241: a downtown lot, Revelstoke Home Centre, located at 110 Cheadle St. W, four sides, 1980

Volume #60 (formerly A.2003.5.39): Appraisal information for a downtown lot, located at 50 Cheadle St. W, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photo #242 - #243: a downtown lot, Greyhound Bus Depot, located at 50 Cheadle St. W, both sides, 1980

Volume #61 (formerly A.2003.5.40): Appraisal information for a downtown lot, located at 42 Central Ave N, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photo #244 - #245: a downtown building with the Centre Optical Dispensary and the Senior Citizen's Activity Centre, located at 50 Cheadle St. W, both sides, 1980

Volume #62 (formerly A.2003.5.41): Appraisal information for a downtown parking lot, located on the corner of North Railway St. and 1st Ave NW, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photo #246: a downtown parking lot, located on the corner of North Railway St. and 1st Ave NW, 1980

Volume #63 (formerly A.2003.5.42): Appraisal information for a downtown lot, located at 64 Central Ave N, appraised by Perry Appraisals Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photo #247 - #248: a downtown building, Hall's Sporting Goods, located 64 Central Ave N, both sides, 1980

Volume #64 (formerly A.2003.5.43): Appraisal information for a downtown lot, located on the SW corner of Central Ave N and Cheadle St W, appraised by Crown Real Estate & Insurance Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photo #249 - #250: a downtown building, the Professional Building, located on the SW corner of Central Ave N and Cheadle St W, both sides, 1980

Volume #65 (formerly A.2003.5.44): Appraisal information for a downtown lot, located on the NW corner of North Railway St. and 1st Ave NE, appraised by Crown Real Estate & Insurance Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photo #250 - #251: a downtown building, Bill and Harry's Shell Service Station, located on the NW corner of North Railway St. and 1st Ave NE, both sides, 1980

Volume #66 (formerly A.2003.5.45): Appraisal information for a downtown lot, located at 13 North Railway St. E, appraised by Crown Real Estate & Insurance Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photo #252 - #253: a downtown building, Modern Cleaners dry cleaners, located at 13 North Railway St. E, both sides, 1980

Volume #67 (formerly A.2003.5.46): Appraisal information for a downtown lot, located at 2 Central Ave N, appraised by Crown Real Estate & Insurance Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photo #254 - #255: a downtown building, the Imperial Hotel, located at 2 Central Ave N, both sides, 1980

Volume #68 (formerly A.2003.5.47): Appraisal information for a downtown lot, located at 68 Central Ave N, appraised by Crown Real Estate & Insurance Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photo #256 - #257: a downtown building, the Bank of Montreal, located at 68 Central Ave N, both sides, 1980

Volume #69 (formerly A.2003.5.48): Appraisal information for a downtown lot, located at 19 North Railway St. E, appraised by Crown Real Estate & Insurance Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photo #258 - #259: a downtown building, Palace Billiards, located at 19 North Railway St. E, both sides, 1980

Volume #70 (formerly A.2003.5.49): Appraisal information for a downtown lot, located at 5 - 19 Central Ave. N, appraised by Crown Real Estate & Insurance Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photo #260 - #261: a downtown building, long, single-story, pale blue, located at 19 North Railway St. E, both sides, 1980

Volume #71 (formerly A.2003.5.50): Appraisal information for a downtown lot, located at 48 Central Ave. N, appraised by Crown Real Estate & Insurance Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photo #262 - #263: a downtown building, Byers' Show Store, located at 48 Central Ave. N, both sides, 1980

Volume #72 (formerly A.2003.5.51): Appraisal information for a downtown lot, located at 52 Central Ave. N, appraised by Crown Real Estate & Insurance Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photo #264 - #265: a downtown building, Swift Shoe Repair Ltd. and Pratt Dental Clinic, located at 52 Central Ave. N, both sides, 1980

Volume #73 (formerly A.2003.5.52): Appraisal information for a downtown lot, located at 28 Central Ave. N, appraised by Crown Real Estate & Insurance Ltd. for the City of SC, 1980

photo #266 - #267: a downtown building, Stylerite Department Store, located at 28 Central Ave. N, both sides, 1980

(Box # 3)

