Governors General√



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Governors General√

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Governors General√

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Governors General√

27 Archival description results for Governors General√

27 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Earl Grey's visit to File Hills 1906 - B

A photograph of four cars - four people per car - at the house of W.M. Graham, Indian Agent. The event is clearly the visit to Saskatchewan by Governor-General Earl Grey and Lady Grey.

Earl Grey's visit to File Hills 1906 - A

A photograph of four cars - four people per car - at a farmhouse festooned with bunting. The event is clearly the 1906 visit to Saskatchewan by Governor General Earl Grey and his wife, Lady Grey.

Earl Grey's visit to File Hills 1906

Photograph of a gathering - likely of Indigenous people, seated on the ground - at the File Hills Agency with Indian Agent W.M. Graham (likely) addressing them and Governor-General Earl Grey (in grey suit) seated facing the crowd.

Results 16 to 27 of 27