Folder #1 (formerly A.2003.5.71): Jar Holdings Ltd., correspondence and documents re: the City's offer to purchase land owned by the company, appraisal documents pertaining to property and buildings owned by the company within SC, floor plans, certificate of title, financial information, etc., 1972, 1980

photos #119 - #120. two photos of the Jar Holdings Ltd. company, 1980

Folder #2 (formerly A.2003.5.72): Standard Motors Ltd., correspondence and documents re: the City's offer to purchase land owned by the company, appraisal documents pertaining to property and buildings owned by the company within SC, floor plans, certificate of title, financial information, etc., 1972, 1980

photos #121 - #122. two photos of the Standard Motors company, 1980

Folder #3 (formerly A.2003.5.73): Revelstoke Companies Ltd., correspondence and documents re: the City's offer to purchase land owned by the company, appraisal documents pertaining to property and buildings owned by the company within SC, floor plans, certificate of title, financial information, etc., 1972, 1980

photos #123. Revelstoke building, 1980

Folder #4 (formerly A.2003.5.74): Beaver Lumber, correspondence and documents re: the City's offer to purchase land owned by the company, appraisal documents pertaining to property and buildings owned by the company within SC, floor plans, certificate of title, financial information, etc., 1975, 1980

photos #124: Beaver Lumber building, 1980

Folder #5 (formerly A.2003.5.75): Precision Stenographic Services Ltd., correspondence and documents re: the City's offer to purchase land owned by the company, appraisal documents pertaining to property and buildings owned by the company within SC, floor plans, certificate of title, financial information, etc., 1973, 1980

Folder #6 (formerly A.2003.5.76): Greyhound Lines of Canada Ltd., correspondence and documents re: the City's offer to purchase land owned by the company, appraisal documents pertaining to property and buildings owned by the company within SC, floor plans, certificate of title, financial information, etc., 1972, 1980

photo #125: Greyhound Buss Depot building, 1980

Folder #7 (formerly A.2003.5.77): City Parking Lot, appraisal documents pertaining to property, plans, certificate of title, financial information, etc., 1980

Folder #8 (formerly A.2003.5.78): Trader buildings Ltd., correspondence and documents re: the City's offer to purchase land owned by the company, appraisal documents pertaining to property and buildings owned by the company within SC, floor plans, certificate of title, financial information, etc., 1972, 1980

photo #126: Wm. Aitken Denture Clinic and Leading Lady Beauty Salon, 1980

Folder #9 (formerly A.2003.5.79): Imperial Hotel Ltd., correspondence and documents re: the City's offer to purchase land owned by the company, appraisal documents pertaining to property and buildings owned by the company within SC, floor plans, certificate of title, financial information, etc., 1972, 1980

photos #127 - #128: Imperial Hotel, 1980

Folder #10 (formerly A.2003.5.80): Christie Grants, correspondence and documents re: the City's offer to purchase land owned by the company, appraisal documents pertaining to property and buildings owned by the company within SC, floor plans, certificate of title, financial information, etc., 1972, 1980

photo #129: Stylerite Department Store, 1980

Folder #11 (formerly A.2003.5.81): Metropolitan Store Chain, correspondence and documents re: the City's offer to purchase land owned by the company, appraisal documents pertaining to property and buildings owned by the company within SC, floor plans, certificate of title, financial information, etc., 1978, 1980

photo #130: Pfaff Decor store, 1980

Folder #12 (formerly A.2003.5.82): Swift Current Senior Citizen’s Activity Centre, correspondence and documents re: the City's offer to purchase land owned by the company, appraisal documents pertaining to property and buildings owned by the company within SC, floor plans, certificate of title, financial information, etc., 1973, 1980

photo #131: The Centre Optical Dispensary, 1980

Folder #13 (formerly A.2003.5.83): S & R Properties Ltd. (Byers Shoe Store), correspondence and documents re: the City's offer to purchase land owned by the company, appraisal documents pertaining to property and buildings owned by the company within SC, floor plans, certificate of title, financial information, etc., 1972, 1977, 1980

photo #132: Byers' Shoe Store, 1980

Folder #14 (formerly A.2003.5.84): Loulla Prassas, correspondence and documents re: the City's offer to purchase land owned by individuals, appraisal documents pertaining to property and buildings owned by the company within SC, floor plans, certificate of title, financial information, etc., 1976, 1980

photo #133: Saks Furs and Steen & Wright Furriers, 1980

Folder #15 (formerly A.2003.5.85): Hall’s Leather and Sporting Goods Ltd., correspondence and documents re: the City's offer to purchase land owned by the company, appraisal documents pertaining to property and buildings owned by the company within SC, floor plans, certificate of title, financial information, etc., 1972, 1980

photo #134: Hall's Leather and Sporting Goods Ltd., 1980

Folder #16 (formerly A.2003.5.86): Bank of Montreal, correspondence and documents re: the City's offer to purchase land owned by the company, appraisal documents pertaining to property and buildings owned by the company within SC, floor plans, certificate of title, financial information, etc., 1972, 1980

photo #135: Bank of Montreal, 1980

Folder #17 (formerly A.2003.5.87): Acklands Leasehold Properties, Ltd., correspondence and documents re: the City's offer to purchase land owned by the company, appraisal documents pertaining to property and buildings owned by the company within SC, floor plans, certificate of title, financial information, etc., 1972, 1980

photos #136 - #138: Acklands Automotive Industrial Welding Supplies and Bumper to Bumper Auto Parts Professionals, 1980

(Box # 4)

Series #37 - Employment records.

Volume #1 (formerly A.1995.1.100): City Employee ledger, 1944 - 1945

Series #38 - Police records

Volume #1 (formerly A.1995.1.99): City Police journal and record book, 1921
Volume #2 (formerly A.1995.1.102): City Police journal and record book, 1918 - 1919
Volume #3 (formerly A.1995.1.97): City Police journal and record book, 1918

(Box 4)

Series #39 - discrete items, SC miscellaneous

Volume #1 (formerly A.1995.1.98): ledger, most of the pages with writing on them have been cut out

Volume #2 (formerly A.1995.1.101): ledger, "Prisoners Receipt Book", ledgers that kept track of offenses and punishment in the local court, as well as a record of prisoners being returned all personal affect that were taken from them when they were arrested

Volume #3 (formerly A.1995.1.93): book of newspaper clippings re: the Saskatchewan Summer Games, held in SC in 1976

Folder #1 (formerly A.1995.1.94): folder containing documents for compiling a brochure on the City's history, includes historical information, former Mayors, Fire Chiefs, City Clerks, etc., population information, etc.

(Box # 3)

Volume #4: newspaper clippings, photos re: Manufacturing and Processing Show in SC, April 1989

  1. Ron Munro, Director of Economic Development, at the Manufacturing and Processing Show, 1989
  2. Ron Munro and an unidentified man at the Manufacturing and Processing Show, Palliser Pavilion, 1989
  3. an unidentified woman at the Manufacturing and Processing Show, Palliser Pavilion, 1989
  4. Cargill Limited display at the Manufacturing and Processing Show, Palliser Pavilion, 1989
  5. Swift Machine & Welding Ltd., Manufacturing and Processing Show, Palliser Pavilion, 1989
  6. REM display at the Manufacturing and Processing Show, Palliser Pavilion, 1989
  7. SPAR Group display at the Manufacturing and Processing Show, Palliser Pavilion, 1989
  8. Fabro display, at the Manufacturing and Processing Show, Palliser Pavilion, 1989
  9. SPAR Group display, at the Manufacturing and Processing Show, Palliser Pavilion, 1989
  10. Wheatland Machine Shop display, at the Manufacturing and Processing Show, Palliser Pavilion, 1989
  11. T.S. Metals Ltd. display, at the Manufacturing and Processing Show, Palliser Pavilion, 1989
  12. Mobil display at the Manufacturing and Processing Show, Palliser Pavilion, 1989
  13. Nodge Manufacturing display at the Manufacturing and Processing Show, Palliser Pavilion, 1989
  14. Irwin's Woodworks display at the Manufacturing and Processing Show, Palliser Pavilion, 1989
  15. Variperm Sand Control at the Manufacturing and Processing Show, Palliser Pavilion, 1989
  16. FlexiBrick display at the Manufacturing and Processing Show, Palliser Pavilion, 1989
  17. LTV Energy Products display at the Manufacturing and Processing Show, Palliser Pavilion, 1989
  18. Abilities Council display at the Manufacturing and Processing Show, Palliser Pavilion, 1989
  19. W.W. Smith travel display at the Manufacturing and Processing Show, Palliser Pavilion, 1989
  20. Mobil and Variperm displays at the Manufacturing and Processing Show, Palliser Pavilion, 1989
  21. Abilities Council and Cargill Ltd. displays at the Manufacturing and Processing Show, Palliser Pavilion, 1989
    22 - 23. displays at the Manufacturing and Processing Show, Palliser Pavilion, 1989

Volume #5 (formerly A.2003.5.90).
24 - 65. sod turning and luncheon for Impact Packaging Systems Inc., June 13 1990

Volume #6 (formerly A.2003.5.89).
66 - 118. opening of Industrial Park in SC, n.d.

Volume #7 (formerly A.2003.5.88), Manufacturing Businesses in Swift Current: series of newspaper clippings about manufacturing businesses in SC, the series is called "Made in Swift Current", other newspaper clippings re: manufacturing,1989

Volume #8 (formerly A.2003.5.70): Lease, indenture between Jar Holdings Ltd. (lessor) and Wilton Motors Ltd. (lessee), 1978

(Open shelf)
Volume #9 (formerly A.2003. 5.95): tax ledger, no date
Volume #10 (formerly A.2003.5.96): tax ledger, no date

Sans titre

City of Swift Current records

The fonds, related to the City of Swift Current, was acquired by the source during its lifetime. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
.2- City of Swift Current 50th Anniversary Commemorative Scroll, 1933

Sans titre

Swift Current Centennial Committee records

The fonds, related to the Swift Current Centennial Committee, was acquired by the source during its lifetime. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
-documents re: time capsule submissions and image bank
-minutes of SC Provincial Centennial Committee meeting
-budget of SC Provincial Centennial Committee meeting

Sans titre

Swift Current Arts and Heritage Committee records

The fonds, related to the Swift Current Arts and Heritage Committee, was acquired by the source during its lifetime. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
-meeting minutes and other records, 1993-1994

Sans titre

Rural Municipality of Swift Current Number 137

The fonds, related to the Rural Municipality of Swift Current Number 137, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
-volume #1: "Debenture Register Swift Current Rural Municipality No. 137", 1913 - 1932
-volume #2: "Road Construction Cost Analysis", 1959 - 1979
-volume #3: a books of Acts: Rural Municipality Act, 1965; Tax Enforcement Act, 1953; Public Health Act, 1953; Social Aid Act, 1953; Tuberculosis Sanatoria and Hospitals Act, 1953; Stray Animals Act, 1953; Noxious Weeds Act, 1953; Municipal Hail Insurance Act, 1953; Rural Telephone Act, 1953; Union Hospital Act, 1953; School Assessment Act, 1953; Larger School Units Act, 1953; Community Planning Act, 1957; Interpretation Act, 1953; Provincial Mediation Board Act, 1953; Local Government Board Act, 1953; Municipal Expropriation Act, 1953; Land Utilization Act, 1953; Municipalities Seed Grain and Supply Act, 1953; Conservation and Development Act, 1953; Prairie and Forest Fires Act, 1964; Open Well Act, 1953; Municipal Employees Superannuation Act, 1959; Local Government Board (Special Powers) Act, 1953; Limitation of Civil Rights Act, 1953; Highways and Transportation Act, 1953; Drought Area Debt Adjustment Act, 1937; Power Commission Act, 1953; Pure Bred Sire Areas Act, 1953; Veterinarian Services Act, 1953; Postponement of Issue of Certificate of Title to Land sold for Taxes Act, 1944
-envelope #1: 14 cancelled cheques from Swift Current RM from 1957 and 1963, payment to: George Hanna, 1957; John C. Clark, 1957; Jack Larter, 1957; J.N. Young, 1957; Ben Letkeman, 1957; Eugene Walker, 1957; Isaac I. Wiens, 1963; Harry Tanaka, 1963; Eugene Waker, 1963; Fred J. Schofield, 1963; James R. Parsons, 1963; Harry Tanaka, 1957; James R. Parsons, 1957; James R. Parsons, 1963

Sans titre

Rural Municipality of Swift Current Number 137

The fonds, related to the Rural Municipality of Swift Current Number 137, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
.1- Tax Roll, 1907 – 1910, Local Improvement District 8J3

Sans titre

Canada Remembers Committee records

The fonds, related to the Canada Remembers Committee, was acquired by the source during its lifetime. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
Folder #1, Invoices (Unpaid): invoices pertaining to the 1995 Canada Remembers celebration in SC, organized by the Royal Canadian Legion

Folder #2, Invoices Pd. (2nd file done): invoices pertaining to the 1995 Canada Remembers celebration in SC, organized by the Royal Canadian Legion

Folder #3, Invoices Paid: invoices pertaining to the 1995 Canada Remembers celebration in SC, organized by the Royal Canadian Legion

Folder #4, Info Presented To City Council: correspondence, financial information, pertaining to a banquet and dance held on May 6 1995, part of the Canada Remembers celebration organized by the Royal Canadian Legion

Folder #5, Canada Remembers (agenda): information about events that are part of the Canada Remembers celebration, organized by the Royal Canadian Legion

Folder #6, Minutes: minutes of the Canada Remembers Committee, February 22, March 7, April 5, 9, 18, May 2, 23 1995

Folder #7, Correspondence: letters sent from Canada Remembers to provincial branches; correspondence between the Royal Canadian Legion SC Branch and the Canada Remembers Committee; brochures for Canada Remembers commemorative material; request to Abilities Council for bus transportation; Canada Remembers newsletter Issue #2, April 1995

Folder #8, Hymns & Songs: printed lyrics of 5 different hymns

Folder #9, Letterhead (Canada Remembers): SC's version of the Canada Remembers letterhead, with the Legion's address and phone number

Folder #10, Letters Rec'd: correspondence re: establishing a Canada Remembers committee in SC; events organized by the Canada Remembers Committee, especially a parade and a "Fly Past" by the CFB in Moose Jaw; funding from City of SC

Folder #11, Letters (sent out): copies of correspondence from the SC Canada Remembers Committee, re: financial information, thank you letters to participants, reports on events, invitations to events

Folder #12, Logo (Canada Remembers): written explanation of the Canada Remembers logo

Folder #13, (May 6-8 INFO): programs for the dedication of cairn commemorating BCATP; programs for May 6 - 8 events; text of a speech entitled "Canada Remembers"; list of wreaths that are laid; text of a speech by Roy Spence; City of SC's Proclamation/Flag Raising Policy

Folder #14, Miscellaneous (War Brides Brochure Info.): annotated copy of an agenda for May 6 - 8; list of songs; phone numbers and addresses of women (war brides?)

Folder #15, Newspaper Clippings: excerpts from the SC Sun and the Southwest Booster, re: Canada Remembers events in SC

Folder #16, Promospec Order Forms re: T-shirts, sweatshirts, etc.: brochures and order forms for Canada Remembers souvenirs

Folder #17, Rental Agreement (Legion Hall): rental agreement between Jack Brown and the Legion Hall for May 6 1995 for $400, plus a late closing charge

Folder #18, Southwest Cr. Union (Bank Statements): 'Canada Remembers (Swift Current)' bank statements, care of Linda Wiebe, for March 31 to November 31, 1995

Folder #19, Banquet Tickets (May 6 1995): tickets, posters, other misc. documents re: Canada Remembers Banquet

Folder #20, Jack Brown: copies of correspondence from Jack Brown, outstanding bills

Folder #21, Myrle Clark: copy of correspondence from Myrle Clark re: SC Canada Remembers activities

Folder #22, Ivor Clifton: copies of correspondence from Ivor Clifton, other correspondence; document re: Sherman Tank at the Armoury; order for the "Korea 1950 - 1953" plaque on the Centotaph at Memorial Park

Folder #23, Len Horvey; documents and correspondence pertaining to outreach to schools, re: Canada Remembers; information package from the Canada Remembers Saskatchewan Committee

Folder #24, Noble Irwin: correspondence from Irwin as Canada Remembers Chairman, including financial information, thank you letters, event reports, invitations to events, dedication of cairn commemorating BCATP, CFB Moose Jaw "Fly Past", meeting agendas, etc.

Folder #25, Harv Wiebe: Canada Remembers newsletter, Issue #1 March 1995; annotated itinerary for the May 6 - 8 events; notes, correspondence, documents pertaining to the May 6 - 8 Canada Remembers event, bank statement for November 30 1995

Volume #1: blue Credit Union cheque book for Canada Remembers, with cheque stubs from March 27 to June 27 1995, and June 27 to 1995 to February 11 1997

Volume #2: Canada Remembers receipt book, May to December 1995

Volume #3: account book, used to keep track of Canada Remembers income and expenses, 1994 - 1995

Discrete items:

1: letter from the City of SC re: returning Canada Remembers committee files and documents and closing down the bank account, March 5 1997

Sans titre

Canada Remembers Committee records

The fonds, related to the Canada Remembers Committee, was acquired by the source during its lifetime. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
-documents from Canada Remembers Committee

Sans titre